Has the Poincare Conjecture Finally Been Solved?

In summary: On the other hand, Fermat's last theorem is still a mystery to many mathematicians.In summary, mathematicians are saying that Grigory Perelman has really solved the conjecture and the proof will be in a paper he will post in the near future. His previous papers on this subject are in the arxiv special topic Differential Geometry (under mathematics). Keep your eyes on this space!
  • #1
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Mathematicians are now saying that Grigory Perelman has really solved the conjecture and the proof will be in a paper he will post in the near future. His previous papers on this subject are in the arxiv specal topic Differential Geometry (under mathematics). Keep your eyes on this space!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
This story even http://edition.cnn.com/2004/US/West/01/07/math.mystery.ap/index.html

Any thoughts from the number-theory experts here?
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  • #3
Heck! Now i only have 6 problems to achieve the million of dollars.
Which I will choose? The P=NP problem? The Hodge conjecture? The Riemann hypothesis not, for sure it must the most investigated by now of the 6.
It's a pity that I don't understand completely the statement of the Poincare conjecture. It surely must be a very beautiful sensation to achieve to understand the prove of the conjecture. and I think that the prove will have repercussions in the world of physics
  • #4
Originally posted by meteor
Heck! Now i only have 6 problems to achieve the million of dollars.
Which I will choose? The P=NP problem? The Hodge conjecture? The Riemann hypothesis not, for sure it must the most investigated by now of the 6.
It's a pity that I don't understand completely the statement of the Poincare conjecture. It surely must be a very beautiful sensation to achieve to understand the prove of the conjecture. and I think that the prove will have repercussions in the world of physics
The P=NP problem; the ramifications could boost the world's GDP by several % in one fell swoop (or not; depends on what you prove :wink: ).

Did anyone else see the TV program on Wiles and Fermat? In it, Wiles attempted to explain what it felt like; as good a practical demonstration of 'rapture' as any, I feel.

More exciting than proving the 4-colour theorem, that's for sure. :smile:
  • #5
Well, we don't know how the computer felt.

FAQ: Has the Poincare Conjecture Finally Been Solved?

What is the Poincare Conjecture?

The Poincare Conjecture is a mathematical theorem proposed by Henri Poincare in 1904. It states that any closed 3-dimensional object is equivalent to a 3-sphere, which is a shape similar to a 3-dimensional ball.

Why is the Poincare Conjecture important?

The Poincare Conjecture is considered one of the most significant and challenging problems in mathematics. Its proof has many implications in various fields, including topology, geometry, and physics.

How long did it take to solve the Poincare Conjecture?

The Poincare Conjecture remained unsolved for over 100 years. It was finally solved by Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman in 2003. However, his proof was not officially recognized until 2006.

What was Perelman's proof for the Poincare Conjecture?

Perelman used a combination of techniques, including Ricci flow and Hamilton's program, to prove the Poincare Conjecture. He also built upon the work of other mathematicians, such as Richard Hamilton and William Thurston.

What impact did the Poincare Conjecture's solution have on mathematics?

The solution to the Poincare Conjecture opened up new areas of research in mathematics, such as geometric topology and differential geometry. It also inspired further work in the study of 3-manifolds and their properties.

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