Which particle decays more frequently in Pi+ decays: muon or electron?

In summary, the lepton decay involving the pi+ is more likely to occur because the electron is not massless and the left handed electron has definite helicity.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Draw feynman diagrams for pi+ muon lepton decay and suggest which process is more likely.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The feynman diagrams are:


The lepton decays proceed via the weak interaction W+ boson. This implies that e+ should be right-handed and neutrino is always left-handed. In the rest frame of W+, we get:


But this implies that total spin = 1, which is not true. Therefore, e+ must be left-handed?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is the electron massless?
  • #3
Orodruin said:
Is the electron massless?
No, the electron is not massless.
  • #4
unscientific said:
No, the electron is not massless.

So, does the left-handed electron have definite helicity? (Or the right-handed positron?)
  • #5
Orodruin said:
So, does the left-handed electron have definite helicity? (Or the right-handed positron?)

Electron? I thought we are dealing with positrons here.I'm not sure if having mass implies that we can choose helicity as we want it. In this case, the only way this would work is if the positron having left-handed helicity (But the weak force couples more strongly to left-handed particles and right-handed anti-particles. Positron in this case is an anti-particle.)
  • #6
Your problem relates to missing fundamental understanding on the difference between chirality and helicity. I could ask you about any particle for this.

So what is the difference between chirality and helicity?
  • #7
Orodruin said:
Your problem relates to missing fundamental understanding on the difference between chirality and helicity. I could ask you about any particle for this.

So what is the difference between chirality and helicity?

Helicity is the projection of the spin on the momentum. According to the restframe of the W+, the electron neutrino is left-handed and the positron is right handed. But as pointed above, total J = 0, so this must be untrue.

For a particle with mass, we can always go into a frame whereby the particle is moving left/right while the helicity remains unchanged. This implies helicity is not conserved in weak interactions as Z0 and W+ bosons have mass. For massless particles, there is no rest frame.
  • #8
unscientific said:
Helicity is the projection of the spin on the momentum. According to the restframe of the W+, the electron neutrino is left-handed and the positron is right handed. But as pointed above, total J = 0, so this must be untrue.

And herein lies your confusion of helicity and chirality. Right-hand chirality (which is what the W interacts with) is not equivalent to right-helicity for massive particles. The question is how they are related.
  • #9
Orodruin said:
And herein lies your confusion of helicity and chirality. Right-hand chirality (which is what the W interacts with) is not equivalent to right-helicity for massive particles. The question is how they are related.

Chirality is helicity in the limit where mass tends to zero. Chirality is an intrinsic property of the particle that is invariant. For massless particles, chirality and helicity are the same.

For a massive particle, we could always go into a frame where the particle is either moving left or right, so a massive particle can undertake any form of helicity. However, its chirality is invariant. Chirality isn't even mentioned in my lecturer's notes which is why it is so confusing..
  • #10
unscientific said:
so a massive particle can undertake any form of helicity. However, its chirality is invariant.

Can someone please post a mathematical definition of the non-helicity chirality spin property of a massive particle, e.g., a neutrino?
  • #11
Helicity is the projection of the spin along the linear momentum of a subatomic particle. Chirality is the innate handedness of a particle. The weak interaction couples to negative chirality particle and positive chirality antiparticle states.

The Pi+ has a Jp state of 0- and, hence, its decay products also have to have a combined J of 0. Their spins have to anti-align. Now the neutrinos is produced in a negative chirality state and as it is massless it also has negative helicity (left handed). As we need the antilepton's and the neutrino's spin to anti-align, it also needs to be left handed (negative helicity). However, the weak force only couples to positive chirality antiparticles. Therefore, the electron has to be boosted in order to turn a positive chirality into a negative helicity. It the lepton was massless, this boost wouldn't be possible and the decay would be forbidden.

The muon is a lot heavier than the electron, so this boosting is a lot harder. Hence, Pi+ -> v_mu mu+ happens more often than Pi+ -> v_e e+.

FAQ: Which particle decays more frequently in Pi+ decays: muon or electron?

1. What is helicity and how is it related to suppression?

Helicity is a measure of the twist or rotation of a particle's spin. In the context of physics, it is often used to describe the direction of a particle's angular momentum. Suppression, on the other hand, refers to the decrease or inhibition of a physical process. In some cases, helicity and suppression can be related, as the helicity of a particle may affect its ability to participate in certain physical interactions, resulting in suppression of those interactions.

2. How is helicity measured or quantified?

Helicity is typically measured using a quantity called the helicity operator. This operator is a mathematical representation of the particle's spin and angular momentum and can be calculated using the particle's wave function. The resulting value of the helicity operator gives the helicity of the particle, usually expressed in units of hbar, or Planck's constant divided by 2π.

3. Can helicity be changed or manipulated?

In general, helicity is considered a conserved quantity, meaning that it cannot be changed or manipulated. However, there are some physical processes, such as certain types of particle decay, that can change the helicity of a particle. Additionally, some theories in physics, such as supersymmetry, propose that there may be ways to manipulate the helicity of particles through interactions with other particles or fields.

4. How does helicity relate to the Standard Model of particle physics?

Helicity plays an important role in the Standard Model, which is the current theory that describes the fundamental particles and their interactions. The Standard Model includes particles with different helicities, such as left-handed and right-handed neutrinos. The theory also predicts the strength of interactions between particles based on their helicities, making helicity an essential concept in understanding the behavior of particles in the Standard Model.

5. What are some practical applications of helicity and suppression?

Helicity and suppression have various applications in different fields of physics, such as high-energy particle physics and astrophysics. In particle accelerators, helicity can be used to control the direction of particle beams, while suppression can be utilized to filter out unwanted particles. In astrophysics, helicity is used to study the behavior of magnetic fields in stars and galaxies. Helicity and suppression also have applications in engineering, such as in the design of more efficient solar panels and the development of new materials with desirable properties.
