Heat death the ultimate endgame?

In summary, LostConjugate says that according to the information provided, it is very unlikely that our universe will end in a state of maximum entropy. Life as we know it would not be possible to exist in such a state, as entropy would increase to such a point that structures would not be able to bind energy. Conformal Cyclic Cosmology proposes that the end is not the end, but the beginning of a universe x.0.
  • #1
I recently caught Brian Cox in BBC's Wonders of the Universe. I got caught on the heat death theory of the end of the universe.

I understand the concept of entropy and that the universe is heading toward a state of maximum entropy.

Cox used the example of desert sand to illustrate high entropy and a structured sand castle for low entropy. But he then went on to explain that there is nothing stopping individual grains of sand spontaneously forming the exact same castle - a low entropy structure, it's just extremely unlikely, due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, that everything tends toward high entropy rather than low entropy.

My question is, on a long enough timeline, following heat death and achieving maximum entropy, would it be possible, no matter how unlikely or how long the time frame, that the low potential radiation energy left as the only property of our universe could spontaneously form a low entropy state, kick starting a chain of events resulting in universe 2.0 (or x.0), as all the universe's energy still exists, just in a state of low potential energy which could be influenced by this low entropy state?

Is heat death the ultimate endgame? Do we know?

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Tyrone said:
My question is, on a long enough timeline, following heat death and achieving maximum entropy, would it be possible, no matter how unlikely or how long the time frame, that the low potential radiation energy left as the only property of our universe could spontaneously form a low entropy state, kick starting a chain of events resulting in universe 2.0 (or x.0), as all the universe's energy still exists, just in a state of low potential energy which could be influenced by this low entropy state?

This would be overlooking the second law. Entropy never really decreases, it only appears to.

For example:

Not only is it very unlikely for your sand castle to form on its own in the shape your desire, but it requires a lot of wind to facilitate the process. Even if the sand castle forms, the wind itself is an increase of entropy that would overpower the sand castle in the system as a whole.

An apple is an amazing feat in a decreased state of entropy, however in order to create such a master piece a lot of entropy increase has taken place in the sun and on the earth.

However a more advanced concept known as Conformal Cyclic Cosmology does propose that the end is not the end, but the beginning of a universe x.0 just as you say.

  • #3
Tyrone said:
My question is, on a long enough timeline, following heat death and achieving maximum entropy, would it be possible, no matter how unlikely or how long the time frame, that the low potential radiation energy left as the only property of our universe could spontaneously form a low entropy state, kick starting a chain of events resulting in universe 2.0 (or x.0), as all the universe's energy still exists, just in a state of low potential energy which could be influenced by this low entropy state?

Not really. There's no current science that suggests anything will happen after the heat death. However there are alternative theories for the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_fate_of_the_universe" .
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  • #4
LostConjugate said:
This would be overlooking the second law. Entropy never really decreases, it only appears to.

For example:

Not only is it very unlikely for your sand castle to form on its own in the shape your desire, but it requires a lot of wind to facilitate the process. Even if the sand castle forms, the wind itself is an increase of entropy that would overpower the sand castle in the system as a whole.

An apple is an amazing feat in a decreased state of entropy, however in order to create such a master piece a lot of entropy increase has taken place in the sun and on the earth.

However a more advanced concept known as Conformal Cyclic Cosmology does propose that the end is not the end, but the beginning of a universe x.0 just as you say.


Thanks LostConjugate,

I was hoping to clear a few more points in relation to heat death before moving on to Conformal Cyclic Cosmology:

First, are these statements correct:

1. Entropy is similar to energy in that all that will ever be already is, just in various states/structures/systems.

2. Life as we know it is reliant on low entropy, dense structures binding high amounts of potential, workable energy, such as your apple, the sun, earth, etc. and cannot exist in too high an entropy system.

3. The effect of time's arrow is to seek an even distribution of energy, for the universe to reach a state of maximum entropy, thermal equilibrium and total uniformity.

4. In a state of maximum entropy, energy is in a state of such low density as to be considered non-gravitational and to possesses almost zero potential / workability, effectively 'killing' the universe.

Now, returning to Brian Cox example of the desert - high entropy, and the sand castle - low entropy, and his statement that there is nothing stopping the sand particles spontaneously forming the castle, it is simply overwhelmingly improbable.

