Hartle Hawking offer probabilities for observations (eternal inflation picture)

In summary, Hartle and Hawking present a new approach to eternal inflation that avoids metaphysics and instead focuses on observable features within our past light cone. They utilize the no-boundary wave function to calculate small departures from homogeneity and predict a tensor to scalar ratio of about 10%. While their calculations may be controversial and in need of further examination, this offers a new perspective on the multiverse concept and its potential for making testable predictions.
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Hartle Hawking suggest probabilities for observations (eternal inflation picture)

Eternal inflation without metaphysics
James Hartle, S.W. Hawking, Thomas Hertog
4 pages
(Submitted on 13 Sep 2010)
"In the usual account of eternal inflation the universe is supposed to be a de Sitter background in which pocket universes nucleate at a steady rate. However this is metaphysics because there is no way this mosaic structure can be observed. We don't see the whole universe but only a nearly homogeneous region within our past light cone. We show that we can use the no-boundary wave function to calculate small departures from homogeneity within our past light cone despite the possibility of much larger fluctuations on super horizon scales. We find that the dominant contribution comes from the history that exits eternal inflation at the lowest value of the potential and predict, in a certain class of landscape models, a tensor to scalar ratio of about 10%. In this way the no-boundary wave function defines a measure for the prediction of local cosmological observations."

They make a ton of assumptions, but they come out with [at least a symbolic calculation of] probabilities of certain features of the CMB being observed.
It changes the picture, tends to put multiverse thinking (whether or not you find it appealing) on a different footing.

Smolin also has a multiverse scheme which makes predictions about measurable physical constants that have so far not been falsified.

What H&H say here may be challenged and may turn out controversial, but having at least the shadow of a prediction will, I think, put this stuff at least temporarily in a new light.

[EDIT: after taking a closer look I cannot say for sure that the calculations they show symbolically could actually be carried out, except using questionable assumptions/radical simplification. Maybe someone else will take a look and have an opinion on it.]

[EDIT: I changed the headline from "offer probabilities" to "suggest probabilities". I am less sure now that they have a solid way to test anything here.]
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Thanks, this is really great for the future of the Multiverse idea in general, even without M-Theory. And with Stephen Hawking it makes it even better.
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Related to Hartle Hawking offer probabilities for observations (eternal inflation picture)

1. What is the Hartle Hawking proposal for probabilities in eternal inflation?

The Hartle Hawking proposal is a theory proposed by physicists James Hartle and Stephen Hawking in 1983. It suggests that the universe can be described as a wave function that evolves in imaginary time. This theory offers a way to calculate the probabilities for different outcomes in the universe, such as observations in eternal inflation.

2. How does the Hartle Hawking proposal differ from other theories of eternal inflation?

The Hartle Hawking proposal differs from other theories of eternal inflation in that it takes into account the concept of imaginary time. This allows for the use of complex numbers in calculating the probabilities of different outcomes. It also incorporates the concept of a wave function, which is not present in other theories of eternal inflation.

3. What is the role of the wave function in the Hartle Hawking proposal?

The wave function is a central concept in the Hartle Hawking proposal. It represents the entire universe and evolves in imaginary time. The amplitude of the wave function is used to calculate the probabilities for different outcomes, such as observations in eternal inflation. This wave function also takes into account the effects of quantum fluctuations and other factors on the universe.

4. How does the Hartle Hawking proposal address the concept of time in eternal inflation?

The Hartle Hawking proposal addresses the concept of time in eternal inflation by using the concept of imaginary time. This is a mathematical tool that allows for the use of complex numbers and the incorporation of quantum effects in calculating the probabilities for different outcomes. It also suggests that time is not a linear concept, but rather a loop that is continuously repeating.

5. What evidence supports the Hartle Hawking proposal for probabilities in eternal inflation?

While there is no direct evidence for the Hartle Hawking proposal, it is supported by mathematical models and calculations. It also offers a way to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity, which is a major challenge in modern physics. Additionally, the Hartle Hawking proposal has been used to make predictions about the cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of matter in the universe, which have been confirmed by observations.

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