Help about the unit vectors for polar coordinates in terms of i and j

  • #1
Homework Statement
What is the significance of the negative sign [-] before [sin] in the final expression for Uθ? or was it just my mistake in the projections that prevented me from finding it?
Relevant Equations
Angular Unit Vector.
"Firstly, I represented []on the two-dimensional polar coordinate system to facilitate the steps and projections."


Then, I have written the steps, step by step, to ultimately derive the expression U(θ) in terms of i and j which is:
[ Uθ=−sin(θ)i+cos(θ)j ]

The professor provided us with this expression directly, without proof, for that reason, I am aware of it. And I just wanted to substantiate it myself as an attempt."

Here are the steps:


``However, as I mentioned earlier, I did not ascertain the origin of the negative sign before sin [Uθ=−sin(θ)i] in the end . Does it merely indicate the opposite direction for the unit vector i ? (meaning it is only written as an indication in the end)? Or have I made an error in the projection concerning the angles or something like that??


when i write Uθ=−sin(θ)i . Is it the same as writing Uθ=sin(θ)−i ????

Thanks for your consideration.
Physics news on
  • #2
If ##\theta=\pi/2##, what is the value of ##\sin{\theta}## and what direction is ##U_{\theta}## pointing?
  • #3

You write

First line: to decompose the vector ##\vec U_{\theta}## in two vectors ##\vec U_{\theta x}## and ##\vec U_{\theta y}##.
Second line: coefficients ##U_{\theta x}## and ##U_{\theta y}## are real numbers.

Third line I don't understand. You add ##U_\theta## (a real number ? positive definite ?) and a dot on the left side, but the right side remains the same.

Usually a dot signifies an inner product of two vectors,.

What do you mean to express here ?

[ah, Chet is faster...]

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  • #4
Your diagram seems to define ##\theta## in 2 different ways, one with respect to the x-axis and the other with respect to the y-axis. You can't do that!

Maybe this diagram makes it clearer:

(diagram taken from here: )

On the diagram, the angular unit-vector, ##\hat u_{\theta}## is directed at angle ##\frac {\pi}2 + \theta## (angle measured counter-clockwise from the +x-axis). So that's the angle you must use when finding ##\hat u_{\theta}##'s components.

srnixo said:
when i write Uθ=−sin(θ)i . Is it the same as writing Uθ=sin(θ)−i ????
You probably meant to type: Is Uθ=−sin(θ)i the same as Uθ=sin(θ)(−i)?
The answer is yes - though it's not relevant here.

Aha. Everyone is faster than me.
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Likes PhDeezNutz
  • #5
Interesting :smile: ....

@srnixo , could you describe in a bit more detail what you are trying to do and precisely what alll your variables mean ? @Steve4Physics hat means he is talking about unit vectors. Are your ##\vec U## unit vectors ? From the figure I didn't conclude that ...

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  • #6
Chestermiller said:
If ##\theta=\pi/2##, what is the value of ##\sin{\theta}## and what direction is ##U_{\theta}## pointing?
When θ=π/2 the value of sin(θ)=1 because sin(2/π)=1
And after substituting that in our final expression we will get [-1]. Which means Uθ is pointing in the negative x-direction (-i).

In addition, I know that Uθ=Ur( θ=θ+2/π) which means that we obtain it by rotating Ur by an angle of π/2 in the direction of the angular rotation θ. but i'm not pretty sure if that means that: if for example is pointing in the positive x and y direction then the final expression is gonna be Uθ=sin(θ)i+cos(θ)j . In other words, that negative sign signifies only the direction of the and it is not to be directly memorized as it was!!
  • #7
@Steve4Physics :
In the illustration, the direction of Uθ doesn't matter; what's important is that it is perpendicular to Ur. which means that i can draw it like the diagram you provided or simply just like I did.
For that reason i was asking about the minus sign in the expression Uθ=−sin(θ)i if it is an indication about the direction only or a part of a general law.
  • #8
BvU said:
Interesting :smile: ....

@srnixo , could you describe in a bit more detail what you are trying to do and precisely what alll your variables mean ? @Steve4Physics hat means he is talking about unit vectors. Are your ##\vec U## unit vectors ? From the figure I didn't conclude that ...

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Hello there!

Yes, i'm talking about the unit vector [polar coordinate system] and its relationship with the unit vectors i and j.
i was trying to prove the final expression from the beginning.
  • #9
srnixo said:
When θ=π/2 the value of sin(θ)=1 because sin(2/π)=1
And after substituting that in our final expression we will get [-1]. Which means Uθ is pointing in the negative x-direction (-i).

In addition, I know that Uθ=Ur( θ=θ+2/π) which means that we obtain it by rotating Ur by an angle of π/2 in the direction of the angular rotation θ.but i'm not pretty sure if that means that: if for example is pointing in the positive x and y direction then the final expression is gonna be Uθ=sin(θ)i+cos(θ)j . In other words, that negative sign signifies only the direction of the and it is not to be directly memorized as it was!!
I have no idea what you are saying.
  • #10
srnixo said:
@Steve4Physics :
In the illustration, the direction of Uθ doesn't matter; what's important is that it is perpendicular to Ur. which means that i can draw it like the diagram you provided or simply just like I did.
For that reason i was asking about the minus sign in the expression Uθ=−sin(θ)i if it is an indication about the direction only or a part of a general law.
It is part of the general law.
  • #11
Chestermiller said:
I have no idea what you are saying.
That's what i meant it Mr.

