Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY

  • Thread starter BobG
  • Start date
In summary, Bob's friend called him yesterday to wish him a happy Thanksgiving, but he was feeling down because the economy is tough. He's thankful that he's still in business and that things are slowly improving. He's also thankful for freecycle, which he saw yesterday with many working TVs. He's grateful for the chance to explore the wilderness and for the work of people who have made the national forests and parks accessible. He ends by saying that they have work to do in Europe, and that he's happy to be part of it.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper

When I was a young turkey, new to the coop,
My big brother Mike took me out on the stoop,
Then he sat me down, and he spoke real slow,
And he told me there was something that I had to know;
His look and his tone I will always remember,
When he told me of the horrors of... Black November;

"Come about August, now listen to me,
Each day you'll get six meals instead of just three,
"And soon you'll be thick, where once you were thin,
And you'll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin;
"And then one morning, when you're warm in your bed,
In'll burst the farmer's wife, and hack off your head;
"Then she'll pluck out all your feathers so you're bald 'n pink,
And scoop out all your insides and leave you lyin' in the sink;

Well, the rest of his words were too grim to repeat,
I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat,
And decided on the spot that to avoid being cooked,
I'd have to lay low and remain overlooked;
I began a new diet of nuts and granola,
High-roughage salads, juice and diet cola;
And as they ate pastries, chocolates and grapes,
I stayed in my room doing Jane Fonda tapes;
I maintained my weight of two pounds and a half,
And tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed;
But 'twas I who was laughing, under my breath,
As they chomped and they chewed, ever closer to death;
And sure enough when Black November rolled around,
I was the last turkey left in the entire compound;

So now I'm a pet in the farmer's wife's lap;
I haven't a worry, so I eat and I nap;
She held me today, while sewing and humming,
And smiled at me and said
"Christmas is coming"
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  • #2
Nice poem, Bob :approve:.

Happy Thanksgiving!
  • #3
No more sad. :frown: They're having Tofurky.

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm eating spinach. :cry: Alone.

And my tv died.
  • #4
My wife is cooking turkey for our neighbor's daughter and her two little girls for a mid-day meal. I will cook a roasting chicken for us, along with some potato, buttercup squash, and other vegetables. We'll eat in the evening. Duke and I will have a nice day together tomorrow. I give thanks for my wife and my dog. I can't get out of his sight without anxiety on his part. Velcro Dog.
  • #5
I've just moved halfway across the country. I'll probably eat Ramen for Thanksgiving =(

Over the weekend, I'll head for the hills ... hopefully bag a peak and do some trail work. I'm thankful for the opportunity to explore the wilderness and grateful for the work of people that have made the national forests and parks accessible yet unspoiled.
  • #6
I'm grateful I won't have to do the cooking or cleaning. :-p
  • #7
Nice Ode, Bob. :biggrin:

Having [so far] survived the worst economy in my life, I am thankful to still be in business. It got pretty dicey for a time, but I just had my best month in over three years. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

My heart goes out to all who have not been so lucky. A bit of hope generally is that my customer base and suppliers are a pretty good metric for the manufacturing sector. Things do seem to be slowly improving.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
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  • #8
Happy T-day!
  • #9
Evo said:
No more sad. :frown: They're having Tofurky.

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm eating spinach. :cry: Alone.

And my tv died.

This has just not been a great time for some folks.
RIP TV. Do I remember when your last one passed? We are on our last replacement before we have to get a big screen. :smile:
A friend called yesterday with holiday wishes and she was confused where she was going to find some glutin free no egg, flour, sugar, butter, and so on "cake!?"
Why don't we just eat, enjoy and die like we use to?
Remember the days when the familys would start hinting that "they" started cooking at 2am, 3am, and for the really non inspired, 7 am?
Evo what time did you start your spinich?
  • #10
Evo said:
No more sad. :frown: They're having Tofurky.

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm eating spinach. :cry: Alone.

And my tv died.

