Health Problems: Who Has Had Serious Issues?

  • Thread starter tumor
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In summary, the conversation revolved around sharing personal health issues and discussing the origins of Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada. Some individuals expressed their discomfort with discussing health problems, while others felt it was important to have open discussions about them. The conversation also touched on the topic of scars and their perceived attractiveness.
  • #1
Sorry for being too inquistive :redface: ,but i was wondering who has or had any serious health problems?
I have epilepsy and must take everyday loads of pills,and my lower back is in terrible shape(can't bend).How about you guys?
Physics news on
  • #2
What a depressing thread
  • #3
It's discussions like this that keep me from wanting to spend Thanksgiving with my relatives! Their ailments are all they talk about.
  • #4
OH! happy thanksgiving to all american friends! we in Canada had ours month ago.
  • #5
Actually it's something that people shouldn't be afraid to discuss. Years ago I was active in video conferencing through Cornell University and met a great guy that had been born without limbs, he typed with a special stick he held in his teeth. He was afraid for awhile to let anyone know, but then realized he was accepted for who he was inside, not outside.
  • #6
Moonbear said:
It's discussions like this that keep me from wanting to spend Thanksgiving with my relatives! Their ailments are all they talk about.

I know exactly how you feel.

tumor said:
OH! happy thanksgiving to all american friends! we in Canada had ours month ago.

Excuse my ignorance, but I thought that thanksgiving started when the pilgrems came to north america. Why does Canda have a thanksgiving? Why do you have it a month earlier?
  • #7
Physics_wiz said:
I know exactly how you feel.

Excuse my ignorance, but I thought that thanksgiving started when the pilgrems came to north america. Why does Canda have a thanksgiving? Why do you have it a month earlier?

Last time I checked, Canada was part of North America. :-p
And you don't think Canada has anything to be thankful for? :-p :-p
Anyway, it's a month earlier because we felt that having it in late November is too close to christmas. Or so is my understanding of why it's earlier.
  • #8
We in Canada have our thanxgiving in october because we don't want to be too USA like.Maybe.
  • #9
check said:
Last time I checked, Canada was part of North America. :-p
And you don't think Canada has anything to be thankful for? :-p :-p
Anyway, it's a month earlier because we felt that having it in late November is too close to christmas. Or so is my understanding of why it's earlier.
I thought Canada was giving thanks for not being part of the US. (dodges rotten tomatoes from diehard US patriots) :frown:

I'M KIDDING, OK? Sheesh.
  • #10
October makes more sense than November, to be honest, since it was a celebration of the first successful harvest of the settlers with the aid of the Native Americans...that was more likely to have happened in September or October than November as the only thing to harvest in November would be frozen vegetables!
  • #11
check said:
Last time I checked, Canada was part of North America. :-p

You's very sad that this is not the first, or the second, or the third (maybe?) time I make that mistake :cry:
  • #12
Okay, back to the topic at hand.
I'll go: I had open heart surgery as an infant so I got a nice neat scar. Chicks dig scars, right? Anyway, the condition hasn't given me any problems except I probably get tired more easily than most people doing physical activity. As for other med problems, I get panic attacks which really suck.
I have a check up in a couple of days so perhaps I'll have more to add to the list. (hope not!)
  • #13
check said:
Okay, back to the topic at hand.
I'll go: I had open heart surgery as an infant so I got a nice neat scar. Chicks dig scars, right? Anyway, the condition hasn't given me any problems except I probably get tired more easily than most people doing physical activity. As for other med problems, I get panic attacks which really suck.
I have a check up in a couple of days so perhaps I'll have more to add to the list. (hope not!)

Yep, scars are very sexy. Hmm...remember when Holly did that fortune-telling thread? She told me I'd meet a man with a prominent scar...hmmm. :rolleyes: :smile: But I thought he was supposed to be an older man, not younger...or maybe I'm remembering wrong. Ha ha.
  • #14
check said:
Okay, back to the topic at hand.
I'll go: I had open heart surgery as an infant so I got a nice neat scar. Chicks dig scars, right?

You walk around without shirt and jacket :confused:
  • #15
tumor said:
You walk around without shirt and jacket :confused:
At the beach I do.
Actually, sometimes I get naked durring physics class too. Less restrictive. Helps me concentrate.
  • #16
Moonbear said:
Yep, scars are very sexy. Hmm...remember when Holly did that fortune-telling thread? She told me I'd meet a man with a prominent scar...hmmm. :rolleyes: :smile: But I thought he was supposed to be an older man, not younger...or maybe I'm remembering wrong. Ha ha.

I miss Holly and her threads.

Hmm, an older woman... well, enigma might get mad at me since he did call you first. Perhaps he has some scars! :eek: LoL
  • #17
Moonbear said:
October makes more sense than November, to be honest, since it was a celebration of the first successful harvest of the settlers with the aid of the Native Americans...that was more likely to have happened in September or October than November as the only thing to harvest in November would be frozen vegetables!
I actually happened to watch a documentary about Thanksgiving last night. The first Thanksgiving was late September/early October. The following year the harvest was bad and there was no Thanksgiving, not for many years actually.

Thanksgiving as we know it is due to the female editor of a popular magazine that felt that traditional family values were being destroyed by the industrial revolution. She wrote letters for 40 years until finally President Lincoln gave in and made it an official holiday.

:zzz: (sound of crickets chirping) :zzz: Hello? Oh, no one wanted to know that much. :frown:

Anyway, this thread isn't about Thanksgiving!
  • #18
check said:
Okay, back to the topic at hand.
I'll go: I had open heart surgery as an infant so I got a nice neat scar. Chicks dig scars, right? Anyway, the condition hasn't given me any problems except I probably get tired more easily than most people doing physical activity. As for other med problems, I get panic attacks which really suck.
I have a check up in a couple of days so perhaps I'll have more to add to the list. (hope not!)
You were born with a hole in your heart?
  • #19
check said:
I miss Holly and her threads.

