Has Anyone Used a FITS Library for Extracting Galaxy Coordinates in C++?

In summary, the conversation discusses a project involving FITS files and the need for coordinates of galaxies. The person is considering using a C++ library, such as libCCfits, to extract the coordinates. They also mention the possibility of using cfitsio directly and question whether they should write their own software or use existing options like IRAf. The conversation ends with a contact email and website for the project.
  • #1
hie all,

i'm a student and I'm working on a software using FITS file. I need coordinates of galaxies which are stocked in those FITS file. For that i have to use a c++ library then i'll b
e able to extract them.

i would like to know if somebody has ever code a c++ program using a FITS library like libCCfits ( http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/ccfits/ ) or know who has already use something else?

to know more about my project EAG, please visit: www.eag-project.net

thank you in advance.


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  • #2
Most people just use cfitsio directly. It's a 'c' lib so you can call it quite easily from C++.
There isn't a lot of heirarchy in a fits file that benefits from having an object wrapper.

Do you mean you are looking for the coordiantes of galaxies from images in a fits-file or do you mean reading a list of coordinates from a fits table?

Do you really want to write your own software rather than using IRAf or similair?
  • #3

Hello EAG-Team,

I have personally used the libCCfits library for extracting galaxy coordinates in C++. It is a very useful and reliable library for working with FITS files. I would highly recommend it for your project.

I have also heard of other libraries such as CFITSIO and FITSlib, but I have not personally used them. However, I have heard good things about them as well.

I suggest checking out the documentation and tutorials for libCCfits to get started. If you run into any issues, the library has a helpful community and support system that can assist you.

Best of luck with your project!

FAQ: Has Anyone Used a FITS Library for Extracting Galaxy Coordinates in C++?

1. What is the Astrophysics FITS format?

The Astrophysics FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is a standardized data format used for storing and transmitting astronomical data. It was developed in the late 1970s and is now widely used by astronomers and other scientists for storing and sharing data.

2. What types of data can be stored in the Astrophysics FITS format?

The FITS format was originally designed for storing images from telescopes and other astronomical instruments. However, it can also be used to store other types of data such as spectra, tables, and text. It is a versatile format that can accommodate a wide range of data types and structures.

3. How is the Astrophysics FITS format different from other data formats?

Unlike other file formats, FITS was specifically designed for astronomical data and includes features such as header information, which allows for detailed descriptions of the data. It also supports multidimensional arrays and can handle large data sets efficiently, making it ideal for storing and analyzing astronomical data.

4. Can FITS files be opened and viewed on any computer?

Yes, FITS files can be opened and viewed on any computer using specialized software such as DS9 or SAOImageDS9. These programs are freely available for download and can be used on different operating systems, making it easy to share and collaborate on FITS data.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using the Astrophysics FITS format?

One potential disadvantage of the FITS format is that it can be complex and difficult to work with for those who are not familiar with its structure and specifications. Additionally, FITS files can be large and may require specialized software and hardware for processing and analysis.
