Heating coil wire resistance and length of wire required

In summary, to wind a heating coil with a portion of Nichrome wire of radius 2.50 mm, a resistance of 12.973 Ohms is required for a current of 9.25 A and a voltage of 120 V. The length of wire needed to wind the coil is 255 m, using the formula R=ρl/A with ρ representing the resistivity in Ωm, l representing the length in m, and A representing the cross-sectional area in m^2. The correct formula for area must be used and a value for resistivity or conductivity must be provided for the symbol "o".
  • #1

Homework Statement

A portion of Nichrome wire of radius 2.50 mm is to be used
in winding a heating coil. If the coil must draw a current of
9.25 A when a voltage of 120 V is applied across its ends,
find (a) the required resistance of the coil and (b) the
length of wire you must use to wind the coil.

Homework Equations

RI = V
R = I/oA

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) RI = V
R = V/I = 120V/9.25A = 12.973Ohms

R = l/oA
l = RoA = (12.973Ohms)(.000001ohms*m)(.0025m*3.14*2) = 2.036761e-7m

The answer to the second part of the equation is 255m and I can't figure out what I did wrong...

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Your units aren't working out well--equation for resistance seems odd.

Try R=ρl/A

ρ, resistivity in Ωm
l, length in m
A, cross-sectional area in m2.
  • #3
Did you use the correct formula for area? Did you use a value for resistivity or conductivity for the symbol "o"?
  • #4
Ah OK, that worked. I am not sure why the other formula from the book didn't show that but maybe I missed something... Thanks!
  • #5

I would first double check your calculations to make sure they are accurate. Then, I would consider the practicality of using a length of wire that is 255 meters long for a heating coil. This seems like a very long length and may not be feasible or efficient for the intended purpose. It may be worth exploring other options or materials that could achieve the desired resistance and current with a more manageable length of wire. Additionally, I would consider the potential safety hazards of using such a long length of wire for a heating coil and make sure proper precautions are taken.

FAQ: Heating coil wire resistance and length of wire required

1. What is the relationship between heating coil wire resistance and its length?

The length of the wire has a direct effect on its resistance. As the length increases, the resistance also increases.

2. How does the resistance of the wire impact the efficiency of the heating coil?

The resistance of the wire determines the amount of current that can flow through it. A higher resistance means less current, resulting in lower efficiency and slower heating.

3. Can a shorter wire be used to reduce the resistance of the heating coil?

Yes, using a shorter wire with lower resistance can increase the efficiency and speed of heating. However, the shorter wire may not be able to handle higher levels of current, so it is important to consider the wire's maximum current capacity.

4. What is the ideal length of wire required for a heating coil?

The ideal length of wire will depend on the specific requirements of the heating coil, such as the desired level of heat and the maximum current it can handle. It is best to consult a heating coil manufacturer or conduct experiments to determine the optimal length.

5. How does the thickness or gauge of the wire impact its resistance and the heating coil's performance?

The thickness or gauge of the wire also affects its resistance. Thicker wires have lower resistance and can handle higher levels of current, making them more efficient for heating coils. However, using a thicker wire may also result in a larger and more expensive coil.

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