Head Loss in Pipe - Roughness, Velocity, Length

In summary, head loss in pipe refers to the decrease in pressure that occurs when fluid flows through a pipe due to factors such as roughness, velocity, and length. Roughness on the inner surface of a pipe can cause turbulence and increase friction, resulting in higher head loss. Higher velocities also lead to increased head loss, making it important to consider when designing a pipe system. Longer pipes also contribute to higher head loss due to increased resistance. To reduce head loss, smoother pipes, larger diameters, and shorter lengths can be used, and fluid velocities should be kept within recommended limits.
  • #1
Water flows through a horizontal 150 mm diameter pipe with a mean velocity of 2.5m/s. The surface roughness of the pipe is 0.15mm. Determine the head loss in a 30m length of the pipe. Hints, use moody chart, Re = ρVD/μ.

Been having trouble with the question, can't seem to do it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

FAQ: Head Loss in Pipe - Roughness, Velocity, Length

What is head loss in pipe?

Head loss in pipe is the reduction in pressure that occurs when fluid flows through a pipe. This can be caused by various factors such as pipe roughness, velocity, and length.

How does roughness affect head loss in pipe?

Roughness refers to the irregularities on the inner surface of a pipe. These irregularities can cause turbulence in the flow of fluid, resulting in increased friction and therefore increased head loss.

Does velocity have an impact on head loss in pipe?

Yes, velocity is a major factor in head loss in pipe. Higher velocities result in higher friction and therefore higher head loss. This is why it is important to consider the velocity of fluid when designing a pipe system.

Why does head loss increase with pipe length?

Head loss increases with pipe length because the longer the pipe, the more resistance the fluid encounters, resulting in a greater pressure drop. This is why it is important to keep pipe lengths as short as possible in order to minimize head loss.

How can head loss in pipe be reduced?

Head loss in pipe can be reduced by using pipes with smoother surfaces, increasing the pipe diameter, and reducing the pipe length. Additionally, keeping fluid velocities within recommended limits can also help to minimize head loss.
