Help NASA return to the Moon : Sign the Petition.

In summary, the US government is intending to cancel the Constellation project, which will leave the USA without any space vehicle of any kind to get into space. This would leave the USA the only country footing the bill for the International Space Station. A petition has been set up to convince the government to reconsider its decision.
  • #1
As most of us know, President Obama intends to cut NASA's funding to such an extent that the Constellation project is going to be cancelled.

What is implicated in this decision is the fact that it will leave the USA without any space vehicle of any kind to get into space.

This means the USA will be the only country footing the bill for the International Space Station; but it will be the only one unable to get there under its own space program.

So in order to get the government to think again, a petition has been set up.

Please note :

1. Only sign it if you agree.

2. Don't use profanity or vandalise the petition.

3. Use your own name.

I hope you will agree and sign it.


Aqua Fyre

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  • #2
Sorry, no go from me.
  • #3
No go from me either. It's a huge financial drain with little return with current technology.

What is implicated in this decision is the fact that it will leave the USA without any space vehicle of any kind to get into space.

NASA is investing in private companies (Xspace in particular) that could send people into space.
  • #4
No go from here too. I'm Canadian mind you.
  • #5
what a waste of money.
  • #6
I have more faith in China reaching the Moon than NASA
  • #7
Country pride fail.

I signed that shizz up.
  • #8
I'll pass.

I'd rather they never went back to the moon. All they're going to do is investigate the possibility of setting up a station on the moon over where they found the water, which IMO is INCREDIBLY stupid. Although in my opinion, messing with the moon in any way, shape, or form is a bad idea. It plays such an important role in how the Earth functions, I don't know why anyone would even consider anything like that.
  • #9
Imagine if they wanted to study the Marianas trench, but instead of sending robots, they insisted that humans must walk on the bottom of the ocean for national pride.

Wouldn't you roll your eyes at that?
  • #10
i would only sign it if i get to choose which humans to send away, otherwise, it's a waste of money
  • #11
Proton Soup said:
i would only sign it if i get to choose which humans to send away, otherwise, it's a waste of money

Then you'd pick me right?
  • #13
DavidSnider said:
Imagine if they wanted to study the Marianas trench, but instead of sending robots, they insisted that humans must walk on the bottom of the ocean for national pride.

Wouldn't you roll your eyes at that?

Hell no I wouldn't. I'd be the first to sign up.
  • #14
zomgwtf said:
Then you'd pick me right?

no, not cost effective
  • #15
Proton Soup said:
i would only sign it if i get to choose which humans to send away, otherwise, it's a waste of money

That reminds me one of the Bill Maher lines about the death panel stuff.

"And you know what, Sarah Palin? I got news for you, honey. If we were going to get rid of useless people, you would be the first to know."

Is Alaska or say north pole, closer to the moon?
  • #16
I think a group of intelligent individuals with a passion for discovery should form a corporation with a sole purpose of reaching all the planets in our solar system. The business model could include anything from computational analysis, engineering and fabrications, accounting, consulting, etc, so that they could also work on the main goal. This may seem like an impossible idea, but in reality its not so complicated. It takes the most important resource a corporation can have - human capital. If you have a group of individuals who are willing to work hard for a common goal, with a group dynamic that strives for optimal performance and thrives from being with other like-minded people, then you have yourself a successful start-up.

NASA was a good idea, but their budget is set by a corrupt government who left us all in debt. A private organization is not bound by land masses, local silly laws, and financial turmoils for the most part. If you want to launch a satellite into orbit, do it from international waters using Sea Launch or some other custom built design. Expecting a hand out from the government is just pathetic. If you want something done, do it yourself
  • #17
I agree with the majority of the posters in this thread. Manned space exploration is not cost effective. I would much rather see robotic missions. But unfortunately the general public and the US government are not motivated by the same things we (the members of the forum) are. Where would we stand right now in our unmanned space exploration program if the 1960's moon race had never happened? I would think that if the members of this forum wanted to look for non cost effective government spending they would look someplace other than manned space flight.
  • #18
Proton Soup said:
no, not cost effective

Well since I would do this job for free... you must be... calling me REALLY fat?

:cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #19
  • #20
MotoH said:
Country pride fail.

I signed that shizz up.

What does that petition have to do with pride in one's country?
  • #21
The only reason that we went to the Moon is to prove that we could go to the Moon. There is no reason to go back and lots of reasons not to. Most people would cite the cost of returning and ask what kind of return we could get out of our investment. I would instead point out that we have never developed shielding that can protect humans from solar storms once outside the Earth's magnetic field. We are incredibly lucky that the Sun never threw a tantrum during the Apollo missions or we would have been bringing back crew members dying of radiation poisoning - not a pleasant death, I understand.
  • #22
Dembadon said:
What does that petition have to do with pride in one's country?

Indeed! I would hope that a person could find many reasons to be proud of this country without the need for novelty.
  • #23
Do you want the Chinese to lay claim to the moon? You can never trust those people I tell you!
  • #24
Does it matter?
  • #25
MotoH said:
Do you want the Chinese to lay claim to the moon? You can never trust those people I tell you!
How would they enforce their claim? Silly argument.
  • #26
instead of more moon landings, i say we have more Bring Your Child to the Flight Control Tower Days. and they should put it over the speaker system so everyone in the plane can hear their permission to take off from a grade school kid. let the chinese beat that.
  • #27
Proton Soup said:
instead of more moon landings, i say we have more Bring Your Child to the Flight Control Tower Days. and they should put it over the speaker system so everyone in the plane can hear their permission to take off from a grade school kid. let the chinese beat that.

Haha, I got that reference.
  • #28
MotoH said:
Do you want the Chinese to lay claim to the moon? You can never trust those people I tell you!

I completely agree! We can't let the Chinese waste their money so that they can say they finally did something we did 50 years ago! (by that I mean by the time they're there...) Then again, all those economic opportunities on the moon sure would be falling into the wrong hands...??
  • #29
Pengwuino said:
I completely agree! We can't let the Chinese waste their money so that they can say they finally did something we did 50 years ago! (by that I mean by the time they're there...) Then again, all those economic opportunities on the moon sure would be falling into the wrong hands...??
Really! Can you imagine all the low-cost sweat-shops that they would set up to compete with our industries? They would crush us!
  • #30
turbo-1 said:
Really! Can you imagine all the low-cost sweat-shops that they would set up to compete with our industries? They would crush us!

Although it would be quite nifty if I bought a tshirt that said "Made on the Moon".
  • #31
Pengwuino said:
Although it would be quite nifty if I bought a tshirt that said "Made on the Moon".
But it might offend your sensibilities to realize that all the Moon-based sweat-shops are fish-friendly.
  • #32
All have you know, the Chinese spaceship Tsien has already landed on Europa.
  • #33
Why is that a problem?
  • #34
Cyrus said:
Why is that a problem?

They've been killed!

Related to Help NASA return to the Moon : Sign the Petition.

1. What is the purpose of the petition to help NASA return to the Moon?

The purpose of the petition is to gather public support and show the government and NASA that there is a strong interest in returning to the Moon. This will help to secure funding and resources for future lunar missions.

2. How will signing the petition actually help NASA return to the Moon?

By signing the petition, you are showing your support for NASA's efforts to return to the Moon. This can help to influence government decisions and funding allocations, as well as demonstrate the public's interest in space exploration.

3. Is the petition only for US citizens?

No, the petition is open to anyone from any country who supports NASA's mission to return to the Moon. All signatures are welcome and appreciated.

4. What will NASA do with the signatures from the petition?

NASA will use the signatures to show the government and other decision-makers the level of public support for returning to the Moon. This can help to secure funding and resources for future lunar missions.

5. Is there a deadline to sign the petition?

There is currently no deadline to sign the petition, but the sooner you sign, the sooner your support will be counted and potentially influence decisions regarding NASA's return to the Moon.

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