Handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos

  • Thread starter lizzie96
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In summary, the difference between helicity and chirality is that helicity is a constant of the motion for a free particle, while chirality is not. Chirality is directly involved in the weak interaction, while helicity is not. For massless particles, such as neutrinos, helicity and chirality are equal, but for particles with mass, they can differ. In the case of Majorana masses, chirality would be a constant of the motion.
  • #1
Could anybody explain why neutrinos have only ever been observed to be left-handed and antineutrinos right-handed? If neutrinos travel slower than light and have mass (albeit very small), as shown by neutrino oscillation experiments, why can neutrinos not change their handedness?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's because of the way they interact. The weak interaction takes place through exchange of a W boson, which couples only to left-handed fermions. Thus a right-handed neutrino, if it does exist, will be "sterile" with respect to the standard model interactions. Which means you can't produce them, and if they already exist you can't detect them. (You certainly can't slow them down!)
  • #3
Furthermore, there are two kinds of handedness, called "helicity" and "chirality". The handedness that governs the interaction is chirality. The kind you describe is helicity.
  • #4
Thank you. Could you explain the difference between helicity and chirality?
  • #5
Not easily, at the undergraduate level. For massless particles, they are identical.
  • #6
When we speak about the handedness of a fermion, we really mean its chirality. In terms of a Dirac spinor, the chirality operator is γ5, and has eigenvalues ±1. It's directly involved in the weak interaction, because the interaction Hamiltonian has the projection operator (1 - γ5) in front of every fermion. We say the weak interaction is V - A.

Chirality is a Lorentz invariant quantity, i.e. observing the fermion from a different rest frame doesn't change its chirality. If you write the Hamiltonian for a free particle, H = α·p + βm and ask what [H, γ5] is, you find that γ5 commutes with the first term but not the βm. So for a massless fermion, such as a massless neutrino, chirality is a constant of the motion. But it is not a constant of the motion for electrons and neutrinos with mass.

Helicity is the spin projection in the direction of motion, represented by the operator Σ·p. Differs from chirality in two respects: (a) for a free particle it IS a constant of the motion, and (b) it is NOT Lorentz invariant. You can change the particle's helicity by running past it. For massless fermions, chirality and helicity turn out to be equal and we don't have to worry about the distinction. If neutrinos do have mass, the distinction becomes relevant.
  • #7
Bill_K said:
Chirality is a Lorentz invariant quantity, i.e. observing the fermion from a different rest frame doesn't change its chirality. If you write the Hamiltonian for a free particle, H = α·p + βm and ask what [H, γ5] is, you find that γ5 commutes with the first term but not the βm. So for a massless fermion, such as a massless neutrino, chirality is a constant of the motion. But it is not a constant of the motion for electrons and neutrinos with mass.

I am not super clear on this, so let me just ask: isn't this only true for Dirac masses? If neutrinos have Majorana masses then won't their chirality be a constant of motion?
  • #8
Yes, that's true. Chirality would commute with a Majorana mass term like (νR)cνR.

FAQ: Handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos

1. What is the handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos?

The handedness of a particle refers to its intrinsic angular momentum, or spin, and the direction in which it rotates. Neutrinos and antineutrinos have a left-handed spin, meaning their spin is opposite to their direction of motion.

2. How is the handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos determined?

The handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos is determined by their interactions with other particles. In experiments, the direction of a neutrino's spin can be inferred by the direction it travels in relation to the particles it interacts with.

3. Can the handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos change?

The handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos is thought to be a fundamental property, meaning it cannot change. However, there have been some theories proposing that neutrinos may have a small amount of right-handedness, which could potentially change over time.

4. Why is the handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos important?

The handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos is important because it plays a key role in the Standard Model of particle physics. It also affects the way they interact with other particles, which has implications for their behavior and potential applications in fields such as astrophysics and nuclear physics.

5. Are there any experiments currently studying the handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos?

Yes, there are several experiments currently studying the handedness of neutrinos and antineutrinos, including the MINOS experiment at Fermilab and the T2K experiment in Japan. These experiments aim to further understand the properties and behavior of these elusive particles.

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