Heat equation on a half line: Techniques for Solving and Verifying Solutions

In summary: The document I upload is the note I took. I have a problem. When I tried to verify the solution by checking the initial condition and boundary condition, I have some problem to see the solution can really give initial condition, i.e., to set t=0 in the equation 18 of the document. I know one should take the limit as t->0+, but I failed to reach that. Do you have any clue?There is a limit to how far you can take the limit as t->0+, but I'm not sure what that limit is. I would need to see the document to be able to help you more. In summary, the heat equation can be solved using either the sine or heat kernel transformation,
  • #1
Heat equation on a half line!


I am now dealing with the heat equation on a half line, i.e., the heat equation is subject to one time-dependent boundary condition only at x=0 (the other boundary condition is zero at the infinity) and an initial condition.

I searched online, it seems that for the half line problem, only the sine transformation can solve the heat equation, but in that case, the final result is always zero at x=0 since when doing sine transformation, one should assume that the to-be-transformed function is odd, so the function is zero at x=0.

My question is, do you know any other techniques to solve the heat equation on the half line without using sine transform?

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sinusoidally varying temperatures don't really make sense. Try using the Laplace transform.
  • #3
What is the specific problem?
  • #4
jollage said:
I searched online, it seems that for the half line problem, only the sine transformation can solve the heat equation, but in that case, the final result is always zero at x=0 since when doing sine transformation, one should assume that the to-be-transformed function is odd, so the function is zero at x=0.

IF you tell us where you got that (wrong) idea, we might be able to explain what the website means, or confirm that it really is wrong.

mikeph said:
Sinusoidally varying temperatures don't really make sense. Try using the Laplace transform.

Sinusoidal in time, or in space? For example if you were applying a heat flux at x = 0 which was a periodic function of time, it would make good sense to do a Fourier decomposition of it.

As Chestermiller said, posting the complete problem would help.
  • #5
Fourier, yes, decomposing it into sine waves, not so much. You need those exponential decays to make it die at infinity.
  • #6

Thanks for all your replies!

I didn't say it's sinusoidal, it's just a time-dependent function, not periodic.

Sorry, I shouldn't say "only the sine transformation can solve the heat equation". Yesterday, I just found using heat kernel can also solve the problem on a half line.

The document I upload is the note I took. I have a problem. When I tried to verify the solution by checking the initial condition and boundary condition, I have some problem to see the solution can really give initial condition, i.e., to set t=0 in the equation 18 of the document. I know one should take the limit as t->0+, but I failed to reach that. Do you have any clue?



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FAQ: Heat equation on a half line: Techniques for Solving and Verifying Solutions

1. What is the heat equation on a half line?

The heat equation on a half line is a partial differential equation that describes the flow of heat in a one-dimensional space with a boundary at one end. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to model heat transfer in various systems.

2. What are the boundary conditions for the heat equation on a half line?

The boundary conditions for the heat equation on a half line are typically specified at the boundary, which is usually located at x=0. These conditions include the initial temperature at the boundary and the rate of heat transfer at the boundary.

3. How is the heat equation on a half line solved?

The heat equation on a half line can be solved using various methods such as separation of variables, Fourier series, or Laplace transform. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice depends on the specific problem and boundary conditions.

4. What are some applications of the heat equation on a half line?

The heat equation on a half line has many practical applications, including predicting the temperature distribution in a rod or wire, modeling heat transfer in electronic devices, and analyzing the cooling of a heated object in a fluid.

5. What are the limitations of the heat equation on a half line?

The heat equation on a half line assumes a one-dimensional space and constant thermal properties throughout the system. It also does not take into account external factors such as radiation or convection. Additionally, it may not accurately model systems with sharp temperature gradients or discontinuities.
