Help a High School Physics Student Design an Experiment!

In summary, the conversation is about a physics student in high school who is trying to design an experiment to investigate the relationship between the speed of a table tennis ball and the force of air resistance exerted upon it. The student plans to vary the speed of the ball under different conditions and use equations of motion to calculate the force of air resistance. They also ask for advice on how to obtain the acceleration of the ball and if there is anything else they should add to the experiment. Another person suggests using an instrument to directly measure both the speed and force and also mentions data analysis methods that can give error margins for the results. They also suggest predicting the results theoretically and comparing them to the actual measurements.
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Hello. I'm a physics student in high school, and I'm trying to design an experiment. I've encountered a small setback, though.

Homework Statement

Investigating the relationship between the speed of a table tennis ball and the force of air resistance exerted upon it.

Homework Equations

v^2=u^2+2as, v=u+at, f=ma, s=ut+1/2at^2

The Attempt at a Solution

The purpose of this lab is to investigate the relationship between the speed of a table tennis ball and the force of air resistance exerted upon it. In order to perform this investigation, I will vary the speed of a table tennis ball under two circumstances, the first of which in a vacuum (the control group), where air resistance does not apply, and the second of which in a non-vacuum, where air resistance does apply.
I will vary the speed of the table tennis ball by using a nichrome spring compressed to a certain length. I will calculate the force that will be generated using the formula F=kx. For both the control and the non-control group, for each trial performed, I will record the time taken for the table tennis ball to travel a fixed distance, s from the starting point thrice to obtain an average using a stopwatch. I expect to find a discrepancy in the time taken for the table tennis ball to travel to the fixed distance, s from the starting point between the control group and the non-control group due to air resistance in the non-control group. I expect the ball from the non-control group to take a longer time to reach s by virtue of the force of air resistance acting against the acceleration. From this discrepancy in time, I will calculate the force that is exerted upon the table tennis ball by air resistance.

Sadly, I do not know how to. Will someone please teach me how to using the basic equations of motion please. Thanks. Please tell me what to substitute into a in the equation kx-ma= F of air resistance.

Please also tell me:
a) If an object travels a certain distance over a certain time period, I can obtain the speed by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. Can I divide the speed by the same amount of time to obtain the acceleration of the object, assuming the initial speed is 0?
b) if there is anything else that I should add to my experiment.
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  • #2

I'm not sure how exactly you want do find the relationship between the force and the speed of a tennis ball. I don't know if this will help, but I have a suggestion. The simplest method would probably be putting the ball on the instrument which can precisely measure the force exerted upon it and then try to move the whole thing with a certain speed (that you also need to measure). That way you can directly measure both the speed and the force and see how are they related. Best way is to draw a diagram, where you can roughly see the dependence.

I don't know if you are familiar with some data analysis methods (such as linear regression) which can also give you the error (to see how sure you can be in your conclusion).

You can also do it by assuming the dependence, then predicting the results of measurements theoretically and then see if (and how much) the measurements match the theoretical model.

Hope this helps!

FAQ: Help a High School Physics Student Design an Experiment!

1. What are the key components of a good experiment design?

A good experiment design should have a clear research question, a hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, control and experimental groups, and a reliable method for collecting and analyzing data.

2. How do you select the appropriate variables for an experiment?

The independent variable is the one you manipulate, while the dependent variable is the one you measure. Choose variables that are relevant to your research question and can be easily controlled and measured.

3. What is the importance of having a control group in an experiment?

A control group is essential to compare and contrast the results of the experimental group. It allows you to determine if the changes observed are due to the manipulation of the independent variable or other external factors.

4. How do you ensure the reliability and validity of your experiment?

To ensure reliability, repeat the experiment multiple times and compare the results. To ensure validity, control all possible variables except the independent variable and use a large and diverse sample size.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when designing an experiment?

Some common mistakes to avoid include not having a clear research question, not properly controlling variables, using a small or biased sample size, and drawing conclusions that are not supported by the data.
