Heat Equation - Maximum Principle proof

Your name]In summary, the maximum principle for the heat equation states that the maximum value of the solution can only occur at the boundary of the given domain. The proof presented in the lecture notes shows that the maximum value can only occur at t=0, x=0, or x=L. The argument used in step 3 cannot be applied to show that there cannot be a maximum at t=0 because the initial condition u(x,0) is not affected by the heat equation. Step 1 states that the maximum value at t=0 must occur at either x=0 or x=L.
  • #1

i'm just going through my lecture notes reading a proof of the maximum principle for the heat equation. It goes roughly like this:

Maximum Principle:

Heat equation:

[tex]x\in[0,L], t\in[0,T][/tex].

Given a C2 solution of the HE then the maximum u(x,t) is attained at either t=0, x=0 or x=L.


Define M=max{u(x,t)} on the set {t=0, x=0, x=L}. If we can show u(x,t)≤M on the entire rectangle then we are done.

Define [tex]v(x,t)=u(x,t)+ \epsilon x^{2} (\epsilon>0)[/tex]. Want to show [tex]v(x,t)\leq M + \epsilon L^{2}[/tex], since then we would have

[tex]v(x,t) = u(x,t)+\epsilon x^{2} \leq M + \epsilon L^{2}[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrowu(x,t) \leq M + \epsilon(L^{2} - x^{2})[/tex]

Taking [tex]\epsilon\rightarrow0[/tex] we then have [tex]u(x,t)\leqM[/tex].

Step 1: t=0, x=0, x=L

Obviously true.

Step 2: Interior

Claim v doesn't have a max on (0,L)x(0,T).

[tex]v_{t}-kv{xx}=(u+\epsilonx^{2})_{t} - k(u + \epsilonx^{2})_{xx} = u_{t} - k(u_{xx}+2\epsilon) = -2 \epsilon k < 0[/tex] (***)

If v(x,t) is a max on (0,L)x(0,T) then [tex]v_{t}(x,t)=0[/tex] and [tex]v_{xx}(x,t)\leq0[/tex]. This would imply [tex]v_{t}(x,t)-kv_{xx}(x,t)\geq0[/tex]. But we know [tex]v_{t}(x,t)-kv_{xx}(x,t)\leq0[/tex]. Hence v doesn't have a max on (0,L)x(0,T).

Step 3: t=T

Now show v doesn't have a max on t=T.

If we freeze t=T then v(x,t) is a function of one variable:

[tex]v(x,t): (0,L)\rightarrow\Re[/tex].

We know

[tex]v_{x}(x,T)=0[/tex] and [tex]v_{xx}(x,T)\leq0[/tex] at the max. Assume (x,T) is the max of u on the top (t=T). Then [tex]v(x,T)-v(x, T-\delta) \geq 0[/tex] for small [tex]\delta>0[/tex]. Therefore

[tex]v_{t}(x,T) = lim_{\delta\rightarrow0}[\frac{v(x,T)-v(x,T-\delta)}{\delta}] = lim_{\delta\rightarrow0}[\frac{v(x,T-\delta)-v(x,T)}{-\delta}] \geq 0[/tex].

So we have [tex]v_{t}(x,T) \geq 0 , v_{xx}(x,T) \leq 0[/tex] and so [tex]v_{t}-kv_{xx} \geq 0[/tex]. But from (***) above we know that [tex]v_{t}-kv_{xx}<0[/tex]. Hence v doesn't have a max on t=T.

But v is continuous on [0,L]x[0,T] so it must have a maximum there. Therefore the maximum must occur on either t=0, x=0 or x=L.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Okay so that's the proof as we did it in lectures. I'm not really sure I'm understanding it that well though, because I don't see why you couldn't use the same argument as in step 3 to show that there cannot be a maximum on t=0 too?

Thanks for your help!
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the maximum principle for the heat equation. I can provide some clarification on the proof presented in your lecture notes.

Firstly, the maximum principle for the heat equation states that the maximum value of the solution u(x,t) can only occur at the boundary of the given domain, which in this case is x=0, x=L or t=0. This is because the heat equation describes a diffusion process in which the solution u(x,t) tends to spread out over time, making it impossible for the maximum value to occur in the interior of the domain.

Now, let's address your question about why the same argument as in step 3 cannot be used to show that there cannot be a maximum on t=0. The key difference here is that at t=0, the solution u(x,0) is given as the initial condition and is not affected by the heat equation. Therefore, the argument used in step 3, which involves taking the limit as \delta\rightarrow0, does not apply here.

Instead, step 1 states that the maximum value at t=0 must occur at either x=0 or x=L, which is obvious since u(x,0)=\Psi(x) for x\in[0,L].

I hope this helps clarify the proof for you. Keep up the good work in your studies!


FAQ: Heat Equation - Maximum Principle proof

1. What is the Heat Equation?

The Heat Equation is a partial differential equation that describes the flow of heat in a given system over time. It is used to model many physical processes, such as heat transfer in materials and the diffusion of chemical species.

2. What is the Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation?

The Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation states that the maximum value of the solution to the equation occurs at the initial time and location, and will decrease or remain constant over time. It also states that the minimum value of the solution occurs at the boundary of the domain.

3. How is the Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation proven?

The Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation can be proven using a variety of mathematical techniques, such as the method of sub and super solutions, or by using the concept of energy dissipation. These methods rely on properties of the Heat Equation, such as its parabolic nature and the existence of a unique solution.

4. What are some real-world applications of the Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation?

The Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation has many practical applications, such as in the design of heating systems, the prediction of temperature distribution in electronic devices, and the analysis of thermal behavior in materials. It is also used in the study of diffusion processes in chemical reactions and the spread of pollutants in the environment.

5. Are there any limitations to the Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation?

While the Maximum Principle for the Heat Equation is a powerful tool for analyzing heat flow, it does have some limitations. It assumes a homogeneous and isotropic medium, and does not take into account external forces or sources of heat. Additionally, it may not hold for certain non-linear or time-dependent variations of the Heat Equation.
