Help Needed Telecommunications Fundamentals Please

In summary, the student is looking for a step-by-step guide to understanding radiowaves and the math involved.
  • #1
Hi Guys,
First off i'd like to say what a site! having found it over the weekend it's given me hope that there may well be hope for me yet.

I'm in Ireland and in first year of a BSc in Computer Network Administration, it's a new course and I am a returning mature student, it's about the best thing I've ever done but at the moment I'm having a little trouble on what is my favorite subject strange enough.

Telecommunications Fundamentals which covers quiet a bit, Optics, E/M, Modulation etc.
What I am looking for is a step by step approach to this stuff, drawing digrams, conversion of units and the math involved in radio waves, signal power, dB scale.

I have done a lot of research with google and what have you but I am looking for a one stop place that will cover this area of physics and help me get used to the math and terminology in a simple but effective way. Thanks in advance.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Welcome to the PF, kojack. It is indeed a very helpful place.

What textbook(s) are you using for this course?
  • #3
I've bought Ohanian, Physics, and Data and Telecommunications(Systems and Data) ant the rest of the material is pretty much hand outs and notes.

My biggest problem is trying to sort the mass amount of info that's available out there and narrow it down. Physics, as I'm sure you are aware has many fields and a lot of the areas seem to be linked together by one vital subject .i.e math and so that's an area i have to work on but with regard to looking for specific help within the physics arena it is help with radiowaves, modulation, signals, carriers etc but most of all i need to get my head around the math needed and to be able to calculate frequency, time, amplitude along the x-axis for eaxmple

FAQ: Help Needed Telecommunications Fundamentals Please

What are telecommunications fundamentals?

Telecommunications fundamentals refer to the basic principles, concepts, and technologies that underlie telecommunication systems. This includes the transmission, reception, and processing of information through various forms of communication channels such as wires, cables, and wireless signals.

Why is a solid understanding of telecommunications fundamentals important?

A solid understanding of telecommunications fundamentals is important because it allows individuals to effectively design, develop, and maintain telecommunication systems. It also enables them to troubleshoot and solve problems that may arise in these systems.

What are some key topics covered in telecommunications fundamentals?

Some key topics covered in telecommunications fundamentals include signal processing, modulation techniques, transmission media, network architectures, and protocols. Other important topics may include data compression, error control, and security.

How can I improve my knowledge of telecommunications fundamentals?

You can improve your knowledge of telecommunications fundamentals by taking courses or reading books on the subject, attending workshops or seminars, and gaining hands-on experience through internships or practical projects. Additionally, staying updated on the latest developments and innovations in the field can also help expand your knowledge.

What career opportunities are available in the field of telecommunications?

There are a wide range of career opportunities available in the field of telecommunications, including network engineers, telecommunications analysts, systems administrators, telecommunications technicians, and more. With the rapid growth of technology and communication, there is a high demand for skilled professionals in this field.
