Heat-to-Coolant Determination for Race Car

In summary, the conversation is about determining the heat rejection to coolant from an engine in order to design a suitable radiator. The discussion includes using an Excel spreadsheet with data from previous experiments, calculating heat rejection using a well-known equation, and considering the results obtained from plotting graphs. There is concern about the accuracy of the measurements and the validity of the "rule of thumb" for determining heat rejection. The conversation ends with a request for suggestions on a more accurate method for determining the desired heat rejection rate for a new radiator.
  • #1
Happy New Year 2010 everyone,

I need your help with the determination of heat rejection to coolant from engine. I need to define this in order to finalise the geometry of a suitable radiator.

I have an Excel spreadsheet from my team mate about the results obtained at the lab last year. I believe the lab was to determine the heat rejection from the engine to coolant by measuring in and out temperatures of coolant (100% water) and plug those in a well known expression

Q = m X c X delta(T)

Here is the description from the guy from last year.

"The data for heat rejection calculations was acquired during the engine testing at Tickford. Temperature and pressure data of the coolant was collected against engine speed. A Grundfos water pump was used during testing, supplying coolant at a constant rate of 0.9 kg/s. The coolant is 100% water. This data was used to calculate heat rejection to the coolant against engine speed using Equation 7 1. The heat exchanger used during the test was a water to water module with flow rate controls on the cool water side. These were set such that the coolant into the engine after warm up was at 700C."

I then plotted the graphs comparing the heat (from calculation) to the developed power by engine. A bizzarre result arisen - the heat to coolant is a lot greater than engine power, not equal to engine power according to rule of thumb saying 33% of total energy from fuel is equally converted to driving power and heat rejection to cooling system.

Can anyone suggest what happens? Was there something wrong? What should I do next?

Should I stick with a more good-looking, but unusual result from the experiment or rely on the less-academic conventional rule of thumb which take the heat as equal (or 70% suggested by some rad manufacturers) of the engine power?

If I went for the experimental one, I would end up having so much bigger rad (around 80 kW from graph), opposing to everyone's expectation as they think the current rad is too big. We did have an overheating issue between the competition last year which I think was caused by too small rad. The current rad is design for dissipating only 37 kW of heat.

Can anybody reckon me some other more accurate method on determining the desire heat rejection rate of a new radiator?

Thank you very much in advance.
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  • #2
Water at 700C? That's a high pressure coolant system!

Yes there's something wrong.

Assuming you mean 70 degrees C, there are a few possibilities:

1. Your brake power measurement is inaccurate
2. Your heat to water measurement is inaccurate
3. You've buggered up a calculation somewhere

Show us your values and we'll have a look. Heat to jacket water is a notoriously difficult thing to measure accurately because you're dealing with such low temperature differentials, and mass flow is difficult to determine accurately (are you SURE the actual water flow stayed at 0.9kg/min? This is a lot for a small engine. Is that the flow corresponding to the temperature differential you're using, or for the primary side of the heat exchanger?).

Don't stick with a 'rule of thumb', work out where you've gone wrong, you should be able to measure within a couple of percent of actual heat rejection with k-type thermocouples and a half-decent flow meter.

Finally, while your engine will be rejecting most heat to coolant at full load (i.e. when pelting along) but your flow across the radiator will be high here too; don't forget to consider low speed/stationary use where the air flow will be low though you may still have bucket loads of heat to reject.
  • #3
pchoopanya said:
Happy New Year 2010 everyone,

I need your help with the determination of heat rejection to coolant from engine. I need to define this in order to finalise the geometry of a suitable radiator.

I have an Excel spreadsheet from my team mate about the results obtained at the lab last year. I believe the lab was to determine the heat rejection from the engine to coolant by measuring in and out temperatures of coolant (100% water) and plug those in a well known expression

Q = m X c X delta(T)

Here is the description from the guy from last year.

"The data for heat rejection calculations was acquired during the engine testing at Tickford. Temperature and pressure data of the coolant was collected against engine speed. A Grundfos water pump was used during testing, supplying coolant at a constant rate of 0.9 kg/s. The coolant is 100% water. This data was used to calculate heat rejection to the coolant against engine speed using Equation 7 1. The heat exchanger used during the test was a water to water module with flow rate controls on the cool water side. These were set such that the coolant into the engine after warm up was at 700C."

I then plotted the graphs comparing the heat (from calculation) to the developed power by engine. A bizzarre result arisen - the heat to coolant is a lot greater than engine power, not equal to engine power according to rule of thumb saying 33% of total energy from fuel is equally converted to driving power and heat rejection to cooling system.

Can anyone suggest what happens? Was there something wrong? What should I do next?

Should I stick with a more good-looking, but unusual result from the experiment or rely on the less-academic conventional rule of thumb which take the heat as equal (or 70% suggested by some rad manufacturers) of the engine power?

