Heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases

In summary, the heat capacity ratio for a diatomic ideal gas can be calculated using the equipartition theorem, which assigns 3 translational, 2 rotational, and 1 vibrational degree of freedom. However, at regular temperatures, the vibrational degrees of freedom are "frozen out" and the total count is reduced to 5. This results in a heat capacity ratio of approximately 1.286 instead of the predicted 1.4.
  • #1
Calculate the heat capacity ratio for a diatomic ideal gas.


Using the equipartition theorem, I calculate:

Cp / Cv = (Cv + R) / Cv = (7/2 R + R) / (7/2 R) = (9/2 R) / (7/2 R) = 9/7 ~ 1.286

According to the equipartition theorem, I assign each vibrational degree of freedom 1 R and the translational and rotational degrees of freedom are 1/2 R. A diatomic ideal gas has 3(2) = 6 d.o.f. with 3 translational, 2 rotational, 1 vibrational.

However, here the vibrational d.o.f. are not considered separately - and in the first link it shows that the experimental results are actually closer to 1.4 (which you would predict if the vibrational d.o.f. were assigned the same values as the other two). What's going on?

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  • #2
Counting the degrees of freedom for a diatomic ideal gas is actually a little bit tricky. In principle you assign 3 translational, 2 rotational (for a symmetrical molecule) and 2 vibrational (one for potential and 1 for kinetic); however, it's not as simple as that, because it turns out that at regular temperatures like room temperatures the vibrational degrees of freedom are "frozen out" - there isn't enough thermal energy at room temperature to excite the vibrational degrees of freedom, and so the diatomic molecule behaves like a dumbell instead of two balls connected by a spring, and so the total count for the degrees of free (near room-temperatures) is 5.

At very low temperatures even the rotational degrees of freedom freeze out, but since we live near room temperature, we typically take the room temp count of 5 degrees of freedom (vibrations ignored).

FAQ: Heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases

What is the heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases?

The heat capacity ratio, also known as the adiabatic index, for diatomic gases is approximately 1.4.

Why is the heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases important?

The heat capacity ratio is an important thermodynamic property that describes how the temperature of a gas changes when it is compressed or expanded. It is particularly relevant for diatomic gases, which have a more complex internal structure than monoatomic gases.

How is the heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases calculated?

The heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases can be calculated using the equation γ = (f+2)/f, where γ is the heat capacity ratio and f is the degree of freedom of the gas molecule. For diatomic gases, f is equal to 5, resulting in a heat capacity ratio of approximately 1.4.

What factors can affect the heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases?

The heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases can be affected by several factors, including temperature, pressure, and the specific gas molecule. It can also vary for different types of diatomic gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen.

How does the heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases differ from that of monoatomic gases?

The heat capacity ratio for diatomic gases (approximately 1.4) is higher than that of monoatomic gases (1.3). This is because diatomic gases have more degrees of freedom, resulting in a higher ability to absorb and release thermal energy.
