Heat loss and thermal equilibrium of underground aquifer

This will give you the temperature at which equilibrium is reached. It is important to note that this may vary depending on the specific parameters of your aquifer, such as the thermal conductivity of the soil and the volume and specific heat capacity of the water. It is also important to take into account any external factors, such as changes in ambient temperature, that may affect the temperature equilibrium.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am working on a project where I have to design and size an aquifer. There are two which either store hot or cold water for 6 months which is then pumped up to be used in either the summer or winter.

The aquifer is going to be 80 meters under the ground. The rest is basically variable. I made the assumption that it's a rectangular cube with (HxWxL) 10x40x20.

The equation I am using is q=λ*A*ΔT/s (i will learn LaTeX eventually ;) )

where lambda is the thermal conductivity of the soil which is 3.44. The temperature difference is 4K where the soil is 11C (constant over time) and the water is 15C. "s" is the thickness.. well the top soil layer is 80m and assumed to be homogeneous with the same thermal conductivity throughout.

But this obviously can't work because the temperature of the water decreases over time so I would need a differential equation but I have no idea how to set this up.

So the question basically boils down to the following two:
1. How do I calculate the end temperature of the water after 6 months
2. When is temperature equilibrium reached

Thing is that all this soil crap is not in my curriculum but my project group ended up with an aquifer to design so we have to do these calculations.


I found this:
http://ec.pathways-news.com/Text-PDF/Part B-6.pdf

And figured I could use equation 6.9
Is that correct? If so what are V and c in that equation?
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  • #2
Homework Equations q=λ*A*ΔT/s The Attempt at a SolutionFor the first part of the question, you can use a differential equation to find the end temperature of the water after 6 months. The equation would look something like this:dT/dt = -(q/(V*c))Where q is the heat transfer rate, V is the volume of the aquifer, and c is the specific heat capacity of the water. This equation can then be solved using standard numerical methods, such as Euler's method or Runge-Kutta integration.For the second part of the question, temperature equilibrium is reached when the rate of heat transfer is equal to zero, which can be determined by setting the left side of the differential equation equal to 0 and solving for T.

FAQ: Heat loss and thermal equilibrium of underground aquifer

1. What causes heat loss in underground aquifers?

Heat loss in underground aquifers is primarily caused by conduction, which is the transfer of heat through the solid material of the aquifer. Heat can also be lost through convection, which is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids within the aquifer. Additionally, heat can be lost through radiation, which is the emission of electromagnetic waves from the surface of the aquifer.

2. How does the temperature of an underground aquifer affect heat loss?

The temperature of an underground aquifer plays a significant role in determining the rate of heat loss. As the temperature of the aquifer increases, so does the rate of heat loss. This is because warmer temperatures result in higher rates of conduction, convection, and radiation.

3. What is thermal equilibrium in an underground aquifer?

Thermal equilibrium in an underground aquifer is a state in which the rate of heat loss is equal to the rate of heat gain. This means that the temperature of the aquifer remains constant over time. In other words, the amount of heat entering the aquifer is equal to the amount of heat leaving it.

4. How does the composition of an underground aquifer affect thermal equilibrium?

The composition of an underground aquifer can have a significant impact on thermal equilibrium. Aquifers with higher porosity and permeability tend to have a higher heat exchange rate and therefore may reach thermal equilibrium faster. Additionally, the presence of different materials, such as rocks or sediments, can affect the rate of heat loss and thermal equilibrium.

5. Can human activities impact heat loss and thermal equilibrium in underground aquifers?

Yes, human activities can have a significant impact on heat loss and thermal equilibrium in underground aquifers. For example, pumping water out of an aquifer for irrigation or other purposes can lower the water table and result in a decrease in temperature. Similarly, injecting hot fluids into an aquifer, such as in geothermal energy production, can increase the temperature and disrupt thermal equilibrium.

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