Help Needed for Simulation of Dropping Liquid into a Pool

In summary: I think this is a great place to start though. Thanks for your question!In summary, PerennialII is new to the field of simulation and would like help in performing a simulation. He is not a physicist and does not know how to set up the simulation. He would like to use COMSOL for the simulation, but is not familiar with the software. He would like to start with a 2D simulation. If everything goes OK, he would like to proceed to a 3D simulation.
  • #1
I am preety new in this field so I need some help about Comsol sw.
I would like to perform a simulation but as I am not a physicist I have no idea how to. So, if anyone can help me, I would be very happy.

OK. I would like to simulate the drop of liquid(water) which falls into a liquid pool. the drop can be simulated with the force of gravity or certain velocity of the drop.
the problem is preety easy to describe, but it is very hard to set up the system for the simulation.

Please, if someone can help me ... contact me.

thank you in advance.
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  • #2
You really do start from the (very) hard end of things :wink: :biggrin: . I think there is a "bunch" of people working just with drops dropping on different shapes and types of surfaces and the analyzes aren't from the simplest end of the spectrum. Luckily Comsol can hide lots of the underlying physics, how familiar are you with the software?
  • #3
Hi PerennialII,

thank you for your reply.
I am working with COMSOL for few months.
I did some simulations but in the field of electromagnetics. I simulated some issues in 2D and 3D space, but in descreete values - not complete(real time) simulation like impact of water drop.

Main question for me here is how to define the water level that interacts as water, not as a wall. I know that I have to put some equations somewhere, but I have no idea - yet!- how to.
For start 2D simulation will be also fantastic. ... If everything goes OK, than I will proceed to 3D.

please, I you have some idea ..
  • #4
Yeah, getting grips with this without it turning into too complex of a problem seems to be the "clue" of it. Somehow at 1st I get the idea of that would use the ALE technique of Comsol & moving meshes for both the drop & water in the tank. Don't know if it's the simplest way, but could perhaps get a "decent" result of what happens when the drop & pool interact all over the place. 2D most definitely in the beginning. Accurately modeling the interaction and "joining" of the domains is "interesting" depending on how far need to go with it. This would be so much easier using MD :smile: .
  • #5
Md ?
  • #6
In a molecular dynamics simulation the interaction is "build-in", while in a continuum simulation have to describe the interaction via continuity, equilibrium etc. equations at the interface during the impact. However with any luck a fairly simple approach can model "the splash" long enough so that can capture details of what is going on (as an extreme a fairly "rigid drop of water" dropping to a pool).

FAQ: Help Needed for Simulation of Dropping Liquid into a Pool

1. What is the purpose of simulating dropping liquid into a pool?

The purpose of simulating dropping liquid into a pool is to study the behavior and movement of the liquid as it interacts with the pool. This can help in understanding phenomena such as waves, splashing, and mixing in various scenarios.

2. What factors need to be considered when simulating this scenario?

Some important factors to consider when simulating dropping liquid into a pool include the properties of the liquid (such as density, viscosity, and surface tension), the shape and size of the pool, the initial velocity and direction of the drop, and any external forces or obstacles present.

3. What techniques can be used for simulating this scenario?

There are various techniques that can be used for simulating dropping liquid into a pool, such as Eulerian methods, Lagrangian methods, and particle-based methods. Each of these has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice will depend on the specific goals and requirements of the simulation.

4. How accurate are the results of these simulations?

The accuracy of the simulation results will depend on the complexity of the model and the accuracy of the input parameters. In general, the more detailed and realistic the model is, the more accurate the results will be. However, it is important to note that simulations are still simplifications of real-world phenomena and may not perfectly replicate the actual behavior.

5. What are some potential applications of simulating dropping liquid into a pool?

Some potential applications of simulating this scenario include studying the impact of rain on bodies of water, designing and optimizing pool filtration systems, and understanding the spread of pollutants in water bodies. It can also be used in the entertainment industry for creating realistic water effects in movies and video games.

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