Heavy chain moving upward at constant velocity

In summary, the problem involves calculating the necessary force (F) to lift a heavy chain with length L and weight m from a table, with one end moving at a constant velocity (v). The force can be described as a function of the length of chain (y) not on the table, and it is affected by the added weight (Mg) and the density of the chain (p). The equation F = v dm/dt should be used with caution as it implies mass being created out of nothing, and only works if the added mass has zero initial velocity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We have a heavy chain with length of L and weight of m placed on a table. we take an end of it and move it with constant velocity of v upwards. so each moment it gets heavier. If the force needed for this uniform speed is called F, and length of chain which is higher than the table is called y, write F as a function of y.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

equation of chain's weight at each moment is
and delta M is equal to
[tex]\delta M=vm/L[/tex]
But I can't calculate the force needed to make this motion with uniform speed.
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  • #2
In the first instant, when all the chain is lying on the table, what is the necessary force to accelerate to a certain velocity (assuming your arm has no mass)?
After then what is the necessary condition to keep the velocity constant?
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Likes AHashemi
  • #3
stockzahn said:
In the first instant, when all the chain is lying on the table, what is the necessary force to accelerate to a certain velocity (assuming your arm has no mass)?
After then what is the necessary condition to keep the velocity constant?
When it's all on the table so it has no weight to resist upward movement. chain gets heavier each moment so we need more force (F) to deal with the added weight (Mg). so we have an acceleration here (because F=Ma) but I can't figure out how it increases.
  • #4
AHashemi said:
When it's all on the table so it has no weight to resist upward movement. chain gets heavier each moment so we need more force (F) to deal with the added weight (Mg).

In your first post you've already shown the connectedness of the weight of the chain as function of the time, hence the necessary force to overcome the gravitation.

AHashemi said:
so we have an acceleration here (because F=Ma) but I can't figure out how it increases.

If the velocity is constant also the mass of the chain which is lifted of the table (vs. time) is constant → constant necessary force depending on the velocity.
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  • #5
stockzahn said:
In your first post you've already shown the connectedness of the weight of the chain as function of the time, hence the necessary force to overcome the gravitation.
If the velocity is constant also the mass of the chain which is lifted of the table (vs. time) is constant → constant necessary force depending on the velocity.

But I need to remove the time parameter here and describe F as a function of y (the length of chain not lying on the table)
I've got a bit confused. need more explanation.
  • #6
AHashemi said:
But I need to remove the time parameter here and describe F as a function of y (the length of chain not lying on the table)

You need the velocity, which is constant and therefore no function of the time (v ≠ f(t)). If the v is constant, then you can substitute: t = y / v. So in the end you would have a function F(y) = Fa + Fg(y) instead of F(t) = Fa + Fg(t), but you've derived the equation for the time-dependent part of the force, so you can substitute the time already. What's missing is the constant (and therefore time-independent) part of the acceleration of the chain leaving the table, so no "t" in your formula. However, I hope I don't misread the statement.
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  • #7
Newton's second law says F = dP/dt
In this case F = m dv/dt + v dm /dt
For this problem dv / dt = 0
So you have F = v dm / dt
Also dm is just p * dL where p is the density of the chain
The rest of the solution should follow.
  • #8
J Hann said:
Newton's second law says F = dP/dt
In this case F = m dv/dt + v dm /dt
For this problem dv / dt = 0
So you have F = v dm / dt
Also dm is just p * dL where p is the density of the chain
The rest of the solution should follow.
That works, but I would add a word of caution.
The formulation F = m dv/dt + v dm /dt can be misleading. Strictly speaking, it implies mass being created out of nothing. In reality, the mass must be entering the system (the system referred to by the P of dP/dt) from somewhere else, and it does so with some initial velocity. Thus, this formulation only works if the added mass is known to have zero initial velocity in the reference frame. In this case, it is.

FAQ: Heavy chain moving upward at constant velocity

1. What is a heavy chain moving upward at constant velocity?

A heavy chain moving upward at constant velocity refers to an object with considerable mass, such as a chain or rope, that is being pulled or lifted upwards at a steady rate.

2. How is the velocity of a heavy chain moving upward measured?

The velocity of a heavy chain moving upward can be measured by dividing the displacement of the chain by the time it takes to move that distance. This is known as average velocity, as the chain may not be moving at a constant rate.

3. What factors affect the velocity of a heavy chain moving upward?

The velocity of a heavy chain moving upward can be affected by various factors such as the force applied to lift the chain, the weight and length of the chain, and the presence of any external forces such as wind or friction.

4. How does the velocity of a heavy chain moving upward change over time?

If the force applied to lift the chain remains constant, the velocity of the chain will also remain constant. However, if the force changes or external forces are present, the velocity of the chain may increase, decrease, or fluctuate over time.

5. What are some real-world applications of a heavy chain moving upward at constant velocity?

A heavy chain moving upward at constant velocity can be seen in various situations such as a flag being raised on a flagpole, a person climbing a rope, or a crane lifting heavy objects. Understanding the principles of constant velocity can also be applied in engineering and physics to design and analyze structures and machines.
