Hearing the Train Whistle Frequency: Calculating fs

In summary, the equation you quoted is used to calculate the frequency of a whistle heard when the observer is stationary, relative to the frequency of the whistle heard when the observer is moving. The equation assumes that the observer is stationary, and that the train is stationary.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are standing on a train station platform as a train goes by close to you. As the train approaches, you hear the whistle sound at a frequency of f1 = 92 Hz. As the train recedes, you hear the whistle sound at a frequency of f2 = 79 Hz. Take the speed of sound in air to be v = 340 m/s.

Find the numeric value, in hertz, for the frequency of the train whistle fs that you would hear if the train were not moving.

Homework Equations

f obs = f s (v +- vobs / v +- vs)

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to find fs by fs = f obs / (v +- vobs / v +- vs), but since nobody is moving I just get 1 in parenthesis, and don't know what to set f obs to. The correct answer is 85 Hz, I just have no clue how to get to that point.
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  • #2
chem31sa6 said:
... but since nobody is moving ...
Isn't the train moving?
  • #3
kuruman said:
Isn't the train moving?

Well it says to find the numeric value, in hertz, for the frequency of the train whistle fs that you would hear if the train were not moving.
  • #4
You quoted the relevant equation
$$f_{obs}=f\frac{v \pm v_{obs}}{v \pm v_{s}}$$
Can you identify what these symbols stand for? For example,
v = speed of sound, here 340 m/s.
What about ##f##, ##f_{obs}##, ##v_{obs}## and ##v_s##? Can you say with words what they stand for and, if known, what their values are?
  • #5
kuruman said:
You quoted the relevant equation
$$f_{obs}=f\frac{v \pm v_{obs}}{v \pm v_{s}}$$
Can you identify what these symbols stand for? For example,
v = speed of sound, here 340 m/s.
What about ##f##, ##f_{obs}##, ##v_{obs}## and ##v_s##? Can you say with words what they stand for and, if known, what their values are?

f is the frequency produced from the source.
fobs is the frequency heard by the observer.
Vobs is the velocity of the observer (standing still so it has to be 0).
Vs is the velocity of the source, which in this part of the problem is the train which we are told stopped moving.

The only thing we have are the frequencies heard by the observer (92 and 79) along with the velocity of sound 340 m/s
  • #6
chem31sa6 said:
Vs is the velocity of the source, which in this part of the problem is the train which we are told stopped moving.

The only thing we have are the frequencies heard by the observer (92 and 79) along with the velocity of sound 340 m/s
But those data about the two frequencies heard apply to the case where the train is moving.
  • #7
chem31sa6 said:
f is the frequency produced from the source.
Indeed, and that is what the problem is asking you to find. What do you think given frequencies f1 = 92 Hz and f2 = 79 Hz are? Where do they come from and under what circumstances? If the train is not moving, the Doppler formula gives ##f_{obs} = f##; that's nothing new. As @haruspex hinted, what does the formula look like when the train is moving?

FAQ: Hearing the Train Whistle Frequency: Calculating fs

1. How is the train whistle frequency calculated?

The train whistle frequency is calculated using the formula fs = n(v/2L), where fs is the frequency, n is the number of nodes in the standing wave pattern, v is the speed of sound in air, and L is the length of the train whistle.

2. Why is it important to calculate the train whistle frequency?

Calculating the train whistle frequency is important for understanding the physics of sound and how it travels through the air. It can also be used to determine the speed and direction of a moving train.

3. What factors can affect the train whistle frequency?

The train whistle frequency can be affected by the speed of the train, the length and shape of the train whistle, and the temperature and humidity of the air.

4. How can I measure the train whistle frequency?

You can measure the train whistle frequency by using a frequency meter or by counting the number of whistle blasts in a certain amount of time and then calculating the frequency using the formula fs = n/t, where t is the time interval.

5. What are some real-life applications of calculating the train whistle frequency?

Calculating the train whistle frequency can be used in train and railway operations to ensure proper signaling and safety measures. It can also be used in sound engineering for designing train whistles with certain frequencies for specific effects.

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