Heisenberg uncertainty principle derivation and canonically conjugate vairables?

In summary, the H.U.P. can be derived using the Cauchy Schwarz inequality, and when dealing with two canonically conjugate observables, the uncertainty principle is given by setting the commutator [A,B] = i\hbar . This comes from canonical coordinates in classical mechanics and the rules of canonical quantization. Another way to see this is by considering momentum as a generator of space translations, and Noether's theorem explains why momentum is related to space translations. Finally, interpreting the derivative as a momentum operator also gives the canonical commutation relations.
  • #1
I've just worked through a derivation of the H.U.P. that uses the Cauchy Schwarz inequality to come up with the expression [tex] (\Delta A)^2(\Delta B)^2 \geq \frac{1}{4}|<[A,B]>|^2 [/tex]. This much I am happy with, but then it seems that when dealing with two "canonically conjugate observables" you set [tex] [A,B] = i\hbar [/tex] to find the uncertainty principle [tex] (\Delta A)(\Delta B) \geq \frac{\hbar}{2} [/tex].

It clearly gives the result I was expecting, but I cannot seem to find out where this [tex][A,B] = AB - BA = i\hbar [/tex] comes from.
Is this something that can be figured out? Or, is it just something that some quantum mechanic somewhere has found out by working out the commutators of loads of operators and discovered that the commutators of conjugate observables just happen to be equal to [tex] i\hbar [/tex]?
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  • #2
There is no derivation; by definition a pair of canonical conjugate variables satisfies this relation.

There is some motivation behind it though, which has to do with canonical coordinates in classical mechanics, and the rules of canonical quantization. A canonical pair of coordinates in classical mechanics satisfy the fundamental Poisson brackets,

[tex]\{x,p\} = 1[/tex]

Canonical quantization dictates that this is replaced by the commuator (along with the introduction of a Hilbert space and turning observables into operators).
  • #3
One way to see where it comes from is by considering momentum as a generator of space translations. If [tex]V(a)[/tex] is the unitary group of space translations:

[tex]V(a)\hat{x}V(a)^\dagger =\hat{x}+a[/tex]

and if you write


then, by differentiating at a=0 , you get the canonical commutation relations.

Of course there is the question whym momentum is related to space translations? A partial answer is given by the fact that momentum is conserved when Hamiltonian is invariant under space translations (Noether's theorem).
  • #4
To see why we use this in quantum mechanics imagine a differentiable function
[tex]\phi(x)[/tex] and define
[tex]p = -i\hbar\partial_x[/tex]
[tex](xp-px)\phi(x) = i\hbar\phi(x)[/tex]
and so
[tex] [x,p] = i\hbar I[/tex]
  • #5
Another way to see this is to look at de Broglie waves.

A plane wave carrying momentum p looks like exp(ipx). The derivative acting on this "wave function" produces the eigenvalue p.

Of course this is no derivation, it simply shows that interpreting the derivative as momentum operator seems to be reasonable.

FAQ: Heisenberg uncertainty principle derivation and canonically conjugate vairables?

1. What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle derivation?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle derivation is a mathematical explanation for the uncertainty relationship between certain physical quantities, such as position and momentum, in quantum mechanics. It shows that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time.

2. What are canonically conjugate variables?

Canonically conjugate variables are pairs of physical quantities that are related to each other through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. These include position and momentum, energy and time, and angular position and angular momentum.

3. How is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle derived?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is derived using mathematical principles from quantum mechanics, specifically the commutation relation between canonically conjugate variables. This relation shows that the product of the uncertainties in the measurements of these variables is greater than or equal to a certain value, known as the Planck's constant.

4. Why is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle important?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is important because it is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that has a wide range of applications. It explains the limitations of our ability to measure certain physical quantities and has implications for the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale.

5. Can the Heisenberg uncertainty principle be violated?

No, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics and cannot be violated. It is a natural consequence of the wave-particle duality of matter and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.
