Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core

In summary, the conversation discussed the desire to have a "ground up" understanding of math and physics, with a focus on the fundamental principles of math, including number theory, algebra, and calculus. The individual expressed a desire for resources and book recommendations for building this understanding, and fellow participants suggested reading Euclid's Elements and "The Feynman Lectures on Physics". The conversation also touched on the use of trigonometric functions and differentiation and integration in calculus. Some participants recommended using Wikipedia as a resource for finding books and information.
  • #1
Ok so this is kinda wishy washy but I don't know how else to explain this other than I feel like I am missing a critical piece of information as far as fundamental "math" goes. I am highly intelligent and and am a Mechanical Engineering Major who gets all A's, but I feel like I am missing a "foundation." I've been watching these videos which is a lectures series on the history of math/algebra/calculus and It is helping somewhat. I know this is a very hard question to answer and I know myself better than any of you of course. However I am curious to know what some of guys think about my desire to have a "ground up" understanding, I was very uninterested on High School and have just recently discovered my geeky/intellectual nature at 26 years old and my life has been completely reinvigorated with a desire to learn anything and everything about anything especially physics and calculus/math/number theory. Sorry to rant but I am very curious to see you guys thoughts on going back to fundamentals! Any book recommendations or comments are highly appreciated!
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  • #2
I think you posted in the wrong section.
  • #3
Well...were should it go?
  • #4
What's your request? I didn't quite catch it from the paragraph you posted. You want resources for learning the history of math/science?
  • #5
Yeah its pretty hard to describe but I want resources for building from the "ground up" a complete and concise understanding of the fundamental principles of math/number theory/algebra/calculus, which we all know is the foundation on which physics rests. Maybe its just that almost at the end of my freshman year and I'm wanting to much to soon. But and example would be that I really have no concept of what the trig functions are and where they came from (sine, cos, or cosh perhaps). I just know how to do calculations with them and that they relate angles and lengths of triangles. What I would really like to know is how the trig functions where developed and any other contextual information that would help me understand what these functions are at the very core of there being?
  • #7
Ive never heard of this, but "ground up" is exactly what I want! Anybody know a "ground up" book in relation to physics.
  • #8
Try the three-volume set "The Feynman Lectures on Physics". It is an extraordinary work, and will give you an eyefull of what this lively Nobel prizewinner thinks (thought) about the "foundations on which physics rests", among other things.
  • #9
oooo great, will do
  • #10
Physicists rarely worry too much about mathematical rigor ill warn you, so look for texts on mathematics or particularly rigorous treatments of physics.

Wikipedia is nice if you don't want to spend thousands on books lol. If nothing else it will help point you in the right direction so you can get the right books.

As for sine cosine etc, it's ratios of side lengths of a right triangle (and their inverses). Euler's formula gives some more deep insight into trig but not a whole lot since it's mostly used for complex angles, it's basically pretty simple.

Differentiation is just taking a limit of a difference function, and for integration the simple treatment is taking a limit of a riemann sum but there are other ways to think about it.

You should be able to perform the calculations for taking a derivative and an integral manually using the difference function/Riemann sum to have a real understanding of calculus. But I imagine they teach that in class no?

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1. What is the purpose of "Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core"?

The purpose of "Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core" is to provide a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of a particular topic or subject matter. It aims to break down complex concepts and provide a solid foundation for further learning.

2. Who can benefit from "Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core"?

"Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core" can benefit anyone who is interested in gaining a deeper understanding of a subject. It can be particularly useful for students, researchers, and professionals looking to expand their knowledge in a specific field.

3. How is "Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core" different from other learning resources?

Unlike traditional textbooks or online resources, "Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core" focuses on providing a strong foundation of fundamental concepts. It breaks down complex information into easy-to-understand chunks, making it easier for readers to grasp the core concepts.

4. Can "Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core" be applied to any subject?

Yes, "Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core" can be applied to any subject as long as there is a willingness to learn and understand the core principles. The guide provides a framework that can be adapted to different topics and subjects.

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"Help Guide my Fundamental Understanding, getting to the core" can be used as a supplement to other learning materials. By following the guide, readers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject and can use it as a foundation for further learning and exploration.

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