When drawing both polar unit vectors in the x and y positive direction. The final expression of the relationship between (Ur , Uθ, i and j) is it gonna be Uθ=sin(θ)i+cos(θ)j ! Or still Uθ=-sin(θ)i+cos(θ)j (with minus sign)
  • #12
srnixo said:
@Steve4Physics :
In the illustration, the direction of Uθ doesn't matter; what's important is that it is perpendicular to Ur. which means that i can draw it like the diagram you provided or simply just like I did.
Agreed. But I provided a different drawing because (as stated) I thought your drawing made ##\theta## ambiguous. Maybe I was being too fussy.

srnixo said:
For that reason i was asking about the minus sign in the expression Uθ=−sin(θ)i if it is an indication about the direction only or a part of a general law.
The minus sign follows from basic trig’. It’s worth understanding where it comes from and being able to derive it for yourself. Here’s one way.

If ##\hat u_r## points in direction ##\theta## then ##\hat u_{\theta}## points in direction ##\alpha = \frac {\pi}2 + \theta##.

The projection of ##\hat u_{\theta}## (length =1) onto the x-axis is
## 1*\cos \alpha = \cos (\frac {\pi}2 + \theta)##

We use the identity ##\cos (\frac {\pi}2 + \theta) \equiv -\sin \theta##. That's where the minus sign creeps in.

So the projection of ##\hat u_{\theta}## onto to the x-axis is ##-\sin(\theta)##. I.e the x-part of ##\hat u_{\theta}## is ##-\sin(\theta) \hat i##
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  • #13
srnixo said:
Hello there!

Yes, i'm talking about the unit vector [polar coordinate system] and its relationship with the unit vectors i and j.
i was trying to prove the final expression from the beginning.
In that case: the decomposition of ##\vec{\hat U_\theta}## in ##x## and ##y## components can be written as$$
\vec{\hat U_\theta} =
\left (\vec{\hat U_\theta}\cdot \hat\imath \right ) {\bf \hat \imath} +
\left (\vec{\hat U_\theta}\cdot \hat\jmath \right ) {\bf \hat \jmath}
$$ and the coefficients follow from the inner procucts$$
\vec{\hat U_\theta}\cdot \hat\imath & = \left | \vec{\hat U_\theta} \right | \left | \hat \imath \right | \cos\theta_1 \\
\vec{\hat U_\theta}\cdot \hat\jmath & = \left | \vec{\hat U_\theta} \right | \left | \hat \jmath \right | \cos\theta_2
$$All the | ##\ ## | are 1 and with ##\ \theta_1 \ =\ \theta_2 +\pi/2 \ =\ \theta +\pi/2\ ## you have ##\cos\theta_1 = -\sin\theta##


So that's where the minus sign comes from :smile:

[ah, duplicates Steve's post. Well, better twice than not at all]

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  • #14
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FAQ: Help about the unit vectors for polar coordinates in terms of i and j

What are the unit vectors in polar coordinates?

In polar coordinates, the unit vectors are typically denoted as \(\hat{r}\) and \(\hat{\theta}\). \(\hat{r}\) points radially outward from the origin, and \(\hat{\theta}\) is perpendicular to \(\hat{r}\) and points in the direction of increasing \(\theta\).

How do you express the unit vector \(\hat{r}\) in terms of \(\hat{i}\) and \(\hat{j}\)?

The unit vector \(\hat{r}\) in terms of the Cartesian unit vectors \(\hat{i}\) and \(\hat{j}\) is given by:\[\hat{r} = \cos(\theta) \hat{i} + \sin(\theta) \hat{j}\]where \(\theta\) is the angle from the positive x-axis.

How do you express the unit vector \(\hat{\theta}\) in terms of \(\hat{i}\) and \(\hat{j}\)?

The unit vector \(\hat{\theta}\) in terms of the Cartesian unit vectors \(\hat{i}\) and \(\hat{j}\) is given by:\[\hat{\theta} = -\sin(\theta) \hat{i} + \cos(\theta) \hat{j}\]This vector is orthogonal to \(\hat{r}\) and points in the direction of increasing \(\theta\).

Why are the unit vectors \(\hat{r}\) and \(\hat{\theta}\) not constant?

The unit vectors \(\hat{r}\) and \(\hat{\theta}\) are not constant because they depend on the angle \(\theta\). As the point moves around the origin, the direction of \(\hat{r}\) and \(\hat{\theta}\) changes, making them functions of \(\theta\).

How do you convert a vector from polar to Cartesian coordinates?

To convert a vector from polar coordinates \((r, \theta)\) to Cartesian coordinates, you can use the unit vectors \(\hat{r}\) and \(\hat{\theta}\) expressed in terms of \(\hat{i}\) and \(\hat{j}\). For a vector \(\mathbf{A}\) in polar coordinates:\[\mathbf{A} = A_r \hat{r} + A_\theta \hat{\theta}\]Substitute the expressions for \(\hat{r}\) and \(\hat{\theta}\):\[\mathbf{A} = A_r (\cos(\theta) \hat