If I went for the experimental one, I would end up having so much bigger rad (around 80 kW from graph), opposing to everyone's expectation as they think the current rad is too big. We did have an overheating issue between the competition last year which I think was caused by too small rad. The current rad is design for dissipating only 37 kW of heat.

Can anybody reckon me some other more accurate method on determining the desire heat rejection rate of a new radiator?

Thank you very much in advance.

Not sure if it helps, but have you seen Ranger Mike's thread here in the ME forum on formula race car cooling?


  • #4
Happy New Year brewnog

Thank you very much for your response. Sorry, there was something wrong with the water temp. I meant 70 C.

Regarding the coolant flow, that is even higher as it was 0.9 kilogram per "second". Unfortunately, that is the only information I have from the lab. I agree with you that this is too high, and this is why the heat rejection is unrealistically high ?

Do you think I should try to get a performance curve of the water pump at different engine speed? What I know is that the water pump used in the lab is not the same as the water pump used in the engine and during the real drive. Also, the real water pump is the original one that comes with the engine - Honda CBR600RR motorcycle engine.

1. your suggestion about the measured power - I think this is quite correct, I will show you the data we have in a spreadsheet

2. Yes, quite agree there was something wrong with the heat rejection calculation
  • #5

Here is what I have from last year;

The first picture shows the logged engine power and torque, also fuel consumption rate [kg/hr] at different engine speed.

The ones that we use are highlighted in pale blue, the first column shows the engine speeds. The second and third show engine torque and power espectively.

The last column shows the fuel flow rate in kg/hr


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  • #6
The second attachment is another data logged during the test.

It shows two coolant temperatures going into and coming out from the "engine" highlighted in blue and red respectively.

Again, at different engine speed


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  • #7
Now, I will show you my calculation.

First, I determined the potential power from combusting the fuel.

Using >>> P [kW] = fuel mass flow rate [kg/s] X LCV

I then obtained the second column (total power from buring fuel)

The third column is the heat to coolant I would obtain if the 33% rule of thumb was applied.

The forth column shows the actual percentage of the driving power from engine compared to the total power available from burning fuel.


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  • #8
The last calculation was the determination of heat-to-coolant by calculation.

I used the expression; Q [kW] = coolant mass flow rate [kg/s] X heat capacity (roughly 4.186) X temp. difference [in K or C]


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  • #9

Sorry for not attaching the graphs last time. Here you go!

First picture shows the torque and power curves of the current engine, would not be any greater after a few modifications I believe.

Second picture shows the comparison of heat-to-coolant and the engine power - as I have mentioned, heat rejection to coolant is unrealistically greater than engine power ! really strange.

Third picture shows percentages of heat rejection to coolant and power output to the total available power from combusting the fuel. - again, the heat rejection was around 40% whereas the power output was only about 25% Is there any comment on this>?

Finally, what would I do to finalise my target heat rejection of the cooling system, more specifically the radiator?


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  • #10
I'd definitely consider rechecking your water flow.

Can you upload your spreadsheet somewhere?
  • #12
Cheers, looks like that's a new version of Excel or something, I'll try and have a look at it tomorrow on my own computer.

Related to Heat-to-Coolant Determination for Race Car

1. What is the purpose of determining the heat-to-coolant ratio for a race car?

The heat-to-coolant ratio is an important factor in determining the efficiency and performance of a race car. It helps to ensure that the engine is operating at the optimal temperature for maximum power output and to prevent overheating and potential damage to the engine.

2. How is the heat-to-coolant ratio calculated for a race car?

The heat-to-coolant ratio is calculated by measuring the amount of heat generated by the engine and comparing it to the amount of heat being dissipated by the cooling system. This can be done using various sensors and gauges, as well as through data analysis software.

3. What factors can affect the heat-to-coolant ratio of a race car?

There are several factors that can affect the heat-to-coolant ratio, including the type and condition of the engine, the type and capacity of the cooling system, the ambient temperature, and the speed and duration of the race. It is important for race car engineers to consider these factors when determining the appropriate heat-to-coolant ratio for a specific race.

4. How does the heat-to-coolant ratio impact the performance of a race car?

The heat-to-coolant ratio can significantly impact the performance of a race car. If the ratio is too high, the engine may overheat and lose power, resulting in a decrease in performance. On the other hand, if the ratio is too low, the engine may not reach its optimal operating temperature and also experience a decrease in performance. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain the proper heat-to-coolant ratio for optimal performance.

5. Can adjusting the heat-to-coolant ratio improve the speed or performance of a race car?

While maintaining the appropriate heat-to-coolant ratio is essential for optimal performance, adjusting it alone may not significantly improve the speed or performance of a race car. Other factors such as engine tuning, aerodynamics, and driver skill also play a crucial role in a race car's overall performance. However, ensuring the proper heat-to-coolant ratio is a crucial step in optimizing a race car's performance.

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