Heat capacities, adiabatic processes, etc

In summary, the heat capacity at constant pressure can be lower than the heat capacity at constant volume because in constant pressure situations, some of the added heat is used to increase pressure instead of temperature. Adiabatic processes can be treated as isovolumetric when going from one isotherm to another, and work is calculated using the formula -P dV. However, this only applies if P is known as a function of V. Additionally, the internal energy of an ideal gas only depends on temperature, so the change in energy for an adiabatic process is the same as an isovolumetric process between the same temperatures.
  • #1
member 392791
I am confused why the heat capacity at constant pressure can be different from the heat capacity at constant volume.

I am also having difficulties absorbing the material regarding the kinetic theory of gases, such as keeping all the ΔE_int changes with what processes etc.

Why can adiabatic processes be treated as isovolumetric when going from one isotherm to another?? How is work calculated?

I know I just brought up a lot of different concepts here, but I am very lost when reading about it in my book.
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  • #2
Woopydalan said:
I am confused why the heat capacity at constant pressure can be different from the heat capacity at constant volume.
Pressure holds energy too, so if you are holding the volume constant and the pressure increases, you raise the temperature and the pressure instead of just the temperature. So a portion of the heat added doesn't result in a higher temperature -- thus Cv is lower.
Why can adiabatic processes be treated as isovolumetric when going from one isotherm to another?? How is work calculated?
That one, the wording isn't clicking for me -- do you have a reference?
  • #3
From my textbook

''All three variables in the ideal gas law—P, V, and T—change
during an adiabatic process.
Let’s imagine an adiabatic gas process involving an infinitesimal change in
volume dV and an accompanying infinitesimal change in temperature dT. The
work done on the gas is -P dV.''

If P changes during an adiabatic process, you can only use -p dV if you know P as a function of V, right?

Then for what I was saying

''Because the internal energy of an ideal gas depends
only on temperature, the change in the internal energy in an adiabatic process
is the same as that for an isovolumetric process between the same temperatures,''

Related to Heat capacities, adiabatic processes, etc

1. What is heat capacity and how is it measured?

Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1 degree Celsius. It is measured by dividing the amount of heat added to the substance by the change in temperature.

2. What is the difference between specific heat and molar heat capacity?

Specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree Celsius, while molar heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.

3. How does heat capacity affect the temperature change of a substance?

The higher the heat capacity of a substance, the more heat is required to raise its temperature. This means that substances with higher heat capacities will experience smaller temperature changes compared to substances with lower heat capacities when the same amount of heat is added.

4. What is an adiabatic process and how does it differ from an isothermal process?

An adiabatic process is one in which no heat is exchanged between a system and its surroundings. This means that the temperature of the system will change without any heat being added or removed. In contrast, an isothermal process is one in which the temperature of the system remains constant and heat is exchanged with the surroundings to maintain this temperature.

5. How does the first law of thermodynamics relate to heat capacities and adiabatic processes?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. In the case of heat capacities, this means that the energy added to a substance will either increase its temperature or be used to do work. In adiabatic processes, the first law of thermodynamics still applies, but no heat is exchanged, so the energy is solely used to change the temperature of the system.
