Help Nizama with their Pascal Assignments!

  • Thread starter nizama
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In summary, the speaker is struggling with two assignments in pascal and is seeking help. The first assignment involves calculating the integral from a to b of e^x, which is equivalent to finding the area under the curve. The speaker is asking for a step-by-step explanation for this task. The second assignment involves writing an algorithm for determining a zero function, but the speaker is unsure of what this means. They are urgently seeking assistance.
  • #1
I've hot two assignments to do in pascal and i have no idea how to make it :(
i don't even have anything similar and i don't have time to search the web for answers now

I really need help and i need it as fast as it can be so please if anyone can help me with this i would really reallllyyy appreciate it
here it goes...

1) calculate by definition integral from a to b of (e^x)
( now i know that this integral in fact is area under curve and then you should have something like sum of these little squares that have side deltaX long...i need it step by step made...)

2) Write the algorithm for determining zero function
(also i need it step by step...first to define variable and then to define function etc...)

Please please please help me with this...

Thanx a lot

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  • #2
Pascal? What school do you go to? Please tell me I haven't fallen into a worm hole and have been transported back to the 80's.

1) Why do you need to do the area of the little squares for e^x. Do you know the integral of e^x is e^x. All you have to do is write a program to calculate e^a - e^b. Thats a one line program.

2) I don't know what you mean by zero function. You would have to explain that to me.
  • #3

Hi Nizama,

I understand that you are struggling with your Pascal assignments and need help urgently. I am here to assist you and guide you through the process of completing your assignments.

For the first assignment, to calculate the integral from a to b of (e^x), you will need to follow these steps:

1. Define the variables a, b, and deltaX.
2. Create a loop that starts from a and ends at b, with a step size of deltaX.
3. Within the loop, calculate the value of e^x for each value of x (which will be a, a+deltaX, a+2*deltaX, and so on).
4. Add all the calculated values of e^x together.
5. Multiply the sum by deltaX to get the area under the curve.
6. This will give you the value of the integral from a to b of (e^x).

For the second assignment, to write the algorithm for determining a zero function, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the variable x.
2. Define the function f(x) that you want to find the zero of.
3. Create a loop that starts from a value of x and increments by a small value (such as 0.001) until you find a value of x where f(x) is equal to 0.
4. Once you find this value of x, you have found the zero of the function.

I hope these steps help you with your assignments. If you need any further clarification or assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Best of luck!

FAQ: Help Nizama with their Pascal Assignments!

1. How can I help Nizama with their Pascal assignments?

One way to help Nizama with their Pascal assignments is by offering guidance and support. This can include explaining concepts, providing resources, and reviewing their code for errors.

2. What if I am not familiar with Pascal?

Even if you are not familiar with Pascal, you can still help Nizama by offering to research and learn alongside them. You can also provide a different perspective and help them troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

3. Can I complete the assignments for Nizama?

No, it is not recommended to complete the assignments for Nizama as it would not benefit their learning. It is important for them to understand the concepts and complete the assignments on their own.

4. How much time commitment is required to help Nizama with their assignments?

The time commitment can vary depending on the complexity of the assignments and Nizama's understanding of the concepts. It is best to discuss and set expectations with Nizama beforehand.

5. Is there any specific software or tools I need to help Nizama with their Pascal assignments?

This can vary depending on the specific assignments. However, having a text editor and a Pascal compiler would be helpful for reviewing and testing Nizama's code.
