Having Trouble Solving Circuits Questions? Get Help Here!

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  • Thread starter therash09
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In summary: Then, the diode has either no effect at all, or it's going to clip the negative half of that waveform. That clipped negative half will become a level that feeds into the feedback line, and so will start to affect the output waveform.If you find you can't proceed from that point, please let me know.
  • #1
I am having problems in solving two questions belonging to Circuits.

Question 1 can be found at the link given below:
Given is a circuit having a pulsed aperiodic wave pattern, Vi. To be plotted are output waveform Vo, waveform across capacitor Vc and waveform across resistor Vr.

Question 2 can be found at the link given below:
To be found is the output waveform Vo, if the input to the circuit is a uniform square pulsed wave pattern.

While I have been able to almost entirely do Question 2, there seems some very basic conceptual error not leading to the correct answer. As for Question 1, I could find very little headway.

It would certainly not be possible for anyone to plot the waveforms here, and I do not expect anyone to plot the same for me on any other platform. What I require is the method to proceed with these questions and the steps, particularly for Question 1. The required waveforms could be vaguely mentioned in statements, as these answers shall be of utmost help, alongside the methodologies!

I will be extremely thankful to everyone who answers!EDIT: Thanks a lot Jony130! The links are working now. :)
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  • #2

But the link you post don't work. So we can not see any imagine.
  • #3
As for the Q1 simply assume that the time constants T= R*C is equal 1T and the gate switch when the voltage reach 0.5Vdd
Or look on the web Gate Monostable circuit.
  • #4

Thanks Jony130!

Perhaps, I've got you. You mean the input to the NOT Gate is a trigger- and outcome of RC-circuit, considering the time constant is very small. But given the feedback, I am finding it tough to solve. Should I assume some initial state and proceed? How will the output waveform differentiate for each high pulse? The trigger will possibly be the same, except that the two corresponding NOT outputs would be separated gradually. Is that right? And regarding the voltage across capacitor, could you help me out?

Kindly elaborate in few words. Feedback questions seem a bit tougher to solve. :)

In Q2, should the output be interleaved high level triggers (low level triggers blocked by diode) as in Half Wave Rectifier, or all high level triggers- I mean the low level triggers are inverted and the output is all high level triggers without missing any trigger stage, as in Full Wave Rectifier, considering the input is between some +ve and -ve voltage levels? Kindly help!
  • #5

therash09 said:
Perhaps, I've got you. You mean the input to the NOT Gate is a trigger- and outcome of RC-circuit, considering the time constant is very small. But given the feedback, I am finding it tough to solve. Should I assume some initial state and proceed?
Yes. that's how you solve these arrangements. You can assume any initial state you like, :smile: but you'll generally find only one will be consistent through the whole circuit and/or do anything useful.

For example, consider that NAND gate. You can, to start with, assume the feedback line is a LO, or you can assume it's a HI.

- if it's a LO, explain what happens at the NAND gate's output when Input Vi transitions from LO to HI.

- if it's a HI, explain what happens at that gate's output when Input Vi transitions from LO to HI.

What conclusion can you draw?
In Q2, should the output be interleaved high level triggers (low level triggers blocked by diode) as in Half Wave Rectifier, or all high level triggers- I mean the low level triggers are inverted and the output is all high level triggers without missing any trigger stage, as in Full Wave Rectifier, considering the input is between some +ve and -ve voltage levels? Kindly help!
For this circuit, let's assume that the diode is not present. Sketch the waveform you'd expect to see across the resistor. Make whatever assumption you like about the time-constant τ= ℝ.ℂ
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FAQ: Having Trouble Solving Circuits Questions? Get Help Here!

What is the best approach to solving circuit questions?

The best approach to solving circuit questions is to first understand the basic concepts and principles of circuits. This includes knowing Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, and the different types of circuit elements. Then, carefully analyze the given circuit and break it down into smaller parts, making use of any relevant equations and rules to solve for unknown values.

What should I do if I get stuck while solving a circuit question?

If you get stuck while solving a circuit question, try going back to the basics and reviewing the fundamental principles. It may also be helpful to draw a clear and organized circuit diagram and label all known and unknown values. Additionally, seeking help from a classmate, teacher, or tutor can provide valuable insights and assistance.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving circuit questions?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving circuit questions include not considering the direction of current flow, not understanding the properties of series and parallel circuits, and mixing up formulas and equations. It is also important to double check your calculations and ensure that they are consistent with the given circuit.

How can I improve my circuit problem-solving skills?

To improve your circuit problem-solving skills, practice is key. Try solving a variety of circuit questions with varying levels of complexity. You can also utilize online resources, such as circuit simulators and interactive tutorials, to enhance your understanding of circuits. Additionally, seek feedback and guidance from experienced individuals in the field.

What are some resources available for getting help with circuit questions?

There are many resources available for getting help with circuit questions, such as online forums and communities, tutoring services, and study groups. Your school or university may also have resources such as peer tutoring or office hours with professors. Additionally, there are many textbooks and online resources specifically designed for practicing and mastering circuit problem-solving.

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