Heat diffusion in a spherical shell

In summary, the problem is to solve a time dependent diffusion equation with a spherical shell of radii ##r_1## and ##r_2##, with constant inner and outer temperatures of ##T_0##, and an initial condition of ##T(r_1<r<r_2,t=0)=T_1##. By separating variables and using the properties of spherical bessel functions, the solution can be written as a sum of terms dependent on the coefficients ##A_n##, ##B_n##, and ##k_n##. These coefficients can be determined by setting the terms to zero at the boundaries and solving the resulting equations.
  • #1
Hey guys, I have a problem that is giving me trouble.

Homework Statement

I have to solve time dependent diffusion equation ##D\nabla^2 T(r,t)=\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}## (##D## is diffusion constant and ##T(r,t)## is temperature function) for a spherical shell of radii ##r_1## and ##r_2## in a where inner and outer temperatures are constant at ##T_0## as shown in the picture, with initial condition ##T(r_1<r<r_2,t=0)=T_1##. Since problem is spherically symmetrical function ##T## is not dependent on asimutal and polar angle.

Homework Equations

By separating the variables (##T(r,t)=R(r)\tau (t)##) we obtain two equations:
$$\nabla^2 R(r) + k^2 R(r) = 0$$
$$\frac{\partial \tau(t)}{\partial t}\frac{1}{\tau(t)} = - k^2 D$$
For time dependent part we get ##\tau(t)=C e^{-k^2DT}## and for the radial part a linear combination of spherical bessel functions of first (##j_0##) and second type (##n_0##) (only 0-th order because of symmetry) $$R(r) = \sum\limits_n [A_n j_0(k_n r) + B_n n_0(k_n r)]$$

Complete solution can then be written as:
$$T(r,t) = \sum\limits_n [A_n j_0(k_n r) + B_n n_0(k_n r)]e^{-k^2_n DT} + T_0,$$
with initial condition $$T(r_1<r<r_2,t=0)=T_1,$$
and boundary conditions $$ T(r=r_1,t)=T(r=r_2,t)=T_0$$

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know how to get coefficients ##A_n##, ##B_n## and ##k_n##. I tried getting ##k_n## from zeroes of spherical bessel function ##j_0## but since the center of sphere is hollow I must not set ##B_n## to zero as I would in the case of a full sphere.

I can't seem to get any further than this and would appreciate any suggestion. Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
At each value of n, the term in brackets must be zero at the two boundaries. This leads to two equations in two unknowns, for kn and Bn/An.

  • #3
Since you have a problem without angular dependence, I also suggest using the fact that ##j_0(x) \propto \sin x / x## and ##n_0(x) \propto \cos x / x##. This will let you work with trigonometric functions that you know rather than the spherical bessel functions.

Related to Heat diffusion in a spherical shell

1. What is heat diffusion in a spherical shell?

Heat diffusion in a spherical shell is the process of heat transfer through a spherical shell, where heat flows from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature.

2. What factors affect heat diffusion in a spherical shell?

The factors that affect heat diffusion in a spherical shell include the thermal conductivity of the material, the thickness of the shell, the temperature gradient across the shell, and the surface area of the shell.

3. How is heat diffusion in a spherical shell calculated?

The heat diffusion in a spherical shell can be calculated using the spherical shell heat conduction equation, which takes into account the factors mentioned above. This equation is: Q = 4πk(T1-T2)r/ln(r2/r1), where Q is the heat flow, k is the thermal conductivity, T1 and T2 are the temperatures at the inner and outer surfaces of the shell, and r is the radius of the shell.

4. What are some real-world applications of heat diffusion in a spherical shell?

Heat diffusion in a spherical shell has various applications, such as in the design of insulation materials, heat exchangers, and thermal storage systems. It is also relevant in geology and meteorology, as it helps explain the temperature distribution in the Earth's interior and in planetary atmospheres.

5. How does heat diffusion in a spherical shell differ from other heat transfer processes?

Heat diffusion in a spherical shell differs from other heat transfer processes because it occurs in a three-dimensional space, and the temperature distribution is dependent on both radial and circumferential directions. It also involves heat transfer through multiple layers, whereas other processes like conduction and convection typically occur in a single layer.