It seems to me that he was saying that this extreme improbability is due to the effects of time's arrow and the natural tendency/preference for everything to form high rather than low entropy systems. However, no matter how improbable, this is not always the case and low entropy systems do occur, as we wouldn't be here otherwise. Life is a cosmic anomaly and exists due to the above improbability occurring.

I guess if that is correct, it leaves me with three questions regarding heat death:

1. How is maximum entropy achieved in an ever expanding universe?

2. In the timeline leading up to heat death and maximum entropy, is it possible, although almost totally improbable, that low entropy systems will form over a long enough timeline resulting in something of an endless cycle?

3. In the timeline leading up to heat death and maximum entropy, is it possible, although almost totally improbable, that at a certain point, a system of entropy, gravity, energy and thermodynamic instability that could match the conditions prior to cosmic inflation, again forming, over a long enough timeline, something of an endless cycle?

What I really want is to understand just what Cox was explaining re the possibility of the sandcastle spontaneously forming; that it could happen, that there is nothing stopping it occurring naturally, it is just extremely unlikely, improbable.

I had assumed that his example was a metaphor explaining the existence of low entropy systems such as your apple, the planets, stars and life; that no matter how unlikely or improbable the chances, it did happen at least once and may happen again once we are gone, but again, it is extremely improbable.

Thanks all.
  • #5
Tyrone said:
1. Entropy is similar to energy in that all that will ever be already is, just in various states/structures/systems.

I don't think that is true. Total entropy can (only) increase, whereas energy is conserved.

Tyrone said:
2. Life as we know it is reliant on low entropy, dense structures binding high amounts of potential, workable energy, such as your apple, the sun, earth, etc. and cannot exist in too high an entropy system.

I don't know about "dense", but the rest of it seems true, or at least plausible to me. I think that as entropy increases, the amount of energy in the form of waste heat increases at the expense of the amount that can do useful work, and this would eventually lead to life being impossible.

Tyrone said:
3. The effect of time's arrow is to seek an even distribution of energy, for the universe to reach a state of maximum entropy, thermal equilibrium and total uniformity.

I don't know about this. I'm not sure what you mean by, "an even distribution of energy." I also don't know much about the relationship between entropy and the so-called "arrow of time" (aside from the obvious that the Second Law says that certain processes are irreversible). So I'll leave it at that.

Tyrone said:
4. In a state of maximum entropy, energy is in a state of such low density as to be considered non-gravitational and to possesses almost zero potential / workability, effectively 'killing' the universe.

I'm not sure why you're harping on this 'density' thing. Structures can be low or high density, and these are relative terms anyway. Perhaps the distinction you're looking for is inhomogeneous (structured) vs. homogenous?

Tyrone said:
Now, returning to Brian Cox example of the desert - high entropy, and the sand castle - low entropy, and his statement that there is nothing stopping the sand particles spontaneously forming the castle, it is simply overwhelmingly improbable.

It seems to me that he was saying that this extreme improbability is due to the effects of time's arrow and the natural tendency/preference for everything to form high rather than low entropy systems.

No. There are two ways of looking at things. The macroscopic view, which is that this quantity called "entropy" must always increase (overall), and therefore certain processes are irresversible (and systems do not return into a more ordered state from a disordered one). The microscopic way of looking at things is to count up the number of "microstates" of a system (states with different configurations on atomic scales, but all having the same macroscopic properties such as temperature, internal energy etc). When you do this, you note that the ordered states are just a few outcomes out of very very many, (vastly many in fact), possible outcomes. THAT is why they are improbable. So the improbability of these states is a way of explaining the way entropy works using a microscopic model of the system.

Tyrone said:
However, no matter how improbable, this is not always the case and low entropy systems do occur, as we wouldn't be here otherwise. Life is a cosmic anomaly and exists due to the above improbability occurring.

Well, people have already pointed out to you that the apparent decrease in entropy within this system is accompanied by a large increase in entropy of the surroundings. Overall, the entropy of the universe must increase in any process.
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  • #6
cepheid said:
I don't think that is true. Total entropy can (only) increase, whereas energy is conserved.

1. 'The idea of heat death stems from the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy tends to increase in an isolated system. If the universe lasts for a sufficient time, it will asymptotically approach a state where all energy is evenly distributed.'

