Help me Find a Undergrad Version of this book please

In summary, the book is:Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics by Kai S. LamI'm reading chapter 4 right now called Kinematics and Moving Frames.The book is able to be previewed in Amazon Kindle and it can be previewed on Amazon, searching for Kinematics will bring you to the pages of interest.PLEASE HELP! and I think more advanced physics students will get a kick out of this book.
  • #1
I'm taking a course in undergraduate classical mechanics (not the freshman version). I'm reading this book and it seems like it would be great to someone who already has a BS in math and wants to now study physics, but for me I can't wade through all the math language fast enough to keep up with the class.

The book is:

Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics by Kai S. Lam

I'm reading chapter 4 right now called Kinematics and Moving Frames.

The book is able to be previewed in Amazon Kindle and it can be previewed on Amazon, searching for Kinematics will bring you to the pages of interest.

PLEASE HELP! and I think more advanced physics students will get a kick out of this book.
Physics news on
  • #2
DrPapper said:
I'm taking a course in undergraduate classical mechanics (not the freshman version). I'm reading this book and it seems like it would be great to someone who already has a BS in math and wants to now study physics, but for me I can't wade through all the math language fast enough to keep up with the class.

The book is:

Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics by Kai S. Lam

I'm reading chapter 4 right now called Kinematics and Moving Frames.

The book is able to be previewed in Amazon Kindle and it can be previewed on Amazon, searching for Kinematics will bring you to the pages of interest.

PLEASE HELP! and I think more advanced physics students will get a kick out of this book.

I used Marion & Thornton, "Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems" for a third-year-level (US public univ.) class in Classical Mechanics. I thought that it was very readable.
  • #3
Equivalent to the Marion/Thornton book are "Analytical Mechanics" by Fowles/Cassiday or "Classical Mechanics" by John Taylor.
  • #4
From what I've been seeing the Marion/Thornton and Fowles Cassiday books are a bit higher up then the Taylor book. Would you two agree? The Taylor one seems like the best step up from freshmen to Jr mechanics, but I need something a bit closer to the (I think) graduate text referenced. It makes a large use of Tensors constantly. Although I'd like to use the Taylor book from previewing it in the library at school it's a bit lower on the math than what I need. Even the Gregory book is a bit lower than what I need, albeit both are what I really should be studying from if I had time to do what I really should be studying.
  • #5
I disagree. All three are used extensively as senior-level undergraduate classical mechanics texts.

But if you're looking for something a little more math-y, why not try Goldstein's text, or say Calkin's? Goldstein's is a graduate level text, but it is quite wonderful (currently reading). Your best bet would probably be to go to your professor with a list of titles and authors from your institution's library and ask which ones he thinks would make a good companion text.
  • #6
Sounds good, I'll examine those avenues. Thank you for your time and help. :D
  • #7
Would you mind looking at the book I have on amazon to see which you think would be closest? You can see the problems using the preview or look inside button.
  • #8
Chapters 4 and 12 especially.
  • #9
Okay I checked out the Lam book on the publishers website and read through the front matter and author's preface. I mislead you with suggestions of Fowles or Marion or even Goldstein. I just quoted those because they are standard choices (and good ones at that). After reading the front matter the author talks about using a geometric/topology approach to the theory of classical mechanics. I only know of one major textbook that uses that type of formalism, and it's something of a classic in that respect, and it is called "Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics" by Arnold. His book does have a similar table of contents, and I know for a fact is a geometric presentation of the laws of classical mechanics. I think this would make a good companion as it seems to be a comparable text.

I may be completely wrong (I only know the one book and have only read Lam's front matter), but from my cursory glance I'd say they're comparable. Just be to ask your professor.
  • #10
Wonderful, and again thank you so much for your help! :-) I should note, that I started looking through the Merion book and it does have some of what's in this book namely the live Civita tensors which unfortunately do not seem to be in any of the other books except the Goldstein book. I will definitely check out the Arnold book you recommended. Also I'll check with my professor about these, as you recommended. Again thank you so much for your time and help. I really do appreciate it! :-)

Related to Help me Find a Undergrad Version of this book please

1. What is an undergrad version of a book?

An undergrad version of a book is a simplified version of the original book that is geared towards undergraduate students. It usually contains the main concepts and information from the original book, but in a more accessible and easier to understand format.

2. How can I find an undergrad version of a book?

You can usually find an undergrad version of a book by searching for it on online bookstores or by visiting your university's library. Some publishers also offer undergrad versions of their books, so you can check their websites as well.

3. Are all books available in an undergrad version?

No, not all books have an undergrad version. Usually, textbooks or popular non-fiction books have undergrad versions, while novels or literature books do not.

4. What is the difference between an undergrad version and the original version of a book?

The main difference is the level of complexity and depth of information. Undergrad versions are written in simpler language and cover only the main concepts, while original versions may contain more technical language and in-depth analysis of the topic.

5. Is it necessary to read the original version of a book before the undergrad version?

No, it is not necessary. Undergrad versions are designed to be standalone and can be read without prior knowledge of the original version. However, reading the original version may provide a deeper understanding of the topic.

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