Hmm, an older woman... well, enigma might get mad at me since he did call you first. Perhaps he has some scars! :eek: LoL

I think I'm available again. Enigma left me at the altar...refused to even buy me a small coffee ring. :cry:
  • #20
Evo said:
You were born with a hole in your heart?

Nope. Transposition of the great vessels... or something to that effect.
  • #21
check said:
I miss Holly and her threads.

Hmm, an older woman... well, enigma might get mad at me since he did call you first. Perhaps he has some scars! :eek: LoL
A lot of people were really mean to Holly, (but she was a bit of a holy roller), so she left.

I've been considering putting those threads in the "classics" sticky. How do you guys feel about that? Should I put them there so people can see them?
  • #22
Evo said:
A lot of people were really mean to Holly, (but she was a bit of a holy roller), so she left.

I've been considering putting those threads in the "classics" sticky. How do you guys feel about that? Should I put them there so people can see them?

Yeah Evo, that would be swell. :)
aww... poor Holly.
  • #23
Moonbear said:
I think I'm available again. Enigma left me at the altar...refused to even buy me a small coffee ring. :cry:
I had his e-child (unbeknownst to me) and I didn't get so much as a coffee ring either!
  • #24
Moonbear said:
I think I'm available again. Enigma left me at the altar...refused to even buy me a small coffee ring. :cry:

what a jerk! did you get him back? Please say you did.
  • #25
Evo said:
Thanksgiving as we know it is due to the female editor of a popular magazine that felt that traditional family values were being destroyed by the industrial revolution.

Good to learn all this fear about erosion of traditional family values is such a new problem. :biggrin:

Sorry, I don't have much to contribute to the thread other than my witty commentary. :-p I had a bout with a hyperactive thyroid about 10 years ago, but it calmed down with medication (the alternative treatments sounded scary...either cutting out part of it or giving me a radioactive cocktail to drink ...then again, it settled down soon after I started working in a lab with radioactive iodine, so maybe I treated myself inadvertently). It has resulted in a lasting heart arrhythmia, but nothing severe, and it only becomes symptomatic if I start to be lazy, so I don't worry about it. I've been fortunate to stay out of hospitals and emergency rooms my whole life.
  • #26
It is not exactly health problem( he can actually make some money from it ), but my friend has 3 kidneys. :bugeye:
  • #27
Evo said:
A lot of people were really mean to Holly, (but she was a bit of a holy roller), so she left.

I've been considering putting those threads in the "classics" sticky. How do you guys feel about that? Should I put them there so people can see them?

Yeah, the fortune telling thread and the virtual dinner should go in the classic sticky. Those were hysterical!

I didn't think people were really all that mean to her, I think they just were persistent in their disagreement on some topics she was particularly sensitive about and couldn't really take it. Probably folks should have backed off a little when it became clear she was taking it all a bit too hard, but hindsight is 20/20.
  • #28
Ok, holly's threads and a few other cute threads have been added to the classics sticky.
  • #29
I have Hashimoto's disease - a form of hypothyroidism - along with multiple nodules in the thyroid gland itself. I take thyroid meds but my thyroid hormone levels keep fluctuating and we have to adjust my meds accordingly. It's a pain in the ass. I get tired a lot and completely loose my appetite for weeks on end. Most people with hypothyroid gain weight and bloat up but not ME! (why do I always have to be different?) I lost 25 pounds and have trouble not loosing more. A lot of the time I have to force myself to eat whether I'm hungry or not (usually not). :frown: The weird thing is, I'm always EXTREMELY energetic at work (people often ask me where I get all my energy - my answer is COFFEE! :biggrin:) and whenever I do anything, it's almost ALWAYS at a fast pace. I can really move out (for an old lady :biggrin:) and usually put the younger kids at work to shame! They're dragging their butts at the end of the shift and I'm still ready for ACTION! I can work those young pups into the GROUND! :biggrin:
  • #30
I miss Holly, too. :cry:
  • #31
I'm clinically dead. There, I've said it. Have been for years, most of my life in fact. :smile:
  • #32
No major health problems for me, but I was told I have a heart murmur that needs to be checked thoroughly. I get tired a little more easily and cannot smoke. Haven't made it yet to the doc to have the electrocardiogram, but I am a little nervous about it to be honest.

Although health is so important, one of my pet peeves is those who constantly complain about little health annoyances...allergies, aches/pains, etc. I try to be sympathathetic to those who are experiencing real problems, but there are people who focus so much on the little things that it's as if their mind truly rules their health.

Tumor, do you like Blind Melon by chance?
  • #33
I have lower back problems, my hands twitch for no reason and make me uncomfortable and I have very tense shoulder and neck muscles. I must say I am not as bad as some people but they seem like bad problems to me because suddenly I can't feel my legs or I can't bend down or I also fall over or I can't write or type or conduct. If I didn't do the stuff I do I most likely would not have noticed it.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #34
As i mentioned in the beginning I have same problem with my back as you do BOB.
There is posibillity to fix your back with surgery,they are now replacing worn out disks with artifficial one or fusing verterbraes.I'm going to go for surgery soon.
  • #35
tumor said:
As i mentioned in the beginning I have same problem with my back as you do BOB.
There is posibillity to fix your back with surgery,they are now replacing worn out disks with artifficial one or fusing verterbraes.I'm going to go for surgery soon.
I believe my back problem is to do with my height and my muscles are not strong enough yet but my neck I believe is because the cartalige has been worn down.

The Bob (2004 ©)

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