Hawking Bets $100 the LHC Will Not Find The Higgs

In summary, Hawking is betting $100 that the Higgs will be found within the energy range of the LHC. It is unclear who is taking his bet, but he believes that the LHC will find a supersymmetric partner. He has a history of betting against what he actually thinks will happen in order to guarantee a win. The first collisions are expected in October, but a clean result is not expected for at least a year. Hawking's bet on the Higgs does not have a specified time frame, so he may never actually lose the bet even if the Higgs is not discovered. There is also concern about the potential creation of strangelets or black holes, but this is considered unlikely by many scientists. Some media outlets
  • #1
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Hawking certainly will put his money where is mouth is. He has bet $100 that the http://www.physorg.com/news140161003.html" (or at least, one of the Higgs being predicted to be within the LHC energy range). So who is taking his bet? He does think that the LHC will find a supersymmetric partner though...

So who is going to the http://www.fnal.gov/pajamaparty/register.shtml" tonight (or tomorrow morning at 1:30 am, to be precise)? :)

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
He lost the bet with Kip thorne about Hawking radiation leaking information so his record isn't good - of course he could be bluffing!
  • #3
mgb_phys said:
He lost the bet with Kip thorne about Hawking radiation leaking information

Actually, Hawking and Thorne are/were on the same side of this bet.

Hawking bet Thorne that there is a law of physics that says "Thou shalt not behold a naked singualarity."
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  • #5
This is something where I don't think I could make myself place a bet.

If we don't find it... awesome!

If we do... awesome!
  • #7
Hawking doesn't actually say in the article if he thinks they will or won't and he has a habit of betting against what he thinks will happen in order to guarantee that he'll win either way. So does he make it clear anywhere if he actually thinks it will or own't be found?
  • #8
I heard Hawking's interview about that bet (among other stuff) on BBC this morning. For me, its enough of a struggle to become even marginally familiar a Feynman diagram, let alone whether the LHC could make a tiny black hole. They journalists seem obsessed with asking about that, even though it has been pointed out many times that the Earth is regulary hit by particles more energetic than the LHC can make.
  • #9
how long after the LHC is turned on before we know? Assuming the very first collision produces a higgs when will I know about it?
  • #10
Assuming the first collision produces a Higg's, how will anyone recognize it anyway?
  • #11
tribdog said:
how long after the LHC is turned on before we know? Assuming the very first collision produces a higgs when will I know about it?

:smile: I'm afraid it doesn't happen like that: the experimentalists don't turn on their machine and then literally see particles. What they see is energy distributions where particles have decayed in specific parts of the detector. These then become more particles, which again decay etc etc.. so they have to build up a picture of what the known products were, before they can tell which particles were collided (since protons are made up of fundamental particles) and thus which interaction channel they went down. So, unfortunately, it's nothing like as easy as turning the thing on and just seeing a Higgs, then going to the CERN pub to celebrate: they need to take a lot of measurements, and compile statistics until they have enough evidence to claim a discovery of the Higgs (or any other particle).

I wouldn't like to put a time on it, but I'd say at least several months (especially since the collider is closing down over Christmas before increasing it's power) but probably not for at least a year.

(Zz et al, feel free to correct anything I've said here!)
  • #12
As I understand it, the days of bubble chamber photographs showing collision tracks are over, now replaced with layers of sophisticated detectors and electronics that produce computer data and imagery.
  • #13
First counter-clockwise circulating proton beam will be tomorrow. This is actually crucial because this is when they adjust their superconducting magnets to get the beam to where they want it through ALL the sectors of the ring. Then they will get the proton beam to go clockwise. The neat thing here is that the protons going the clockwise share the SAME magnet as the one going counterlockwise. This amazing feat is possible due to the interesting geometry of the magnet that allows for a different polarity in a slightly different location. They adjust the SAME magnet to get the proper alignment.

What is the MOST crucial aspect of this actually will occur the next day when they get the beam to go back into the ccw direction. If this beam is way off alignment, then they will have big problems. If it is only slight off then they are fine, because they can fine tune it. Note that the beam will not be at full charge/luminosity/energy. This will be gradually increased up to the optimal condition during the month.

The first collision is expected in Oct., probably mid to late Oct. This is when all the detectors will be doing a lot of calibrating and whatnot. No one expects any kind of clean result for at least a year. I would be surprised if any significant result will come out before 2010.

  • #14
and the Earth consuming black hole? 2011? 2012?
  • #15
Seems like a strange bet. If they discover a Higgs, he loses and pays someone $100 (I guess to the discoverer?), but without a time frame specified, he'll never win the bet even if they don't discover a Higgs. With this sort of betting skills, I think I'd enjoy playing poker with him. :biggrin:
  • #16
tribdog said:
and the Earth consuming black hole? 2011? 2012?
I thought the production of strangelets was the major worry??

SkyNews in the UK led with the CERN story tonight, saying tomorrow scientists will try to understand the origin of the universe or possibly destroy the planet :smile:

Nothing like a bit of sensationalism :rolleyes:
  • #17
Moonbear said:
Seems like a strange bet. If they discover a Higgs, he loses and pays someone $100 (I guess to the discoverer?), but without a time frame specified, he'll never win the bet even if they don't discover a Higgs. With this sort of betting skills, I think I'd enjoy playing poker with him. :biggrin:
Hawking likes to cover every angle that way he is never actually wrong.
  • #18
Moonbear said:
but without a time frame specified, he'll never win the bet even if they don't discover a Higgs.
They will definitely publish, and conclude whether the Higgs (or whatever they find) exists or not.

They can exclude a range of possible values for the Higgs' mass, and there are unphysical (impossible) values otherwise. Therefore, they both understand what the bet means precisely.

