Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle homework

As for the book's explanation, it seems to be incorrect as it contradicts the uncertainty principle. In summary, the conversation discusses the uncertainty principle and calculations using it for a one-dimensional box. The question arises about the value of Δx and its relationship to the radius or diameter of a particle. The book's explanation seems to be incorrect and using the correct value of Δx yields the correct answer. The concept of a relativistic case is also mentioned, and it is explained that the uncertainty principle can be applied to determine the relationship between energy and momentum for a relativistic particle. The book's explanation of this concept may be incorrect as well.
  • #1
Well first off, I am confused about what the book says earlier and what the actual answers are in the back of the book on homework problems. I thought I understood the book, but it seems like I don't.

The book has:

"Consider a particle whose location is known within a width of L along the x axis. We then know the position of the particle to within a distance Δx =< L /2. The uncertainty principle specifies that Δp is limited by

Δp >= h / (4piΔx) >= h / (2 L pi)

Because p = mv, we have Δp = mΔv, and

Δv = Δp / m >= h / (2mL pi)...

Kmin = (pmin)^2 / 2m >= (Δp)^2 / 2m >= h^2 / (8m L^2 * pi^2)"

Here is where I am confused. It seems like later in the book, they have Δx =< L in order to do calculations. So my question is, is Δx the radius away from a point or is it the diameter? From the above, I assumed that Δx is less than or equal to the radius. But in the problem below, I did that and I was off by (1/4) on my answer...

Homework Statement

A neutron is confined in a deuterium nucleus (deuteron) of diameter 2 x 10^-15 m. Use the energy-level calculation of a one-dimensional box to calculate the neutron's minimum kinetic energy. What is the neutron's minimum kinetic energy according to the uncertainty principle?

Homework Equations


Δx Δp >= h / (4pi)

For a one dimensional box:

En = n^2 * h^2 / (8 m L^2) where L is the length of the box


h = 6.6261 x 10^-34 J * s = 4.1357 x 10^-15 eV * s

mass of neutron = 1.6749 x 10^-27 kg = 939.57 MeV / c^2

The Attempt at a Solution

For the one-dimensional box method I get:

E1 = h^2 / 8 m L^2 = 51.1 MeV

Okay, the book got 51.1 MeV, so I am happy with this. Now,

Δx Δp >= h / (4pi)

We know m and Δx

I took Δx = radius of atom and so I obtain:

Δp = 5.273 x 10^-20 kgm/s


E = (Δp)^2 / 2m = 5.18 Mev


Book gets 1.30 Mev. If you divide my answer my 4 you get the book's answer (because of a difference of 1/2 in the Δp)

So ok, so Δx = L. Then what in the world was the book talking about above with Δx = L / 2? I guess I could just remember to do this in each calculation, but I am either misunderstanding something with the problem, or misunderstanding something with what the text explained. Am I being retarded or something and it's so obvious or what?

Also, I derived a formula with Δx = L and I obtained:

Kmin = h^2 / (32 m pi^2 L^2)

If you use this on the above problem, you get 1.30 MeV! The correct answer! Is the book incorrect or what happened?

*Edit: I was wondering, would I ever need to consider a relativistic case? If so, I wasn't exactly sure if I could simply have (ΔE)^2 = (Δp)^2 * c^2 + (E0)^2, but rather have to write it out, etc. Seems like it would be troublesome. I don't think we need to be able to do that in my class, but I am just curious and was wondering how that would work out if someone doesn't mind explaining that to me as well.
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  • #2
Yes, you may need to consider a relativistic case. In general, the uncertainty principle for relativistic particles is ΔEΔt ≥ h/(4π). This means that the uncertainty in energy and time are related, so if one of them is known, the other can be determined. In addition, the uncertainty in momentum and position are related, with ΔpΔx ≥ h/(4π). For a relativistic particle, the energy-momentum relation is E^2 = p^2*c^2 + (m_0*c^2)^2, where m_0 is the rest mass of the particle. This means that the uncertainty in energy can be determined from the uncertainty in momentum: ΔE^2 = (Δp)^2*c^2 + (E_0)^2. So in your case, you would have to use the uncertainty principle to determine Δp, and then use the energy-momentum relation to determine ΔE.

Related to Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle homework

What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that states that there is a limit to how accurately we can know certain properties of a particle, such as its position and momentum, at the same time.

Who developed the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle was developed by German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927.

What is the mathematical expression of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?

The mathematical expression of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is Δx * Δp ≥ h/4π, where Δx represents the uncertainty in position, Δp represents the uncertainty in momentum, and h is the Planck constant.

How does the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle impact our understanding of the physical world?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle has significant implications for our understanding of the physical world, as it shows that there are inherent limitations to our ability to measure and predict certain properties of particles. It also highlights the role of probability and uncertainty in the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

What are some real-world applications of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle has been applied in various fields, including quantum computing, cryptography, and medical imaging. It has also influenced the development of technologies such as electron microscopes and atomic clocks.

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