Heat Loss for a Manufacturing Plant

In summary: To get this lower bound, you're going to assume that all the equipment and all the air within the building are at the same exact temperature at any given time. So you are going to include the equipment in this approximation. Figure out the weight of all the air in the building, and multiply it by the heat capacity of air. Figure out the weight of all the equipment in the building, and multiply it by a representative heat capacity for the metal. Add the two together. This is the thermal inertia of the building contents. You are going to assume that the temperature on the inside surfaces of the walls is equal to the temperature of the building contents. You are also going to assume that the
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Homework Statement

I have a manufacturing plant, and I know the material/thickness of every wall and the roof. I want to estimate the plant as an empty box, where I know the surface area of each material surrounding the box (ex. 4000 sq ft concrete, 1000 sq ft of windows, 1000 sq ft of xyz roofing, etc.). I'm trying to determine how long this plant would take to go from 70F to 32F internally if the outside air is 0F and the heating to the building were discontinued.

I'm going to assume that no convection is taking place and only conduction and radiation are taking place. Would a building radiate a significant amount of heat, or should I only concern myself with conduction across the walls/roof?

Homework Equations

Unsure, but heat transfer equations.

The Attempt at a Solution

Not really sure to start with this. I'm planning on determining the rate of heat that is going to escape the plant, then looking at the specific heat of the internal air and determining how long it would take to drop the inside air to 32F. I'm looking for a lot of insight though. I'm not too sure of what factors I should be considering and what heat transfer principles/equations would apply.

For reference, I'm an upcoming senior Mechanical Engineer in undergraduate. I've taken thermo, however have not yet taken heat transfer.

Thanks for any help.
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Would you be satisfied with getting a lower bound to the amount of time it would take?
  • #3

Yes a lower bound would be fine. I realize that the equipment inside will have heat interia (?) and will continue to heat the building a little longer than my estimate will say. I'm not sure the extent of this effect, and may explore that once I figure out the basic problem.

So yes, I'm looking for a semi-rough estimate, in a worst case scenario (minus convection) situation.
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MiaGarage said:

Yes a lower bound would be fine. I realize that the equipment inside will have heat interia (?) and will continue to heat the building a little longer than my estimate will say. I'm not sure the extent of this effect, and may explore that once I figure out the basic problem.

So yes, I'm looking for a semi-rough estimate, in a worst case scenario (minus convection) situation.
OK. To get this lower bound, you're going to assume that all the equipment and all the air within the building are at the same exact temperature at any given time. So you are going to include the equipment in this approximation. Figure out the weight of all the air in the building, and multiply it by the heat capacity of air. Figure out the weight of all the equipment in the building, and multiply it by a representative heat capacity for the metal. Add the two together. This is the thermal inertia of the building contents. You are going to assume that the temperature on the inside surfaces of the walls is equal to the temperature of the building contents. You are also going to assume that the temperature at the outside surfaces of the walls is equal to the outside temperature (0 F). So, if you know the temperature of the building contents, you can calculate the total rate of heat loss through the walls. Set the thermal inertia of the building contents times the rate of change in inside temperature equal to minus the rate of heat loss through the walls. This will give you a differential equation for determining how the inside temperature varies with time. The solution to this equation will tell you the fastest that the inside temperature can cool down.

  • #5

I would approach this problem by first identifying the major factors that contribute to heat loss in the manufacturing plant. These would include the thermal conductivity of the materials used for the walls and roof, the surface area of each material, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the plant.

To calculate the rate of heat loss, I would use the equation Q=U*A*ΔT, where Q is the rate of heat loss, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, A is the surface area, and ΔT is the temperature difference. U takes into account both conduction and radiation, so it is important to consider both when determining the overall heat transfer coefficient.

I would also consider the insulation of the plant, as this can greatly affect the rate of heat loss. If the plant is well insulated, the rate of heat loss will be lower and it will take longer for the temperature to drop.

In addition, I would also consider any other factors that may affect heat loss, such as air leaks, ventilation, and any machinery or equipment that may generate heat.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider all factors and use appropriate equations to accurately estimate the time it would take for the plant to reach 32F. It may also be helpful to consult with a heat transfer expert or refer to textbooks or online resources for more information on heat transfer principles and equations.

Related to Heat Loss for a Manufacturing Plant

1. What is heat loss and why is it important for a manufacturing plant?

Heat loss is the transfer of thermal energy from a warmer object to a cooler object. It is important for a manufacturing plant because excessive heat loss can lead to decreased efficiency, increased energy costs, and potential damage to equipment and processes.

2. How can heat loss be prevented in a manufacturing plant?

Heat loss can be prevented by properly insulating equipment and buildings, sealing air leaks, and using energy-efficient equipment. Regular maintenance and monitoring can also help identify and address potential sources of heat loss.

3. What factors contribute to heat loss in a manufacturing plant?

Factors that contribute to heat loss in a manufacturing plant include inadequate insulation, air leaks, improper ventilation, and outdated or inefficient equipment. The type of manufacturing process and the materials being used can also play a role in heat loss.

4. How can heat loss affect the overall production and operation of a manufacturing plant?

Heat loss can have a significant impact on the overall production and operation of a manufacturing plant. It can lead to decreased productivity, longer processing times, and increased energy costs. It can also affect the quality of products and potentially damage equipment, leading to costly repairs and downtime.

5. What are some methods for calculating and measuring heat loss in a manufacturing plant?

There are several methods for calculating and measuring heat loss in a manufacturing plant. These include using energy audits, thermographic imaging, and heat flow meters. It is important to regularly monitor and track heat loss to identify areas for improvement and ensure optimal energy efficiency.

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