Worst case, if they really don't publish anything, he still wins since they certainly did not find it :biggrin:
  • #19
Hawking must be prepared to accept refunds, as the present euphoria and expectation may well result in false positives:

Higgs predicted not one but several bosons in the final optimistic sentence that had to be added to get his original paper published. The Higgs approach postulates a scalar field permeating all of space, where mass is transferred to a particle from the field, which contained it in the form of energy. The amount is supposed to depend on the strength of the coupling between the particle and the field. But virtual particles, which may exist for arbitrarily short times and corresponding arbitrary large energies, can also interact with such Higgs bosons, giving arbitrary energies... This implies that there may soon be many possible candidates for the title of Higgs boson, all 'identified' by experiments that try to infer coupling strengths, at best only finding parameters for certain formulas but advancing our understanding of the nature of mass not one bit.

It makes sense that Hawking would take a contrary view.
  • #20
I'm a huge fan of the LHC. behind it 100% and have no concern whatsoever that it is going to do anything other than what it is supposed to do. So don't think I'm trying to come up with any doomsday theories. this is just out of curiosity. I know super high energy collisions happen in the upper atmosphere regularly I was wondering how frequent they are. Is it more or less than the number that will be happening at the LHC. Something like 500000 a second wasn't it?
Also, my favorite doomsday scenario I've heard is that somehow when this thing is turned on it will make the Earth go SUPERNOVA! Which, in my book, makes the LHC worth every penny. It would be worth dieing to see that miracle.
  • #21
ZapperZ said:
Hawking certainly will put his money where is mouth is. He has bet $100 that the http://www.physorg.com/news140161003.html" (or at least, one of the Higgs being predicted to be within the LHC energy range). So who is taking his bet? He does think that the LHC will find a supersymmetric partner though...

The original bet, made in 2000, was with Gordon Kane. I'm sure Kane would love to see a supersymmetric partner found, too.
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  • #23
I don't think they will find Higgs or supersymmetric partners.
Or Black holes either.
But what do I know :smile:
  • #24
That Times link is interesting ZZ.
Both men are contenders for the Nobel prize — depending on the outcome of the experiment
This is just wrong, isn't it?
  • #25
muppet said:
That Times link is interesting ZZ.

This is just wrong, isn't it?

If the Higgs boson is found, then Higgs will win a Nobel. If radiation from micro black holes is found, then Hawking will win a Nobel. If both the Higgs boson and radiation from micro black holes are found, then both Higgs and Hawking will win (separate) Nobels.
  • #26
Ah... I'd quite forgotten that scientists had anything to say about black holes at the LHC except that they won't destroy the earth!
As I understand it black hole production is dependent on the existence of comparitively large extra dimensions... now that, I might bet 50 quid against :rolleyes:
  • #27
muppet said:
Ah... I'd quite forgotten that scientists had anything to say about black holes at the LHC except that they won't destroy the earth!
As I understand it black hole production is dependent on the existence of comparitively large extra dimensions... now that, I might bet 50 quid against :rolleyes:

My 20 against your 50? I need some odds.
  • #28
Hawking said that even if a little black hole were created, it would have a very short life and "evaporate in a shower of characteristic particles"

If that does happen, and the shower conforms to Hawking's published work, that just might lead straight to a Nobel prize.. maybe :smile:
  • #29
Well, he didn't really SAY it, but that's right.
  • #30
GTrax said:
If that does happen, and the shower conforms to Hawking's published work, that just might lead straight to a Nobel prize.. maybe :smile:
As George has said above, if radiation from black holes is detected at the LHC, then Hawking will get a Nobel prize: I don't think there's any "maybe" about it!
  • #31
Hi tribdog.. :smile:
I heard the synthetic voice actually say it.
The $100 bet (BBC interview) was great fun, but I forget the context of some of it.
I am going to try and find a link for it.

OK - I found it..

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  • #32
cristo said:
As George has said above, if radiation from black holes is detected at the LHC, then Hawking will get a Nobel prize: I don't think there's any "maybe" about it!

Neither does he, apparently :rolleyes:

FAQ: Hawking Bets $100 the LHC Will Not Find The Higgs

1. What is the LHC and why is it important?

The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It is located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland and is used to study the fundamental building blocks of matter. Its importance lies in its ability to recreate the conditions of the early universe and potentially discover new particles and phenomena that could revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

2. What is the Higgs boson and why is it significant?

The Higgs boson is a hypothetical elementary particle that is believed to give mass to all other particles in the universe. Its discovery would confirm the existence of the Higgs field, a fundamental component of the Standard Model of particle physics. The Higgs boson is significant because it would provide a crucial missing piece in our understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe.

3. Why did Stephen Hawking bet against the LHC finding the Higgs boson?

Stephen Hawking, a renowned theoretical physicist, made a bet in 2008 that the LHC would not find the Higgs boson. This was based on his own calculations and theories that suggested the Higgs boson may not exist at all. He believed that if the LHC did not find the Higgs boson, it would open up new avenues for research and potentially lead to a more complete understanding of the universe.

4. Has the LHC found the Higgs boson?

Yes, in 2012, the LHC announced the discovery of a new particle that was consistent with the Higgs boson. Further experiments and data analysis confirmed its existence and properties, leading to the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics to the scientists who first proposed the Higgs mechanism in 1964. This discovery was a major milestone in particle physics and confirmed the validity of the Standard Model.

5. What are the implications if the LHC does not find the Higgs boson?

If the LHC had not found the Higgs boson, it would have raised many questions about the validity of the Standard Model and our understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. It would have also opened up new possibilities for alternative theories and further research. However, the discovery of the Higgs boson has provided strong evidence for the Standard Model and has allowed scientists to continue exploring the mysteries of the universe with a solid foundation.

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