Hawaii, formerly a lock for Kerry, now a Swing State.

In summary, the conversation discusses the surprising results of recent polls in Hawaii, where the race between Bush and Kerry is now tied. This is a significant change from earlier polls which showed a safe lead for Kerry. The conversation speculates on possible reasons for this shift, such as the strong military presence in Hawaii and the potential impact of global warming on the state's weather. The conversation also mentions a new privately funded company called Global Research that is working on a machine to remove CO2 from the air and potentially reduce greenhouse emissions globally.
  • #1
Gore won Hawaii by 19%, Clinton won it by 20%. Hawaii is suppose to be 'a lock' for the Democrats. So, what's going on in Hawaii? It's tied. First, it appears that Hawaii hasn't been polled in a while -- at least until these last two polls indicating a dead heat between Bush abnd Kerry for Hawaii's 4 EVs. There are only four polls shown and the first two were done on August 3rd and September 11th respectively. Those early polls showed Kerry with a safe lead. The last two are very recent, October 18th and 20th and show – first, the tie in Hawaii and then the 1 point lead for Bush. If this is valid, I wonder what’s going on to have caused such a huge swing in such a short time. While it's true that 12% are still "undecideds" --- I wonder where those "undecideds" will go. But most importantly, note that 32% of the Democrats in Hawaii say they will vote for Bush. Very strange indeed!

Link showing the polling organizations, the results, and the dates –


Below is a related article from the Honolulu Advertiser.

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  • #2
Only thing I can think of is the strong military presence sways things in wartime.
  • #3
Hawii and Alaska aren't going to get too much "swing state" attention, regardless of how close it is. While this doesn't necessarily re-inforce my theory about why Republicans have such a strong hold on Alaska, it doesn't go to disprove it either. My theory being this: It's damned cold in Alaska, and those people want it to get warmer fast. You've got 2 parties back in the mainland, one that says global warming is a problem and must be dealt with immediately (dems), and the other who says they're not sure, and would wait before doing anything drastic (reps). My theory is that Alaskans are sure as hell aware global warming is going on, and if you're in cold-ass alaska, who are you going to vote for, the party who wants to stop global warming, or the party who won't do a thing to stop it?

That being said, the Democrats don't have any sort of control over Hawaii's weather, so they don't have the god-like power over its populace like the Republicans do over Hawaii. If only it were Global Cooling that was the problem, Democrats would have Alaska and Hawaii in their pockets easily...
  • #4
wasteofo2 said:
If only it were Global Cooling that was the problem, Democrats would have Alaska and Hawaii in their pockets easily...

No, they would have Hawaii. It's cold enough in Alaska!
  • #5
kawikdx225 said:
No, they would have Hawaii. It's cold enough in Alaska!
You misunderstood, I meant if pollution etc. caused the world to cool, and the Democrats wanted to stop it. That way, Alaskans would vote Democrat so as to not freeze their collective balls off anymore than they currently do, and Hawaii would vote Democrat to keep their nice tropical climate and tourism industry going. Who'd want to go to Hawaii if the weather forcast was "Cool and Windy"?
  • #6
Ahh, now your thinking. I say we buy a lot of land in Alaska, vote conservative, and when it warms up we make a fortune.
  • #7
Interestingly, on the topic of global warming, there is a new business, privately funded, called the Global Research something or other. They have a machine based on a theory they are testing which can remove CO2 from the air and compress it into the Earth (I assume in a solid form of some kind).

There are 3 employees to the company and they're working with $5 Million in funding. They believe if they can prove its success rate and place these giant fan/collectors globally, they can significantly cut down on greenhouse emissions globally without forcing the reduction of modern industrial techniques that cause global warming.
  • #8
onegermanbeerglass said:
They have a machine based on a theory they are testing which can remove CO2 from the air and compress it into the Earth (I assume in a solid form of some kind).

Holy cow !

You're kidding ! :eek:
  • #9
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Related to Hawaii, formerly a lock for Kerry, now a Swing State.

1. Why was Hawaii previously considered a lock for Kerry?

Hawaii has historically been a strong Democratic state, consistently voting for Democratic candidates in presidential elections. In 2004, Hawaii voted for John Kerry with a margin of over 9%, making it a safe bet for the Democratic party.

2. What has caused Hawaii to become a Swing State?

In recent years, there has been a shift in demographics and political attitudes in Hawaii. The state's population has become more diverse, with a growing Asian and Pacific Islander population. Additionally, there has been a rise in conservative and independent voters, leading to a closer race between the two major parties.

3. How has the current political climate affected Hawaii's status as a Swing State?

The current political climate, including the polarizing presidency of Donald Trump, has played a significant role in Hawaii's shift to a Swing State. Trump's policies and rhetoric have not been well-received by many Hawaiian voters, leading to a potential shift towards the Democratic party.

4. What issues are driving the swing in Hawaii's political allegiance?

Some of the key issues driving the swing in Hawaii's political allegiance include healthcare, climate change, and immigration. Many Hawaiians are concerned about the future of the Affordable Care Act, as well as the potential impacts of climate change on the state's economy and environment. Immigration policies, particularly those targeting Asian and Pacific Islander communities, have also sparked significant backlash in Hawaii.

5. Will Hawaii's status as a Swing State have a significant impact on the 2020 election?

While the outcome of the presidential election in Hawaii may not be as crucial as in other swing states, it could still have an impact on the overall results. Every vote counts in a close election, and the shift in Hawaii's political allegiance could potentially sway the outcome. Additionally, the attention and resources allocated to campaigning in Hawaii could have an effect on voter turnout and engagement in the state.

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