Help Me Understand: Homework on Tennis Ball Motion

In summary, the problem requires finding the average speed at which an opponent must move to reach a tennis ball launched at an angle of 50 degrees with an initial speed of 15.0 m/s. The opponent starts 10.0 m away from the ball and begins moving 0.30 s later, with the goal of reaching the ball at a height of 2.10 m. The solution involves calculating the horizontal and vertical components of the ball's velocity, determining the distance the ball travels horizontally before reaching a height of 2.10 m, and comparing it to the opponent's starting and desired positions. Finally, the average speed at which the opponent must move can be calculated by considering the time he has to cover the distance
  • #1
I feel like giving up on learning this, really. I don't understand why I can't understand this, yet it seems so simple.

Homework Statement

Suppose that you loft a tennis ball over the net with an initial speed of 15.0 m/s, at an angle of 50 degrees above the horizontal. At this instant your opponent is 10.0 m away from the ball. He begins moving away from you 0.30 s later, hoping to reach the ball and hit it back at the moment that it is 2.10 m above its launch point. With what average speed must he move? (Ignore the fact that he can stretch, so that his racket can reach the ball before he does.)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Vx = (cos 50)(15) = 9.6 m/s
Vy = (sin 50)(15) = 11.5 m/s

Vx = 15.0 m/s
x = 10.0 m

a = -9.8 m/s2
Vy = 11.5 m/s

I don't know where to go from there.

Thank you if you can help me.
Physics news on
  • #2
First you will need to find how far horizontally the tennis ball moves by the time it reaches 2.1 meters above the launch position. Secondly you will need to compare this to the distance the opponent starts out at and the distance he wants to be at (the distance of the ball you just worked out). Then you can work out how long he has to move that distance and the speed he should move.
  • #3

Dear student,

I understand that you are struggling with understanding the concept of tennis ball motion. It is important to remember that physics, like any other subject, requires practice and patience to fully comprehend. Do not get discouraged and keep working on it.

To solve this problem, we can use the equations of motion and the principles of projectile motion. Firstly, we can calculate the time it takes for the ball to reach a height of 2.10 m using the equation: y = y0 + v0y t - 1/2 gt^2, where y0 is the initial height (0 m), v0y is the initial vertical velocity (11.5 m/s), g is the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2), and t is the time. Solving for t, we get t = 0.66 s.

Next, we can calculate the horizontal distance traveled by the ball in 0.66 s using the equation: x = x0 + v0x t, where x0 is the initial horizontal position (10.0 m), v0x is the initial horizontal velocity (9.6 m/s), and t is the time. Solving for x, we get x = 16.0 m.

Now, we can use the equation of average velocity, v = (xf - xi)/t, where xf is the final horizontal position (16.0 m), xi is the initial horizontal position (10.0 m), and t is the time (0.66 s). Solving for v, we get v = 9.09 m/s. This is the average speed at which your opponent must move to reach the ball at the desired height.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the problem and the steps involved in solving it. Keep practicing and don't give up. You will eventually get the hang of it. Good luck!

FAQ: Help Me Understand: Homework on Tennis Ball Motion

1. How does the motion of a tennis ball affect its trajectory?

The motion of a tennis ball plays a crucial role in determining its trajectory. The initial velocity, angle of launch, and air resistance all impact the path of the ball. For example, a higher initial velocity will result in a flatter trajectory, while a lower initial velocity will lead to a more curved path. Air resistance also causes the ball to slow down and change direction, so it is important to consider when analyzing the motion of a tennis ball.

2. What is the relationship between the spin of a tennis ball and its motion?

The spin of a tennis ball has a significant impact on its motion. When a ball is hit with topspin, the air flow around the ball creates a lift force, causing the ball to dip down towards the ground. On the other hand, backspin creates a drag force that helps keep the ball in the air for a longer period of time. The direction and speed of the spin also affect the path of the ball, making spin an important factor to consider in understanding the motion of a tennis ball.

3. How does the surface of the court affect the motion of a tennis ball?

The surface of a tennis court can greatly influence the motion of a ball. A harder surface, such as a grass or hard court, will result in a faster ball speed and less bounce compared to a softer surface like clay. The friction between the ball and the court also plays a role in the movement of the ball, with a higher friction surface causing the ball to slow down and a lower friction surface allowing the ball to travel further. These factors should be taken into consideration when studying the motion of a tennis ball.

4. Can you predict the exact path of a tennis ball during a match?

While it is possible to make predictions about the motion of a tennis ball, it is not always accurate due to the many variables involved. In addition to the factors mentioned above, other elements such as wind, temperature, and the physical condition of the ball can also affect its trajectory. Additionally, the motion of a tennis ball can change based on the player's technique and the type of shot they use. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the exact path of a tennis ball during a match.

5. How can understanding the motion of a tennis ball improve my game?

Studying the motion of a tennis ball can provide valuable insights for players looking to improve their game. By understanding the factors that influence the ball's trajectory, players can adjust their technique and strategy to better control the ball and make more accurate shots. Additionally, understanding the motion of a tennis ball can help players anticipate their opponent's shots and position themselves better on the court. Overall, a deeper understanding of the motion of a tennis ball can lead to improved performance on the court.

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