Harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value?

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the position expectation value for a harmonic oscillator in a superposition state. The first question is why this superposition leads to a nonzero position expectation value, to which the response is that it is due to the different parity signs of the components of the superposition. The second question is why the value is positive, which is explained by the fact that the superposition state is not an energy eigenstate and therefore does not violate the Hamiltonian. It is also mentioned that the expectation value of position will show oscillatory motion between two fixed positions as the system evolves in time.
  • #1
So this is something that troubled me a bit- in Shankar's PQM, there's an exercise that asks you to find the position expectation value for the harmonic oscillator in a state [itex] \psi [/itex] such that
[tex] \psi=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle+|1\rangle) [/tex]
Where [itex] |n\rangle [/itex] is the [itex] n^{th} [/itex] energy eigenstate of the oscillator.

Now, I calculated the expectation value of position in the following way:
[tex] \langle X \rangle=\langle \psi| X|\psi\rangle=\frac{1}{2}((\langle 0|+\langle 1|)\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}(a+a^{\dagger})(|0\rangle+|1\rangle)) [/tex]

Where [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]a^{\dagger}[/itex] are the annihilation and creation operators, respectively. Using the properties of these operators, we quickly get to

[tex]\langle X \rangle=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}} [/tex]

(I also did it another slightly more complicated way, where I integrated in the position representation; this gave me the same result.)

Now, what bothers me about this whole thing is the following:

We know that the state is in a superposition of two positive energy eigenstates. Additionally, the expectation value of position for an energy eigenstate will be zero. Why is it that this superposition of eigenstates, this interference, brings out a positive expectation value for position? What kills me about this most is the fact that the expectation value is positive. This seems to do away with the apparent symmetry in the problem; why should the particle in a harmonic oscillator potential choose to be more at the "right" side? Why couldn't the expectation value be [itex]\pm[/itex] the above value? Or, even better, just zero?

So essentially there's two questions here:
1) why does the superposition of energy eigenstates here lead to a nonzero position expectation value? And,
2) why is this value positive? Doesn't this violate the symmetry in the harmonic oscillator potential?
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  • #2
guitarphysics said:
1) why does the superposition of energy eigenstates here lead to a nonzero position expectation value? And,
Because the components of the superposition correspond to different parity signs. The ground state has even parity while the first excited state has the odd one.
guitarphysics said:
2) why is this value positive? Doesn't this violate the symmetry in the harmonic oscillator potential?
The superposition state you have there is not an energy eigenstate, therefore, its non-symmetric nature does not violate the Hamiltonian.
guitarphysics said:
why should the particle in a harmonic oscillator potential choose to be more at the "right" side? Why couldn't the expectation value be ±±\pm the above value?
The expectation value you have calculated is that at ##t=0##. If you let the system evolve in time, the expectation value of position will be a function of time. In particular, it will show some oscillatory motion between two fixed positions.
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Likes Nugatory and guitarphysics
  • #3
Cool, thank you!

Related to Harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value?

1. What is a harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value?

A harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value is a measurement in quantum mechanics that describes the average position of a particle in a harmonic oscillator potential when it is in its ground state or excited state. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to predict the behavior of particles in a harmonic oscillator system.

2. How is the harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value calculated?

The harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value is calculated by taking the integral of the position operator over the wavefunction of the particle. This integral is then squared to find the average position of the particle in the harmonic oscillator potential.

3. What is the significance of the harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value?

The harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value is important because it helps us understand the behavior of particles in a harmonic oscillator system. It allows us to predict the most likely position of a particle in the system and provides a way to calculate other important physical quantities, such as the kinetic energy and potential energy of the particle.

4. How does the harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value change with different energy levels?

The harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value changes with different energy levels in a predictable way. As the energy level increases, the position expectation value also increases, indicating that the particle is more likely to be found further from the equilibrium point of the harmonic oscillator potential.

5. Can the harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value be negative?

No, the harmonic oscillator positive position expectation value cannot be negative. This is because the position operator and wavefunction used in the calculation are both positive quantities. Therefore, the result of the integral must also be a positive value, representing the average position of the particle in the harmonic oscillator potential.

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