Hawking transcript, thanks to Not Even Wrong and Sean

In summary, the conversation discusses Hawking's argument on information loss in black holes and the reactions of various individuals to his argument. Peter Woit summarizes the argument, stating that Hawking claims information is not lost in black holes but rather is preserved and returned to infinity. However, there are doubts and skepticism about Hawking's approach, as it relies heavily on the Hawking path integral which has not gained much support in the past. Some suggest that the information problem has already been solved through AdS/CFT, while others question how information can be returned if the black hole is never actually formed.
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  • #2
Reaction to the text of Hawking's argument?

here is how Peter Woit (Not Even Wrong) summarizes the argument


His argument is in Euclidean quantum gravity, which he describes as "the only sane way to do quantum gravity non-perturbatively", something which some might disagree with. What he seems to be arguing is that, while it is true you get information loss in the path integral over metrics on a fixed non-trivial black hole topology, you really need to sum over all topologies. When you do this you get unitary evolution from the trivial (no black hole) topology and the non-trivial topologies give contributions that are independent of the initial state and don't contribute to the initial-final state amplitude.

I guess what this means is that he is claiming that, sure, if you knew you really had a black hole, then there would be a problem with unitarity, but in quantum gravity you don't ever really know that you have a black hole, you also have to take into account the amplitude for not actually having one and when you properly do this the unitarity problem goes away.

trivial topology means no black hole

some kind of shell game? My impression is that to find if information is lost in a black hole in ordinary QG one would condition on having a black hole
the probabilities would be conditional probabilities given that you have a black hole

But he says "in quantum gravity (at least in his kind) you can't assume you have a black hole" so you average things up including the cases where you don't have a black hole and presto! information is not lost!

in the cases where you do have a black hole (the nontrivial topology)
then he says information IS lost, after all, but in (his special kind of) path integral those cases do not contribute anything to the average because they zero out

so he has a special kind of path integral formalism that zeros out the existence of black holes---does not register the existence of black holes when you do add up the path integral

with this formalism he discovers things about black holes which he wants to tell us----the information in them does not die by the time the hole evaporates, he says

but why should it not? what reasoning has he given that it doesnt?

There was not proposed a mechanism for the info to get out: there was only offered an argument that logically it MUST somehow get out before the hole evaporates.

Hawking argument does not, as far as I can see, offer any resistance to the claim of Gambini Porto Pullin that info fallen into hole will die naturally by time hole evaporates.

I'm hoping other PF folk had other reactions to Hawking's talk and will post them. Would like to see how others reacted.
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  • #3
I'm a bit suspicious as well. I'm going to wait for his paper to be published as that will tell all.
  • #4
Brad, thanks so much for replying! I am looking for some PF person who feels they understand the basic argument and who is NOT suspicious.

You and I can remain politely skeptical---but where is someone who will
raise Hawking's banner and explain to us why we ought to believe his path integral?

the argument depends heavily on the Hawking path integral, on its zeroing-out the spacetimes that have black holes living in them and only including one's that don't in the average. This hawking path integral AFAIK has been around since the 1980s and has been worked on sporadically but has gained few adherents as an approach to QG.

what can waiting around for his more detailed paper do for us, if the paper just grinds thru a bunch of Hawking-style path integral calculation that, in any case, does not currently seem of great interest as an approach to gravity?

's got to be more.

maybe the subsequent paper will stir up greater interest in Euclidean Path Integral.
  • #5
Well, his paper will hopefully more fully explain his reasoning. The Hawking path-integrals seem to be a bit of a slight of hand right now to me. As it stands right now, until I see his full paper with the mathematics and reasoning, I'm forced to reach the conclusion that while his approach may well show it is unitary, it isn't fundamental. Sort of like renormalization, those infinities really shouldn't be there in the first place. That is what this strikes me as. Yeah, we can cancel out those spacetimes with black holes, but his argument rests on the fact we can only infer a black hole at distance infinity. Apparently, attempting to measure the field value at some distance between is impossible due to quantum uncertainty. What pray tell, are we to conclude then if we happen to be very close to a black hole?

Maybe I missed that somewhere in his talk, so if I did let me know.
  • #6
...And then there's Jaques Distler , who says the information problem was solved years ago in AdS/CFT. everybody knows this he says, but some of the obvious things about Ads/CFT that he talks about were unknown to me.

Hey Jeff! You're a holography maven aren't you? Could you give us a little rundown on this stuff?
  • #7
"Black hole formation and evaporation, can be thought of as a
scattering process. One sends in particles and radiation from
infinity, and measures what comes back out to infinity. All
measurements are made at infinity, where fields are weak, and one
never probes the strong field region in the middle. So one can't be
sure a black hole forms, no matter how certain it might be in
classical theory. I shall show that this possibility, allows
information to be preserved, and to be returned to infinity."

I take infinity to mean "far field" eg; "no near field effects".
I'm going to have to think about how information can be returned if the hole is never formed.
Thanks marcus ... reread your post ... now i get it. it averages to get some information back.
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  • #8
Distler is right of course. Sure, its perfectly sensible from a working poitn of view, to impose a negative cc to regularize the path integral since you can benefit from the ads/cft correspondance, but the problem is not solved until you can generalize it to flat or Desitter space. Otoh, its nice to have a working theory that explains things on the bulk. A full fledged Ads/Cft that goes both ways and is known precisely is always of interest. (which will have to wait and see until the full paper is out)

The actual physical path integral itself otoh is not well defined, as you are abusing wick's theorem if you insist on analytically continuing over *all* metrics. It boils down to an operator ordering problem, and an issue with how to define time.

There are other problems I think, but its probably best to reserve judgement until the final paper is released.
  • #9
Does it say the path integral zeroes out the black hole contribution? I missed that; I thought he was merely saying that the sum of the contributions was unitary.
  • #10
Well, he claims to have shown that the nontrivial topologies are removable in the euclidean path integral, in that they are able to be divided out, hence the thing is unitary since the trivial ones are unitary.

But, as per usual, we are not interested in the Euclidean path integral, but rather the lorentzian one, and it isn't clear how to retrieve that mathematically. But whatever, even if that is the case, there is still problems with the picture.

FAQ: Hawking transcript, thanks to Not Even Wrong and Sean

1. What is the Hawking transcript?

The Hawking transcript refers to a document that contains the final research paper of the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking. It was released posthumously in 2018 and outlines his theory on the origin of the universe.

2. Who wrote the Hawking transcript?

The Hawking transcript was written by Stephen Hawking himself, with the help of his co-author Thomas Hertog. It was one of the last projects that Hawking worked on before his death in 2018.

3. What is the significance of the Hawking transcript?

The Hawking transcript is significant because it presents Hawking's final thoughts and theories on the origin of the universe. It also showcases his continued contribution to the field of physics and cosmology, even after his death.

4. What is the main theory presented in the Hawking transcript?

The main theory presented in the Hawking transcript is the "no-boundary proposal," which suggests that the universe has no definite beginning or end. It proposes that the universe is eternal and has always existed in a state of expansion.

5. How has the scientific community responded to the Hawking transcript?

The scientific community has responded positively to the Hawking transcript, with many praising Hawking's contributions and theories. However, some have also raised questions and criticisms, as is common in the scientific community, and further research and analysis are ongoing.
