Has the Poincaré Conjecture Been Proven? A Review of the Proposed Proof

In summary, a Russian mathematician, Perelman, may have solved a great math mystery related to the Poincaré conjecture. However, the proof has not been published in any journals and Perelman has not claimed the Clay prize. It is believed that his proof is correct and may undergo further review before being published. Perelman is not motivated by money and has not publicized his work. A review of the conjecture and proposed proof can be found in the American Mathematical Society Bulletin.
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  • #2
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  • #3
It simply says "may", it still isn't confirmed whether he claimed the Clay prize.
  • #4
Icebreaker said:
It simply says "may", it still isn't confirmed whether he claimed the Clay prize.

Right. I just thought in case you hadn't seen that article, that you would like too.
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  • #5
why don't you read the articels and find out?
  • #6
I have read it; one of them is a year old, and the other is two.
  • #7
"Russian may have solved great math mystery"

Heh. After over a year I still think that is the dumbest title I've ever seen
  • #9
if you have read it, can you tell us if you believe the proof is correct?
  • #10
The articles themselves do not offer any details about the proof.
  • #11
do you mean the proof is not published?
  • #12
As far as I can see (from the articles), Perelman did not publish his results in any journals, and only circulated them to mathematicians whom he knows. Consequently, he is not technically eligible for the Clay prize, but there is word that Clay may eventually make an exception in his case. That was last year; I haven't any more recent news.
  • #13
He probably is not doing it for the money though. Maybe that's why he's doing it the way he is doing it.
  • #14
He definitely isn't doing it for money and isn't publicising it either. He had declared so earlier or so i read in one of the articles once. (Quite contrary to Mr De Branges :p). The proof is believed to be correct and i think it would be under controlled review for some more time, before it is published.

You may read a nice review of the conjecture and the proposed proof here,

I daresay, i understand that (i mean its all greek to me). But still a nice read, if u are to able to read "Unabridged Dictionary" as "Under the bridge with dick and harry". :)

-- AI

FAQ: Has the Poincaré Conjecture Been Proven? A Review of the Proposed Proof

1. What is the Poincaré Conjecture?

The Poincaré Conjecture is a mathematical theorem proposed by French mathematician Henri Poincaré in 1904. It states that any three-dimensional space that has no holes can be transformed into a sphere. This conjecture is considered one of the most important problems in topology, a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of spaces and their transformations.

2. How was the Poincaré Conjecture proven?

The Poincaré Conjecture was proven by Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman in 2003. He used a new mathematical technique called Ricci flow, which involves transforming a space by continuously changing its curvature. Perelman's proof was based on the work of several other mathematicians who had made significant contributions to the field of topology.

3. Why is the Poincaré Conjecture important?

The Poincaré Conjecture is important because it has many implications in various fields of mathematics and science. It has connections to physics, computer science, and even economics. Its proof also led to the solution of other unsolved mathematical problems and opened up new areas of research and study.

4. What impact does the proof of the Poincaré Conjecture have?

The proof of the Poincaré Conjecture has had a significant impact on the field of mathematics. It has solidified the foundations of topology and has provided new insights into the structure of three-dimensional spaces. It has also inspired the development of new mathematical techniques and has sparked further research in related areas.

5. Has the proof of the Poincaré Conjecture been accepted by the mathematical community?

Yes, the proof of the Poincaré Conjecture has been accepted by the mathematical community. It has been reviewed and verified by several experts in the field, and it has been published in prestigious mathematical journals. However, there is still ongoing research and discussion surrounding the proof, as mathematicians continue to explore its implications and potential extensions.

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