Help: Motivation, career advice needed.

In summary, if you are feeling unmotivated in your studies, it may be because you are not enjoying what you are doing, or you may need to find a new motivation.
  • #1
Hi everyone.
I have a degree in ME and now I am doing my post graduation in Mechanical Engineering Design. I had a lot of interest in Design during my Bachelors but suddenly I've lost interest in technical field/studies. My GPA is also going down day by day and I find no motive for studying. I request you guys to help me identify/suggest a motivating factor/a long term goal that would help me appreciate the importance of my master's degree and make me study.
Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Well, if you are asking random people on the internet how to deal with your inner motivations, I figure that's a sign you're hard up and probably do really need to figure out how to help yourself.

First, ask yourself why you got into ME in the first place. If it was because you wanted to play with cool mechanical things, you probably are missing that in school and need to get some more mechanical play time in. Build something fun, or volunteer to help some undergrads build a crazy human powered helicopter or something. If it was because you loved design, but you aren't loving it now, you need to figure out why. Maybe school is making you design things that don't interest you. In that case, spend some time to design something you like. Maybe you are feeling that what you do doesn't matter - you may need to spend some time outside of the school setting and realize that the world needs people who can fix problems, and there just aren't enough of them around.

I know, in grad school time is a luxury, but chances are that you will spend more time just sitting and being demotivated than it will cost you to do something that will get your head back in the game.

If you really want motivation, call up your parents and tell them you are considering becoming a skunk farmer in Patagonia. It works even better with a girlfriend or wife ;).
  • #3

FAQ: Help: Motivation, career advice needed.

What can I do to stay motivated in my career?

Staying motivated in your career can be challenging, but there are a few things you can do to help. First, set clear and achievable goals for yourself. This will give you something to strive for and keep you motivated. Second, surround yourself with positive and supportive people who can encourage and motivate you. Third, take breaks and allow yourself to recharge when needed. And finally, remind yourself of your accomplishments and why you chose this career path in the first place.

How do I find the right career path for me?

Finding the right career path can be a daunting task, but there are a few steps you can take to guide you. First, assess your skills, interests, and values. This will help you identify potential career paths that align with your strengths and values. Second, research different industries and job roles to get a better understanding of what they entail. Third, consider internships or job shadowing to gain hands-on experience in your potential career. And finally, don't be afraid to seek guidance from a career counselor or mentor.

What steps can I take to advance in my career?

Advancing in your career takes time and effort, but there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of success. First, continue to learn and develop new skills. This can be through attending workshops, taking courses, or seeking out new challenges at work. Second, network and build relationships with professionals in your field. This can open up opportunities for mentorship, job referrals, and career advice. Third, be proactive and seek out new opportunities for growth and advancement within your current company or elsewhere.

What should I do if I feel stuck or unfulfilled in my current job?

Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current job is not uncommon, but it's important to address these feelings and take action. First, identify the root of the issue. Is it the job itself, the company culture, or something else? Once you have a better understanding, you can start exploring potential solutions. This could include talking to your manager about your concerns, seeking out new challenges or projects within your current role, or even considering a career change. Don't be afraid to take risks and make changes that will lead to greater satisfaction in your career.

How can I balance my career with other aspects of my life?

Finding a balance between your career and personal life can be difficult, but it's important for overall well-being. First, prioritize your time and tasks. Make a list of what's most important and focus on those things first. Second, set boundaries and learn to say no to tasks or commitments that may interfere with your personal life. Third, make time for self-care and activities that bring you joy outside of work. And finally, remember that achieving a perfect balance may not always be possible, and that's okay. It's important to find a balance that works for you and your individual needs.