I am probably wrong, but from the above I had concluded that as the amount of energy in the universe is finite, one not being able to create or destroy it, so too must entropy be finite. Once all energy is evenly distributed, entropy could no longer increase. It must have a maximum limit it can reach before it can increase no more, if it is related to the even distribution of energy.

cepheid said:
I don't know about "dense", but the rest of it seems true, or at least plausible to me. I think that as entropy increases, the amount of energy in the form of waste heat increases at the expense of the amount that can do useful work, and this would eventually lead to life being impossible.

2. Ah, I see your point regarding dense. So a low entropy structure/system does not then, by nature, necessarily have to be dense?

cepheid said:
I don't know about this. I'm not sure what you mean by, "an even distribution of energy." I also don't know much about the relationship between entropy and the so-called "arrow of time" (aside from the obvious that the Second Law says that certain processes are irreversible). So I'll leave it at that.

3. See 1 re even distribution of energy.

cepheid said:
I'm not sure why you're harping on this 'density' thing. Structures can be low or high density, and these are relative terms anyway. Perhaps the distinction you're looking for is inhomogeneous (structured) vs. homogenous?

4. This may be another hole in my understanding, but I had though the more dense an object, the more energy/potential energy it holds. Also, the more dense an object, the more gravity it exerts. The more gravity, the higher chance of attraction. The higher the chance of attraction, the higher the chance of low entropy systems forming.

cepheid said:
No. There are two ways of looking at things. The macroscopic view, which is that this quantity called "entropy" must always increase (overall), and therefore certain processes are irresversible (and systems do not return into a more ordered state from a disordered one). The microscopic way of looking at things is to count up the number of "microstates" of a system (states with different configurations on atomic scales, but all having the same macroscopic properties such as temperature, internal energy etc). When you do this, you note that the ordered states are just a few outcomes out of very very many, (vastly many in fact), possible outcomes. THAT is why they are improbable. So the improbability of these states is a way of explaining the way entropy works using a microscopic model of the system.

5. With regard to 'systems do not return into a more ordered state from a disordered one', when stars form from within nebuli, on the macroscopic level aren't they creating a more ordered state than exists within the nebuli as a cloud. This still follows the fact that overall, entropy increases, but not until after creating a lower entropy, higher ordered system. A more ordered state created from a more disorganised one.

I'm unsure of systems on a macroscopic level.

cepheid said:
Well, people have already pointed out to you that the apparent decrease in entropy within this system is accompanied by a large increase in entropy of the surroundings. Overall, the entropy of the universe must increase in any process.

6. Thanks, I understand that now. But if my understanding of 1 is correct, with the universe achieving heat death, a state where all energy is evenly distributed (as per 1), entropy must stop increasing, right.

As a sidebar, can maximum entropy even be reached in an ever expanding universe?

Thanks. Your inputs are making this a lot clearer for me. My partner is wishing she had never recorded Wonders of the Universe for me...
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FAQ: Heat death the ultimate endgame?

1. What is heat death?

Heat death, also known as the "big freeze" or "entropy death," is a scientific theory that suggests the eventual end of the universe. It is the state where all matter and energy in the universe reaches a state of maximum entropy, resulting in a uniform temperature and the inability for any further energy transfer or work to occur.

2. How does heat death occur?

Heat death occurs due to the laws of thermodynamics, specifically the second law which states that entropy (or disorder) always increases over time. As the universe expands, the available energy for work decreases, and eventually, all energy will be evenly distributed throughout the universe, resulting in a state of maximum entropy.

3. Will heat death actually happen?

While heat death is a widely accepted theory, it is still just a theory and has not been proven. Some scientists believe that the expansion of the universe may eventually slow down and reverse, preventing the occurrence of heat death. However, current evidence suggests that heat death is the most likely end for the universe.

4. When will heat death occur?

It is impossible to predict when heat death will occur as it depends on various factors such as the rate of expansion of the universe and the amount of matter and energy in the universe. Some estimates suggest that it may happen in trillions of years, while others propose a much longer time frame.

5. What will happen to life on Earth during heat death?

As heat death occurs, all energy will be evenly distributed, and all matter will reach the same temperature. This means that all life on Earth will cease to exist long before heat death occurs. The extreme cold and lack of energy will make it impossible for any life forms to survive.
