Hawking singularity theorem - what if not all geodesics incomplete?

In summary: But for a single universe that we live in, I think there is a loophole that could be closed by invoking the null energy condition.
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Hawking singularity theorem -- what if not all geodesics incomplete?

The Penrose singularity theorem tells us that once you get a trapped surface, at least one geodesic is guaranteed to be incomplete, going forward in time. But this doesn't mean that 100% of the mass of a collapsing star has to go into the resulting singularity. It would be consistent with the Penrose singularity theorem if a collapsing star formed a microscopic black hole, blowing off the other 99+% of its mass. To set a lower bound on the mass of the resulting black hole, we need some other ingredient in the argument. For example, it must be at least equal to the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit, or else the star would have stabilized as a neutron star.

In the case of the Hawking singularity theorem, all we are guaranteed is that at least one geodesic is incomplete going backward in time. It's tempting to use the theorem as an ironclad argument that the Big Bang had to be the beginning of time, and therefore can't be interpreted as an explosion that occurred in a preexisting vacuum. Now I'm not proposing that the BB really was an explosion in a preexisting vacuum, but I would like to understand how to close the loophole in this argument that arises because it only proves geodesic incompleteness for a single geodesic, not all geodesics. It seems to me that we need some other ingredient in the argument.

Suppose for the sake of argument that our universe has some set of geodesics I that are incomplete, all of them springing out of the same BB singularity, but it has some other set C that are complete going backward in time. If geodesics from I never intersect geodesics from C, then we have two separate universes, each undetectable by the other; and then we'd know we lived in I, not C, since we do see the cosmic microwave background. Therefore the only really interesting case is the one in which some geodesics from C do intersect some geodesics from I. Observers whose world-lines were in C might go along minding their own business for a long time, and then one day they'd get their house knocked down by a piece of shrapnel whose world-line was in I. I suppose this is incompatible with isotropy, but isotropy is only approximate anyway. Is there any more fundamental way that we can rule out a case like this?
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bcrowell said:
It would be consistent with the Penrose singularity theorem if a collapsing star formed a microscopic black hole, blowing off the other 99+% of its mass.

Yes, but it would also require that at least a portion of the trapped region did not stay trapped indefinitely into the future. (At least, if what you're envisioning is that a portion of the star's mass gets blown off after the star has collapsed within a trapped surface.) It seems to me that that would require the null energy condition to be violated (basically because light rays would have to stop being trapped after they already were), which is a condition of the theorem. Or at any rate, for it to happen without violating the null energy condition would seem to me to require a highly unlikely, fine-tuned configuration.

bcrowell said:
Is there any more fundamental way that we can rule out a case like this?

For the universe as a whole, I would think homogeneity and isotropy would be the best ways to show that all geodesics into the past must be incomplete. The argument would be simple: all geodesics are identical by symmetry, so if anyone is incomplete, they all must be.

Related to Hawking singularity theorem - what if not all geodesics incomplete?

1. What is the Hawking singularity theorem?

The Hawking singularity theorem is a mathematical theorem proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking in 1966. It states that under certain conditions, a singularity (a point of infinite density and zero volume) is inevitable in the universe, such as in the center of a black hole.

2. What does it mean for geodesics to be incomplete?

Geodesics are the shortest paths between two points in curved space. Incomplete geodesics refer to paths that cannot be extended indefinitely without reaching a singularity. In other words, the path ends at a singularity and cannot be continued.

3. What if not all geodesics are incomplete?

If not all geodesics are incomplete, it would mean that the singularity theorem does not hold true in that particular space. This could potentially open up new possibilities for the behavior of space and time in that region of the universe.

4. How does the Hawking singularity theorem relate to black holes?

The Hawking singularity theorem is closely related to the concept of black holes. According to the theorem, black holes must have a singularity at their center, which is surrounded by an event horizon - the point of no return for anything that falls into the black hole.

5. What are the implications of the Hawking singularity theorem?

The Hawking singularity theorem has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that there are limits to the predictability of space and time, and that our current laws of physics may break down at the point of a singularity. It also raises questions about the nature of time and the beginning of the universe.

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