Help Needed: XP/Linux Issues After Linux Reinstall

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In summary, I thought I had everything under control after I had installed Linux(Kubuntu), but things have taken a turn for the worse. The first run was all right, but when I turned the computer on this morning, I found a screen with a resolution of 640x480, with the only other option in display settings being 640x400. So, I searched the net and the ubuntuforums for a solution and found a particular code: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in threads relating to similar desktop resolution problems. Well, I typed it into the terminal and spent some time answering all the questions. I don't know what went wrong, but Kubuntu wouldn't go beyond the start-up screen after
  • #1
I thought I had everything under control after I had installed Linux(Kubuntu), but things have taken a turn for the worse.

The first run was all right, but when I turned the computer on this morning, I found a screen with a resolution of 640x480, with the only other option in display settings being 640x400. So, I searched the net and the ubuntuforums for a solution and found a particular code:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
in threads relating to similar desktop resolution problems. Well, I typed it into the terminal and spent some time answering all the questions. I don't know what went wrong, but Kubuntu wouldn't go beyond the start-up screen after a restart. I had no other choice (at least as far as I knew) but to uninstall and do a reinstall. Again, I searched for instructions for uninstalling, and here's where the problems started. There were instructions to delete the drive containing Linux, which I might have misread somehow. I deleted both the swap (which then became a Free Space of 365 MB) and install part (which became unallocated 18.09GB).

Now when I boot the computer I get an error (Error 22) because the Grub is missing or something. Therefore I'm not able to get into XP as well. Fortunately, I'm able to connect to the internet from the LiveCD and post this message. But this is just a temporary solution.

It would be great if someone could help me out. Thanks.
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  • #2
Put your xp cd in and boot to cd, then choose 'recovery console'.. once that has loaded do a 'fixmbr' that will fix your broken boot record.

You didnt need to uninstall Linux you should have gone into init2 cli and you could have fixed your config from there...

Good luck
  • #3
Hey, Anttech. Thanks a lot! I'm much relieved now. I've been learning quite a few things while trying to get a Linux distro to work.

FAQ: Help Needed: XP/Linux Issues After Linux Reinstall

What is the issue being addressed in this article?

The issue being addressed in this article is the occurrence of XP/Linux issues after reinstalling Linux on a computer.

Why might XP/Linux issues occur after a Linux reinstall?

XP/Linux issues may occur after a Linux reinstall due to the reinstallation process potentially altering or removing necessary system files or configurations for the XP/Linux dual boot setup.

How can this issue be resolved?

This issue can be resolved by troubleshooting the XP/Linux dual boot setup and ensuring that all necessary system files and configurations are in place. This may involve manually configuring the boot loader or reinstalling XP or Linux.

Can this issue be prevented?

This issue can potentially be prevented by ensuring that the XP/Linux dual boot setup is properly configured and backed up before reinstalling Linux. Additionally, carefully following the instructions for the Linux reinstall can help prevent any issues.

Is there any additional support available for resolving this issue?

Yes, there are various online forums and communities dedicated to helping individuals troubleshoot and resolve XP/Linux dual boot issues. Additionally, seeking assistance from a professional computer technician may also be helpful.