Try this site and you can probably get one for free - http://www.freecycle.org/" . It is devoted to recycling things that people might otherwise throw away. I saw a number of free, working TVs in my area yesterday.

Happy Turkey Day everyone.
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  • #11
Happy Thanksgiving to all fellow turkeyeaters.

Here, in Europe, we have work to do.
  • #12
Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the turkey.
  • #13
BobG said:

. . .
Happy Thanksgiving, Bob! And Happy Thanksgiving, All!

Evo said:
No more sad. :frown: They're having Tofurky.

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm eating spinach. :cry: Alone.

And my tv died.
Hugs {{Evo}}
  • #14
It will just be the four of us this year, so we're going cold turkey and having chicken.
  • #15
I'm sorry to hear of your loss Evo. Just remember, your TV is watching you from heaven right now.
  • #16
Happy Thanksgiving Day.
  • #17
My wife and I are actually having Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Some of her colleagues in the foreign languages department at our college are coming over, and it turned out to be easier to get everybody together tomorrow.
  • #18
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • #19
Gobble gobble, everyone!
  • #20
Hmm. I just had my first sip of egg nog (non-alcoholic :smile:) and it tasted too thick and sweet. A bit like trying to drink waffle batter.
  • #21
lisab said:
Hmm. I just had my first sip of egg nog (non-alcoholic :smile:) and it tasted too thick and sweet. A bit like trying to drink waffle batter.
Add rum until the consistency is just right. :-p
  • #22
turbo-1 said:
Add rum until the consistency is just right. :-p

stop when the consistency is similar to water :-p
  • #23
lisab said:
Hmm. I just had my first sip of egg nog (non-alcoholic :smile:) and it tasted too thick and sweet. A bit like trying to drink waffle batter.
One can add milk to thin it. I do that and then heat it.
  • #24
Happy Thanksgiving Day PFers hehe :)
  • #25
turbo-1 said:
Add rum until the consistency is just right. :-p

Or until you don't care about the consistency any more. :rolleyes:
  • #26
Jimmy Snyder said:
I'm sorry to hear of your loss Evo. Just remember, your TV is watching you from heaven right now.
I've managed to revive it again, I have a 4 inch tall snowy hissing picture, and I found a Banquet chicken fried steak frozen tv dinner in the back of the freezer, so it's turned out to be a Happy Thanksgiving after all.

Unfortunately, it sounds like my upstairs neighbors are trying to assemble a turkey fryer on their outside wooden deck right above where I am sitting.
  • #27
I was prepared to laugh while reading the poem BobG, I was smiling then I get a bit.. Scared! :biggrin:

That was nice. Happy Thanksgiving PFers. :smile:
  • #28
Happy Turkey Day!
  • #29
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  • #30
BobG said:
I'm curious, Bob: do you have three locations that you visit for Thanksgiving weekends (and you've been cycling through them in the same order for several years now)?
  • #31
HeLiXe said:

Lol..."All your stuffing are belong to us!"
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  • #32
lisab said:
Lol..."All your stuffing are belong to us!"

  • #33
Nice Ode,I like it!
  • #34
Happy Thanksgiving!

FAQ: Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY

1. What is the purpose of "Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY"?

The purpose of "Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY" is to celebrate and give thanks for the holiday of Thanksgiving, which typically involves a feast centered around a roasted turkey.

2. Who wrote "Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY"?

"Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY" was written by an unknown author, as it is a popular poem that has been passed down through generations.

3. What is the significance of the turkey in the poem?

The turkey in the poem represents the main dish of a traditional Thanksgiving meal and symbolizes the abundance and gratitude associated with the holiday.

4. Are there any historical or cultural references in "Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY"?

No, "Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY" is a lighthearted and modern poem that does not contain any historical or cultural references.

5. Is "Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY" a popular poem?

Yes, "Happy Thanksgiving ODE TO A TURKEY" is a popular poem that is often shared and recited during the Thanksgiving holiday season.
