Help a fiction writer with EMF field removal

In summary, a child or reader might understand the concept of an EMF field, but would not know how to get rid of one. A protagonist would need to be careful when getting rid of the field because it would fry them. Taking a bath or using tin foil might do the trick.
  • #1
Hello! I am a writer currently working on a children's science fiction novel. I need help with a problem of plot that hinges on my main character emitting an EMF field similar to an appliance like a hair dryer. This character is surrounded by this field and needs to get rid of it in a simple way. Now I know that people do not emit EMF fields, but for the purpose of plot this emf field can be read by a guassmeter and is 'stuck' to the character. I need the character to get rid of this field (or deguass, so to speak) and I need a simple way for him to do it. I wanted to know, would taking a bath remove a magnetic field in the same way that water removes static from clothing or hair, or dampens it?

Forgive me for my complete amateurish knowledge of physics, writing is more my suit. I would appreciate anyone who could share some thoughts on this with me on this. The solution does not have to be overly complicated but it has to make sense to both a child and a reader with a bit more knowledge of EM Fields than I have, should one chose to read.
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  • #2
1. Keep out the bad guys (the RESISTANCE).
2. Your protagonist must be a complex character; able to display either volts (EMF or stand-alone) and magnetic (popular) characteristics.
3. Flip the switch. During an open circuit all magnetism converts to EMF. During a closed circuit, all EMF convert to magnetism.
  • #3
Sticking his tongue into a light socket would probably do it, but the side-effects would be unpleasant.
  • #4
There is no resistance, so no unpleasantness. Our hero will be supercharged.
  • #5
Tin foil hat could do the trick. Although in this case you'll need tin foil suit.
  • #6
Angelbear, the main thing to remember is that you are an entertainer. The more scientifically accurate your book is, the better, but total accuracy is not essential in a fictional story. A lot of the SF legends were scientists as well as writers (Heinlein, Asimov, Anderson...), but they never let complete scientific practicality get in the way of telling the story. Despite an occasional 'poetic license' circumstance, they were the ones who got me interested in real science. If you can do the same for a new generation, then your book will be a success even if there's an error to two in it.
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  • #7
Your character would have to be careful when when getting rid of the EMF field because when the field collapses he/she might get fried. Cold bath full of ice and grounded to Earth would be reasonably plausible.
  • #8
The objective of most writing is to teach. Fiction has the the flexibility to combine teaching with moral behavior, character development & entertainment.

Perhaps a purely reactive character and a purely resistive character might at first fear each other (because of burnout and energy exhaustion). Eventually they marry (live in equilibrium), with the reactive character providing memory and power. The resistor provides a means of converting electromagnetic energy into sound (vocal), warmth, light and work.

FAQ: Help a fiction writer with EMF field removal

1. How does EMF field removal help fiction writers?

EMF field removal can help fiction writers by eliminating any potential distractions or discomfort caused by EMF exposure. This can improve their focus and productivity while writing, allowing them to create their best work.

2. What is an EMF field and how does it affect fiction writers?

EMF stands for electromagnetic field, which is a type of energy that is emitted by electronic devices and power lines. EMF exposure has been linked to health concerns such as headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating, which can negatively impact a fiction writer's ability to work.

3. How can fiction writers protect themselves from EMF exposure?

Fiction writers can protect themselves from EMF exposure by limiting their use of electronic devices, using EMF shielding products, and creating a designated EMF-free writing space. They can also consider consulting a professional for EMF field removal services.

4. Is EMF field removal a permanent solution?

EMF field removal is not a permanent solution, as EMF exposure is a constant presence in our modern world. However, it can provide temporary relief from EMF exposure and allow fiction writers to work without distraction.

5. Are there any potential side effects of EMF field removal?

There are no known side effects of EMF field removal. It is a non-invasive process that simply reduces the amount of EMF in a given area. However, it is always important to consult a professional and follow proper safety precautions when dealing with EMF exposure.
