Having Maximum Velocity Issues?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a mass suspended from a spring, and the goal is to calculate various aspects of the resulting vibration. The frequency of vibration, maximum velocity, maximum acceleration, and required mass for double the maximum velocity are all mentioned. The solution is attempted, but the person is having trouble with calculating the maximum velocity and acceleration. The conversation also touches on the use of potential energy and forces in solving the problem.
  • #1
First post. You guys have really been helping me out I am trying to do a course distance learning and often the course just doesn't give you enough help and the stuff on here has been great. I have had a look at previous posts but just can't seem to get my head round this one.

The Problem:-

A mass of 0.3kg is suspended from a spring with stiffness 200Nm-1. The mass is displaced by 10mm from its equilibrium position and released, for the resulting vibration calculate:

ai) the frequency of vibration
aii) the Max velocity of the mass during vibration
aiii) the Max acceleration of the mass due to vibration
aiv) the mass required to produce double the max velocity calculated in (ii) using the same spring and initial deflection.

My attempt at a solution is as follows:-

ai) F= 1/2x(pi) x root K/m = 0.159 x root 666.667 = 4.11 Hz
aii) This is where my problems start I always calculate the average speed essentially using distance/time. can I calculate the Energy = mgh then use E = 0.5*mv^2??
aiii) Once I have calculated V I would use a=v-u/t.
aiv) I think I'm on the correct lines with this one using, F=1/2(pi) x root K/m then transpose so m is the subject. my answer for this one came out as 0.075kg

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
spring plus mass and no damping = simple harmonic oscillator .
  • #3
aii) The potential energy stored in a stretched spring (stretched by a distance [itex]x[/itex]) is [itex]U=\frac{1}{2}kx^2[/itex] (the only effect gravity has is to shift the spring's equilibrium position; as long as you measure from this new equilibrium position, gravity can be ignored). So this is the formula for potential energy you should use, not [itex]U=mgh[/itex]. Otherwise, you are correct: by equating this with the kinetic energy, you will obtain the maximum velocity of the mass. Do you understand why? Think about conservation of energy and how the amount of total energy that's stored as potential energy and the amount stored as kinetic energy varies with the mass's motion. At what point would you expect the mass to have its max. velocity? How does its kinetic energy compare with its potential energy at this point?

aiii) What you're suggesting would only give you an average acceleration. The acceleration of the bob (technical name for the mass) is different at every point. Think in terms of forces instead of going straight to acceleration (another way of saying this: think about the problem dynamically instead of kinematically). Hooke's law tells you the force acting on the mass at every point of its oscillation. Now think about it for a minute: what law do you know that relates the force acting on an object to how much it accelerates?

aiv) Try this again once you've correctly solved ii. That problem will give you a relationship between the mass of the bob and the maximum velocity; use that relationship.

Related to Having Maximum Velocity Issues?

1. What is maximum velocity?

Maximum velocity, also known as terminal velocity, is the highest speed that an object can attain as it falls through a fluid, such as air or water. It occurs when the drag force exerted by the fluid on the object equals the force of gravity pulling the object down.

2. What are some factors that can affect maximum velocity?

The factors that can affect maximum velocity include the mass and shape of the object, the density and viscosity of the fluid, and the gravitational force acting on the object. Other factors such as surface area, temperature, and air pressure can also play a role.

3. How does air resistance impact maximum velocity?

Air resistance, also known as drag force, increases as an object's speed increases. This means that as an object falls, its velocity will continue to increase until the drag force is equal to the force of gravity, causing the object to reach its maximum velocity.

4. How can maximum velocity be calculated?

The formula for calculating maximum velocity is v = √(2mg/ρAC), where v is the maximum velocity, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρ is the density of the fluid, A is the cross-sectional area of the object, and C is the drag coefficient.

5. What are some real-world applications of understanding maximum velocity?

Understanding maximum velocity is important in fields such as aeronautics, where it is crucial to understand the impact of air resistance on objects like airplanes and rockets. It is also important in sports such as skydiving and bungee jumping, where knowing the maximum velocity can ensure safety and proper equipment use.

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