Help! Can't Find Primary Sources for Lab Report

In summary, the speaker has been struggling to find appropriate primary sources for their lab report on the effects of pH on an enzyme's activity. They have searched using various combinations of keywords and have not been able to find anything suitable. They are asking for recommendations for websites that offer free full articles that are not too specific and can be easily understood for a simple experiment. They are also seeking advice on how to effectively search for relevant articles and are considering asking a librarian for help.
  • #1
Hi. I've been having problems finding some primary sources for my lab report for days.
I've used my school's search engines, but I can't find anything appropriate to use. My report will sum up my experiment on how pH affects an enzyme's activity (catecholase catalyzing catechol and oxygen to make benzoquinone) . I've searched using all combinations of words I could think of, but still I leave with nothing but a headache...

So, my question is "Is there a website with (free full) articles that aren't so specific?? Something that I can understand and use for such a simple experiment. I know what I want my sources to say, but I can't find it in any peer reviewed, original research.

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  • #2

if you are in university then you will have to log in from your university email address and then use the library services to be able to get journal articles for free, if you are not doing that then you will not be able to access anything related to your lab report free. sometimes google scholar gives free articles too but they are usually very old and out dated and sometimes unspecific so that might be what you are looking for. as for specification. everything you come across will be very very specific so trick is to just use relevant articles like for catecholase catalyzing catechol, you can actually just use an article that talks about catecholase only, or catecholase catalyzing something else or just catalysts that behave similar to catecholase. if the title has catecholase in it, its good enough to be used imo
  • #3

If you are at university, ask librarians for help. I have seen them doing voodoo things with scientific database search.
  • #4

Thanks for your replies.

I'm still trying :/.
  • #5

I understand the frustration of not being able to find appropriate primary sources for a lab report. Here are a few suggestions to help you in your search:

1. Start with a general search on your experiment topic. In your case, try searching for "pH and enzyme activity" or "catecholase and benzoquinone." This may lead you to broader articles that discuss the general relationship between pH and enzyme activity, which you can then use to support your specific experiment.

2. Utilize different search engines or databases. Your school's search engine may not have access to all relevant articles. Try using Google Scholar, PubMed, or ScienceDirect to broaden your search.

3. Look for review articles or textbooks on the topic. These sources often provide a comprehensive overview of a specific area of research and can be a valuable source of information for your lab report.

4. Check the references of the articles you do find. This can lead you to other relevant sources that you may not have come across in your initial search.

5. Consider reaching out to your instructor or a librarian for assistance. They may be able to provide you with specific resources or tips for finding primary sources for your lab report.

Remember to carefully evaluate any sources you do find to ensure they are reliable and relevant to your experiment. Good luck with your search!

Related to Help! Can't Find Primary Sources for Lab Report

1. Why are primary sources important for a lab report?

Primary sources are important for a lab report because they provide the original data and information that has been collected or observed by the researcher. This allows for accurate and unbiased reporting of the results, which is crucial in scientific research.

2. How do I know if a source is considered a primary source?

A primary source is typically a first-hand account or original piece of research. This can include data, observations, experiments, interviews, surveys, and more. It is important to check the source's credibility and whether it directly relates to your research topic.

3. Where can I find primary sources for my lab report?

There are various places where you can find primary sources, such as scientific journals, government databases, research articles, books, and conference proceedings. It is important to use reputable sources and to properly cite them in your report.

4. What if I cannot find any primary sources for my specific topic?

If you are having difficulty finding primary sources for your specific topic, you can try broadening your search terms or consulting with a librarian or your instructor for assistance. You can also consider using secondary sources, which analyze and interpret primary sources, but be sure to properly cite them in your report.

5. Can I use personal experiences or opinions as primary sources in my lab report?

No, personal experiences or opinions are not considered primary sources in scientific research. It is important to use objective and reliable data and information from credible sources to support your findings in a lab report.

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