Have you ever experienced lucid dreaming?

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
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In summary: I have never forgotten that dream or the way it looked.In summary, Wol says that she has started doing something in the past few months that she has never done before. She can recognize when she is in a dream. Last night, Wol had a particularly strange experience where she was in a dream with a friend of hers. Wol told her "hang on, I just realized I am dreaming." Wol had to focus really hard to stay in the dream, but she did it. Wol's friend had a photo album of pictures that Wol wanted to see, so that was Wol's motivation to stay in the dream. Wol is not sure what this experience is about
  • #36
Experimental data in oneirology shows that spinning around your verticle axis works the best way to stay in your dream. I use it, it works well.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
I have two recurring dreams which are something like lucid dreams.

1. I find coins scattered on the ground. The coins are weird in that the face of Lincoln on the penny faces the left instead of the right, or the date is printed upside down, or the words are misspelled. When that happens I say to myself that I am probably dreaming since this only ever occurs in my dreams. However, the situation seems so real to me that I convince myself that I am not dreaming and this time I really did find the weird coins.

2. I dream that I can fly. I jump up in ordinary fashion, and fall back down in the ordinary way except that I only fall about half way to the ground. So I am standing in mid-air. I jump up again and push myself a little bit forward and through a series of such jumps I finally go forward fast enough to soar fairly high. At that point, I am flying and as in the coin dream, I convince myself that this time it isn't a dream.
  • #38

okkeee .. me didnt read the whole thread but here's my 5c worth :biggrin:

I lucid dream most of the time ... Can control my dreams and know that I am in the dream. Its kewl, because, u are able to actually push the boundaries even more .. u not scared to "try" things out ..

Its weird though .. but you ..
  • #39
If I try to change the ending, the other characters in the dream don't cooperate, so I end up erasing all of them, and thereby getting tortured by things(?) until I wake up
  • #40
johngalt827 said:
If I try to change the ending, the other characters in the dream don't cooperate, so I end up erasing all of them, and thereby getting tortured by things(?) until I wake up

  • #41
I have lucid dreams often. The weirdest one ever was one where I was convinced I could fly based on the fact that when I jumped into the air, I had abnormally long hang time (sort of like levitation). This is bad evidence of course, but since I was in a dream (and knew it) obviously the effect could be extended. So I jumped off a building from about 20 feet high and fell to my death. The rest of the dream was just a bright blue background (sort of like a blue screen of death) and me thinking how stupid I was getting myself killed like that.
  • #42
I get floating dreams sometimes. I can't seem to get myself above treetop level even though I have conciously controlled my dreams before.

I fell from about 150 in a dream once but it didn't 'kill' me. I just got up and chastised myself for doing something so dumb.

What was funny for me this week is that I dreampt about a dream within my dream after seeing Inception Monday. :rolleyes:

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