Has the idea of point particles been thoroughly refuted?

In summary, the idea of treating the building blocks of matter as point particles has not been thoroughly refuted, despite the infinities that arise in calculations. Renormalization has been a successful technique in handling these infinities, and the standard model of particle physics is based on point particles. While it may be more aesthetically satisfying to have a theory with objects of finite size, the practicality of our experiments limit our ability to differentiate between a point particle and a larger structure. Therefore, the concept of point particles remains a fundamental premise in physics.
  • #1
String theory may not be proven but has the idea of treating the building blocks of matter as point particle been thoroughly refuted? For example Kaku writes:

Quantum mechanics alone is limited because, like nineteenth-century physics, it is still based on point particles, not super-strings.
In high school we learn that force fields such as gravity and the electric field obey the “inverse square law”—that is, the farther one distances oneself from a particle, the weaker the field becomes. The farther one travels from the sun, for example, the weaker its gravitational pull will be. This means, however, that as one approaches the particle, the force rises dramatically. In fact, at its surface the force field of a point particle must be the inverse of zero squared, which is 1/0. Expressions such as 1/0, however, are infinite and ill-defined. The price we pay for introducing point particles into our theory is that all our calculations of physical quantities, such as energy, are riddled with l/0s. This is enough to render a theory useless; calculations with a theory plagued with infinities cannot be made because the results cannot be trusted.
The problem of infinities would haunt physicists for the next half century. Only with the advent of the superstring theory has this problem been solved, because superstrings banish point particles and replace them with a string.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
g.lemaitre said:
String theory may not be proven but has the idea of treating the building blocks of matter as point particle been thoroughly refuted?

Nope. In fact, the most recent test to detect the electron electric dipole moment found no deviation from spherical symmetry:


This is consistent with an electron having no structure and still undetectable size.

  • #3
g.lemaitre said:
String theory may not be proven but has the idea of treating the building blocks of matter as point particle been thoroughly refuted? For example Kaku writes:

You REALLY need to not use Kaku to learn physics. He used to be a serious physicist of the first order but his entire focus now seems to be on spouting nonsense to make money. There have been numerous threads on this forum blasting him, and here are a couple from elsewhere:


  • #4
g.lemaitre said:
String theory may not be proven but has the idea of treating the building blocks of matter as point particle been thoroughly refuted?

No. The infinities referred to in the quote were handled long before string theory was conceived, by means of the technique of "renormalization." The standard model is a theory of point particles, and is annoying successful in explaining the results of all particle physics experiments to date.

That said, you can view renormalization as saying that physics at the length scales we can probe experimentally is unaffected by whatever the actual physics is at much smaller length scales. That is, the "true structure" of an electron may be a point, or a string 10^-35 meters across, or a smiley face 10^-50 meters across, and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference: all these postulated structures are so small that they look like points to our experiments. Arguably, it would be more satisfying if the "true theory" consisted of objects of finite size, not points, so that calculations in the "true theory" could dispense with renormalization. But this seems like more an aesthetic principle than a refutation of theories of point particles.
  • #5
The_Duck said:
No. The infinities referred to in the quote were handled long before string theory was conceived, by means of the technique of "renormalization." The standard model is a theory of point particles, and is annoying successful in explaining the results of all particle physics experiments to date.

That said, you can view renormalization as saying that physics at the length scales we can probe experimentally is unaffected by whatever the actual physics is at much smaller length scales. That is, the "true structure" of an electron may be a point, or a string 10^-35 meters across, or a smiley face 10^-50 meters across, and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference: all these postulated structures are so small that they look like points to our experiments. Arguably, it would be more satisfying if the "true theory" consisted of objects of finite size, not points, so that calculations in the "true theory" could dispense with renormalization. But this seems like more an aesthetic principle than a refutation of theories of point particles.
I agree with this view of renormalization, however I'd say that a theory with finite size elementary particles instead of points would involve something more that just an aesthetic modification given the fact that in practice we can't "see" length much smaller than say 10^-22 m, if that was the case physicists would have dispensed with renormalization long ago.
The fact is that theoretically speaking the "point particle" premise is not dispensable because the SM and QFT and QM, and also classical field theory and mechanics are based mathematically on it by their intrinsic linearity, either in the non-relativistic galilean variety in the case of classical mechanics and NRQM or in the Lorentz invariance of the relativistic one in the QFT-SM case and relativistic formulations of classical field theory.

FAQ: Has the idea of point particles been thoroughly refuted?

1. What are point particles?

Point particles are hypothetical particles that are considered to be infinitely small and have no physical dimensions. They are often used in physics as a simplification of more complex systems.

2. How are point particles different from regular particles?

Point particles are different from regular particles in that they have no physical size or shape, and are considered to be dimensionless. Regular particles, on the other hand, have mass, volume, and other physical properties.

3. Has the idea of point particles been proven?

No, the concept of point particles is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven through experimental evidence. However, it is a widely accepted concept in physics and is used in many theories and equations.

4. Are there any criticisms of the idea of point particles?

Yes, there are some criticisms of the idea of point particles. Some scientists argue that the concept is too simplistic and does not accurately describe the complexity of particles. Others argue that the idea of point particles goes against the principles of quantum mechanics.

5. Can point particles be observed or measured?

No, point particles cannot be directly observed or measured due to their infinitesimal size. However, their effects can be observed and measured through experiments and calculations based on their theoretical properties.
