Help converting the NIST spectrogram of Calcium

In summary, the NIST website provides a spectrogram of Calcium, which can be converted into a frequency equivalent using ##f = c / \lambda##. The frequencies obtained will be too high for sound, but can be lowered to audible levels using the harmonic mean. The data plotted by Mosely in his characteristic x-ray absorption and emission spectra are highly linear and characteristic of the element Calcium.
  • #1
Shea Thompson
I am not a physics major and don't know even where to start trying to interpet this spectrogram from the NIST website of the element Calcium

My goal is to find a way of converting this spectrogram into a tone or frequency equivalent of a soundwave

Any pointers or tips would be greatly appreciated!
Chemistry news on
  • #2
The wavelength given are in air, be we can neglect that and convert them to frequencies using ##f = c / \lambda##, where ##c \approx 3 \times 10^{18}## Å/s, so replacing the value of ##\lambda## by the one found in the table will give you the frequency ##f## in Hz.

The frequencies thus obtained will be way too high for sound, so you must decide by what factor to divide to put them in the audible range. You can then use the intensities given in the first column as relative amplitudes to build up a sound wave by superimposing, e.g., sine waves of the given frequency and amplitude.

I'm not convinced that the result will sound nice :frown:
  • #3
On some level of generality - as you have not defined what you mean by "converting this spectrogram into a tone or frequency" - you can just treat wavelengths given as frequencies in Hz. Because why not?
  • #4
It appears to me that you're seeking a scientific justification for associating a particular musical note with Calcium.


The sample in the wikimedia image above is preserved in Argon -- free Calcium is not naturally available on Earth, because it's too reactive, so maybe you're thinking of the Calcium bound in bones and teeth as calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10[PO4]6[OH]2), or in calcium carbide (CaC2), the anyhdride of acetylene gas.

If you're thinking more along the lines of resonant frequency, such as might be used in a metal detector, you'd have to know what mineral you were trying to find.

If you're looking at spectral lines for a possible basis, you have multiple lines available, as in your NIST table and in the following image (from


If you want to try to start to map the chart's frequency values to audible frequencies, you could proceed something like as follows:

A wavelength of 22000 Å at the high end of your wavelength chart means the low end of the frequency band is 136270000 MHz. Moving the decimal point 12 places to the left gives a low-end audible tone of 136.27 Hz. The shorter end of the chart gives a frequency of 1364100000 MHz. Taking that down 12 decimal orders of magnitude results a high-end audible tone of 1364.10MHz. That preserves the ratio, and brings the frequencies down to audio levels. You then read and interpret the rest of the chart, and find some similarly preserving way to let the other data contribute to the audio realization.

So far there's no valid reason for asserting that this range of audio frequencies is more characteristic of Calcium than of some arbitrarily chosen other element.

Because frequencies are rates, the harmonic mean could provide some usefulness. The harmonic mean of the 2 frequencies is 247.27272727273Hz. That's within the realm of musically usable frequencies. So are the other 2 frequencies. You could do various statistical examinations, such as root-mean square-arithmetic mean-geometric mean-harmonic mean (RMS-AM-GM-HM) inequality. But you'd have to have a good reason, and I for one don't see a prima facie basis for a supposition that the NIST data on that table is going to produce anything you could use for your stated purpose. As far as I can tell, there's nothing in that table that can produce a consistent audio property to calcium property mapping.

Something that might actually offer some prospects in that regard, from a credible academic institution, that, like NIST, has due regard for doing real science:

Taking a quick glance at the Mosely plot of characteristic x-rays, at Ca 20 you can drop the perpendiculars of the 4 points clustered at Calcium, in the mid-high 9 to just over 10 range.


Using the Bohr model of the atom, the points on the plot represent very conspicuous spikes in the absorption or emission spectra at the outermost and next closer-in orbitals, and they plot a highly linear appearance that holds as we go up the elements increasing the atomic numbers in accordance with the periodic table.


Mosely's theory is based on useful and plausible models, well-tested and verified principles, and backed up by good experimental data. His argument includes the tenet that elements can and at very high energies do exhibit frequency spectra that characterize them individually and that they can then be by a legitimate procedure associated with drastically lower frequencies that correspond linearly to their atomic numbers, and retain their characteristic individuation.


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Related to Help converting the NIST spectrogram of Calcium

1. What is the NIST spectrogram of Calcium?

The NIST spectrogram of Calcium is a graphical representation of the energy levels and transitions of Calcium atoms. It shows the wavelengths of light that are emitted or absorbed by Calcium atoms, which can provide valuable information about the structure and behavior of this element.

2. Why is it important to convert the NIST spectrogram of Calcium?

Converting the NIST spectrogram of Calcium allows for easier interpretation and comparison with other spectrograms. It also allows for the data to be used in various calculations and analyses.

3. What tools are needed to convert the NIST spectrogram of Calcium?

To convert the NIST spectrogram of Calcium, you will need a software program or tool that can read and manipulate spectral data, such as a spectroscopy software or a programming language like Python or MATLAB.

4. What is the process for converting the NIST spectrogram of Calcium?

The process for converting the NIST spectrogram of Calcium involves importing the data into a software program, applying any necessary corrections or adjustments, and then exporting the data in a desired format, such as a CSV or Excel file.

5. Are there any limitations to converting the NIST spectrogram of Calcium?

Yes, there may be limitations depending on the quality and accuracy of the original spectrogram data. Additionally, the conversion process may introduce some errors or uncertainties, so it is important to carefully evaluate the results and consider any potential sources of error.

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