Hard logarithmic/implicit differentiation question.

In summary: I'm going to use this as a lesson, to check my answers on paper before doing the algebra on the computer to save time. I checked it three times, but the third time I made an error. Thanks for the help :)In summary, the elasticity of demand for Shark Inc.'s newest netbook model can be expressed as -q' * p/q, where q' is the derivative of the demand function and q is the number of netbooks sold at a price of p dollars per unit. The price that will maximize revenue can be found by setting the derivative of the revenue function equal to zero, which will result in a price of NA if the price is less than 100.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Shark Inc. has determined that demand for its newest netbook model is given by [PLAIN]https://webwork.elearning.ubc.ca/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/80/fa9842dd3479ee1baaab655e02a1c41.png, where q is the number of netbooks Shark can sell at a price of p dollars per unit. Shark has determined that this model is valid for prices [tex]p \geq 100[/tex]. You may find it useful in this problem to know that elasticity of demand is defined to be [PLAIN]https://webwork.elearning.ubc.ca/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/c9/9d605854cd629ac16035b6765c1d051.png

1) Find E(p), your answer should be in terms of p only.
2) What price will maximize revenue, if the price is less than 100, write NA

2. The attempt at a solution

My answer for #1 (which was wrong) using the formula was:


First i solved for q. As all answers must be in terms of p.

Isolating i got:

[tex] ln(q) = 3ln(p) - 0.002p +7 [/tex]

[tex] q = e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right) [/tex]

Then I differentiated using the chain and logarithm rules

[tex] q' = \left(e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)\right) * \left(\frac{3}{p} - 0.002\right) [/tex]

So when I put these values into: [tex] E\left(p\right) = -q' * \frac{p}{q} [/tex]

I got

[tex] E\left(p\right) = -1 * \left[\left(e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)\right) * \left(\frac{3}{p} - 0.002\right)\right] * \frac{p}{e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)} [/tex]

But this is wrong, why?
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  • #2
Senjai said:

Homework Statement

Shark Inc. has determined that demand for its newest netbook model is given by [PLAIN]https://webwork.elearning.ubc.ca/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/80/fa9842dd3479ee1baaab655e02a1c41.png, where q is the number of netbooks Shark can sell at a price of p dollars per unit. Shark has determined that this model is valid for prices [tex]p \geq 100[/tex]. You may find it useful in this problem to know that elasticity of demand is defined to be [PLAIN]https://webwork.elearning.ubc.ca/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/c9/9d605854cd629ac16035b6765c1d051.png

1) Find E(p), your answer should be in terms of p only.
2) What price will maximize revenue, if the price is less than 100, write NA

2. The attempt at a solution

My answer for #1 (which was wrong) using the formula was:


First i solved for q. As all answers must be in terms of p.

Isolating i got:

[tex] ln(q) = 3ln(p) - 0.002p +7 [/tex]

[tex] q = e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right) [/tex]
This looks fine. You might want to simplify it, though, to e7*p3*e-0.002p.
Senjai said:
Then I differentiated using the chain and logarithm rules
Instead of doing it this way, why don't you differentiate the original equation implicitly. I think that would be simpler. When you're ready to put your answer for E(p), you can replace q using the formula you got above, so that E(p) is written in terms of p alone.
Senjai said:
[tex] q' = \left(e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)\right) * \left(\frac{3}{p} - 0.002\right) [/tex]

So when I put these values into: [tex] E\left(p\right) = -q' * \frac{p}{q} [/tex]

I got

[tex] E\left(p\right) = -1 * \left[\left(e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)\right) * \left(\frac{3}{p} - 0.002\right)\right] * \frac{p}{e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)} [/tex]

But this is wrong, why?
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  • #3
is q' wrong?

I did it implicitly using the original equation and got the same answer.


[tex](ln(q)-3ln(p)-0.002p)' = (7)' [/tex]


[tex]\frac{q'}{q} - \frac{3}{p} - 0.002 = 0 [/tex]

And rearranged to get the same answer as my previous q' after subbing in my original q. (multiplying both sides by q.)
  • #4
You have a sign error.
From your last equation in the previous post,
q'/q = 3/p + 0.002 ==> q' = q(3/p + 0.002)
  • #5
According to [PLAIN]https://webwork.elearning.ubc.ca/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/80/fa9842dd3479ee1baaab655e02a1c41.png

Isnt it q'/q = 3/p - 0.002 ??

Thanks for your assistance so far by the way.

Edit: oh from the post I just made, yes i see that, but the answer is still wrong (online submission, unlimited tries) the last post is incorrect, the original post is it's correct form
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  • #6
I was going by what you had in post #3 which I didn't notice was different from post #1.

What you have in post #2 should be simplified.
[tex] E\left(p\right) = -1 * \left[\left(e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)\right) * \left(\frac{3}{p} - 0.002\right)\right] * \frac{p}{e^\left(3ln(p) - 0.002p +7\right)} [/tex]
Cancel the e3lnp - .002p + 7 factors in the numerator and denominator.
  • #7
My god, that's all I had to do, after that I had the correct answer.

Thank you for your help mark :) Must be tired or something.

FAQ: Hard logarithmic/implicit differentiation question.

1. What is logarithmic differentiation?

Logarithmic differentiation is a method used to find the derivative of a function that involves logarithmic or exponential functions. It involves taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation and then differentiating using the rules of logarithms.

2. When is logarithmic differentiation used?

Logarithmic differentiation is typically used when the function is in the form of y = f(x)^g(x), where both f(x) and g(x) are functions of x. It can also be used when the function involves complex algebraic expressions, making it difficult to differentiate using traditional methods.

3. What is the difference between hard and simple logarithmic differentiation?

The difficulty of a logarithmic differentiation question depends on the complexity of the function being differentiated. Simple logarithmic differentiation involves finding the derivative of a function that can be easily simplified using logarithmic rules. Hard logarithmic differentiation, on the other hand, involves more complex functions that require multiple applications of logarithmic differentiation rules.

4. How is implicit differentiation different from explicit differentiation?

Explicit differentiation involves finding the derivative of a function where the dependent variable is explicitly written as a function of the independent variable. Implicit differentiation, on the other hand, involves finding the derivative of a function where the dependent variable is not explicitly written as a function of the independent variable.

5. What are some tips for solving hard logarithmic/implicit differentiation questions?

Some tips for solving these types of questions include carefully applying logarithmic and implicit differentiation rules, simplifying the function as much as possible before differentiating, and being careful with algebraic manipulations. It is also important to have a strong understanding of logarithmic and exponential functions before attempting these types of questions.
