Help Reducing PDE Uxx + 3*Uyy - 2*Ux + 24*Uy +5*U = 0 to Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses reducing a PDE to the form Vxx + Vyy + C*V = 0 by factoring out an exponential term and dividing both sides by it. The coefficient of the Vyy term is found to be 3 instead of 1, and this is where the gamma term comes in. Multiplying both sides by 1/gamma^2 allows for the desired form to be achieved. The gamma term represents the coefficient of the second derivative with respect to y.
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Homework Statement

Uxx + 3*Uyy - 2*Ux + 24*Uy +5*U = 0

Reduce this to the form Vxx + Vyy + C*V = 0

U = V*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y)

y' = gamma*y

Ok, the problem I am having is I don't know what to do with the gamma, however I am off by a factor of 3 in my answer for Vyy, so I know gamma must be 1/sqrt(3). I just don't understand how the gamma works here.

Homework Equations

I am not quite sure what to put in this space, first time posting, and have everything up to I believe

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok, I have simply taken partial derivatives of the equation U = V*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y)

This has churned out the following equation when plugging the partial derivatives back into the PDE above:

Vxx*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) + 3*Vyy*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) + (alpha -1)*Vx*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) + (6*Beta + 24)*Vy*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) + ((alpha)^2 + (Beta)^2 + 24*Beta - 2*alpha + 5)*V*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) = 0

as seen, there is a factor of 3 I can't account for because it is easily found that alpha = 1 and Beta = -4. I know the 3 is killed by gamma = 1/sqrt(3), however IDK how it works.

The equation is then reduced to (I am leaving the e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) in although it could be divided out easily):

Vxx*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) + 3*Vyy*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) + ((alpha)^2 + (Beta)^2 + 24*Beta - 2*alpha + 5)*V*e^(alpha*x + Beta*y) = 0

I would really appreciate an explanation for why and how this gamma works.

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Thank you for your forum post. It seems like you are on the right track with your solution. The gamma term in this equation represents the coefficient of the second derivative with respect to y. In other words, it is the coefficient of the Vyy term.

In order to reduce the equation to the form Vxx + Vyy + C*V = 0, you need to factor out the exponential term and divide both sides by it. This will leave you with the following equation:

Vxx + 3*Vyy + (alpha^2 + Beta^2 + 24*Beta - 2*alpha + 5)*V = 0

Now, you can compare this to the desired form and see that the coefficient of the Vyy term is 3 instead of 1. This is where the gamma term comes in. In order to make the coefficient of Vyy equal to 1, you need to multiply both sides by 1/gamma^2, which will give you:

(Vxx + 3*Vyy)/gamma^2 + (alpha^2 + Beta^2 + 24*Beta - 2*alpha + 5)*V = 0

Finally, you can see that this is equivalent to the desired form of Vxx + Vyy + C*V = 0, with C = (alpha^2 + Beta^2 + 24*Beta - 2*alpha + 5)/gamma^2.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how the gamma term works in this problem. Let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck with your studies!


FAQ: Help Reducing PDE Uxx + 3*Uyy - 2*Ux + 24*Uy +5*U = 0 to Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0

1. What is the equation PDE Uxx + 3*Uyy - 2*Ux + 24*Uy +5*U = 0?

The equation PDE Uxx + 3*Uyy - 2*Ux + 24*Uy +5*U = 0 is a partial differential equation that represents a mathematical model for a physical system involving multiple variables. It is a second-order linear equation that describes the relationship between a function, U, and its partial derivatives with respect to two independent variables, x and y.

2. What does the equation Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0 represent?

The equation Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0 is a simplified form of the original PDE, where V is a new function, and C is a constant. This equation is known as the homogeneous form of the PDE and represents a special case where the equation is equal to zero. It is often used to find solutions to the original PDE by separating the variables and solving for V.

3. What is the significance of reducing the PDE to Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0?

Reducing the PDE to Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0 simplifies the original equation and makes it easier to solve. By removing the terms involving partial derivatives with respect to x and y, the equation becomes a simpler ordinary differential equation. This allows for the use of techniques such as separation of variables and integration to find solutions.

4. How can the equation Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0 be solved?

The equation Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0 can be solved using various techniques, such as separation of variables, Laplace transforms, or the method of characteristics. The appropriate method will depend on the specific form of the equation and the initial or boundary conditions given. It is important to note that there may not always be a closed-form solution to the equation.

5. What are some real-life applications of PDE Uxx + 3*Uyy - 2*Ux + 24*Uy +5*U = 0 and its reduced form?

PDE Uxx + 3*Uyy - 2*Ux + 24*Uy +5*U = 0 and its reduced form, Vxx + Vyy + C*V=0, have many real-life applications, particularly in physics, engineering, and finance. They are used to model various systems, such as heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and financial markets. They are also used in mathematical modeling of physical phenomena, such as waves, diffusion, and quantum mechanics.
