Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution

In summary, the conversation discusses finding boundary conditions for a problem involving the heat equation. The textbook recommends subtracting the steady state solution to obtain homogeneous boundary conditions, but the individual is unsure if the given boundary conditions are already homogeneous. They then go on to explore different cases for finding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, but end up with only trivial solutions. They question if there is another approach they can try or if they have made a mistake.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The Attempt at a Solution

So I know that I must have boundary conditions u(0,t) = 0 and ux(L,t) = 0. My textbook recommends reducing the given boundary conditions to homogeneous ones by subtracting the steady state solution. But, I thought these were already homogenous boundary conditions (are they?). Is my steady state condition v''(x) = 0, but, then by the boundary conditions I know that this must be a trivial v. Am I thinking about this incorrectly?
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  • #2
So I thought I might have to write something of the form:
Assume the solution can be written [tex]u(x,t) = X(x)T(t)[/tex]. Thus, by the heat equation [tex]u_t = a^2 u_{xx}[/tex], we wind up with two linear differential equations. Namely, [tex]X'' + qX = 0[/tex] and [tex]T' + a^2 q T = 0[/tex]. Now I have to find which values of q make q an eigenvalue of the eigenfunction. We test three cases: q = 0; q > 0; q < 0.

q = 0:
We must have that [tex]X = C_1 x + C_2[/tex], but by the boundary conditions, this forces both of the arbitrary constants to be zero.
q < 0:
[tex]X = C_1 sinh(\sqrt{-q}x) + C_2 cosh(\sqrt{-q}x)[/tex], which implies that C_2 = 0, and, when one takes the derivative, we also have C_1 = 0 by the assumption that q was nonzero.

q > 0:
[tex]X = C_1 cos(\sqrt{q}x) + C_2 sin(\sqrt{q}x)[/tex], which implies that C_1 = 0, and, again, when one takes the derivative, we force the other constant to zero. This means that I am only getting trivial solutions here. What other approaches can I try? Or have I done something wrong?

FAQ: Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution

1. What is a "Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution"?

The "Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution" is a mathematical model that describes the transfer of heat through a rod or solid material. It takes into account factors such as the material's thermal conductivity, dimensions, and boundary conditions to calculate the distribution of heat over time.

2. How is the "Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution" used in science?

This fundamental solution is used in many scientific fields, including thermodynamics, materials science, and engineering. It helps researchers understand and predict thermal behavior in various systems, such as heat exchangers, electronic devices, and buildings.

3. What are the key assumptions made in the "Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution"?

The fundamental solution assumes that the rod is homogeneous and isotropic (i.e. has uniform properties in all directions), and that heat transfer occurs only in one direction. It also assumes a steady-state condition, meaning that the temperature does not change over time.

4. How does the "Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution" differ from other heat transfer models?

The fundamental solution is a simplified model that only considers one-dimensional heat transfer, whereas other models may consider two or three-dimensional heat transfer. It also assumes a steady-state condition, whereas other models may account for transient conditions.

5. What are some practical applications of the "Heat in a Rod Fundamental Solution"?

The fundamental solution is used in various real-world applications, such as designing and optimizing heat exchangers, predicting the thermal behavior of electronic devices, and determining the thermal conductivity of materials. It is also used in building design to ensure proper insulation and heating/cooling systems.
