Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations - angular momentum and angular displacement

In summary, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations state that the uncertainty in position and momentum of a particle is limited and that as we improve accuracy in measuring one, the uncertainty in measuring the other increases. This can be applied to angular momentum and angular displacement, where the uncertainty relationship is ∆L∆Ø≥h. This result is significant in understanding atomic structure and the quantization of angular momentum, as proposed by Niels Bohr in his explanation of the stability of electrons orbiting the nucleus. The equation for this relationship is r∆Ø∆vm≥h-bar.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Starting from one of the more familiar Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations, derive the Uncertainty Relation involving angular momentum and angular displacement and explain its significance.

Homework Equations

The relevant uncertainty relationship is that between uncertainty in position and momentum:

x . p ≳ ℏ

The Attempt at a Solution

For the first part of the problem:

We know that in rotational mechanics that angular displacement is the length of an arc s which is calculated from

s = r .

where r is the radius and is the angle subtended. We also know that momentum p is the product of the particle’s mass m and velocity v:

p = m . v

Combining these where arc length s replaces x,  is the uncertainty in angle subtended and v is the uncertainty in velocity:

x . p ≳ ℏ

r .   . m . v ≳ ℏ

 . m . v . r ≳ ℏ

and angular momentum L = m . v . r where r and p are perpendicular, so

 . L ≳ ℏ

For the second part of the problem I am unsure. We have not covered atomic structures (Bohr) or Schrodinger yet. My attempt is below, but I am unsure because there is nothing we have covered in lectures yet which provide any context, and this (last) question in the assignment has not been covered in class.


This is a significant result because of its relevance to atomic structure. The result tells us that not only that as we measure angular displacement or momentum, as we improve the accuracy of one measurement we increase uncertainty of the other, but also that angular momentum is quantised.

In the early 20th century following Rutherford’s discovery of structure of the atom, subsequent investigation had difficulty explaining why the electrons orbiting the nucleus didn’t radiate electromagnetic radiation, and from that loss of energy, eventually spiral into the nucleus so that the atom collapsed. Niels Bohr proposed that there are stationery states in which the electrons can orbit without radiating electromagnetic radiation where the angular momentum of the electron is a positive integer multiple of .

Am I on track or have I missed the mark completely? Thanks in advance for any feedback/suggestions.

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  • #2
The actual formula is ∆L∆Ø≥h, not h-bar. I am student too, so my explanation of this is going to be ad hoc and could be wrong, but the equation is from my professor, so I have faith in it. I believe that you failed to account for the fact that the arc length cannot just be plugged in for x. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine#Relation_to_the_unit_circle"

If we are considering a wave that has a perfect sin curve, then one wavelength of the wave is 2π, therefore it becomes 2π*r*∆Ø*m*∆v≥h-bar --->r∆Ø∆vm≥h
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FAQ: Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations - angular momentum and angular displacement

What are the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations are a set of principles in quantum mechanics that describe the fundamental limitations of measuring certain pairs of physical properties of a particle. They were first proposed by Werner Heisenberg in 1927.

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of the amount of rotation of an object around an axis. In the context of Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations, it refers to the angular momentum of a particle, which is a combination of its mass, velocity, and distance from a central point.

What is angular displacement?

Angular displacement is the change in the angle or direction of an object's rotation. In the context of Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations, it refers to the uncertainty in the measurement of the angular position of a particle.

How are angular momentum and angular displacement related in Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations?

In Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations, there is a trade-off between the precision with which angular momentum and angular displacement can be measured. The more precisely one is measured, the less precisely the other can be measured. This is due to the inherent uncertainty in the quantum nature of particles.

Why are Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations important?

Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations are important because they provide a fundamental understanding of the limitations of measurement in the quantum world. They have also played a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics and have implications for various technological applications, such as in quantum computing.
